


Kad Profile Photo
#25re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/6/09 at 1:40am

Fembot dancers...?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#26re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/6/09 at 1:40pm

Is one of the characters still designed to sing Meat Loaf/Steinman-like material, as was noted at the time of auditions? I like thinking that Frank Wildhorn did this because he couldn't get a project together with Jim himself.

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

gypsymal56 Profile Photo
#27re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/6/09 at 2:21pm

Yes. The Jabberwok's number, towards the end of the show. I was very confused during.

sweetTb'way Profile Photo
#29My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/13/09 at 3:57pm

Oh my goodness! This was literally the BEST production I've EVER seen in my life {that includes Wicked and Phantom of the Opera}. I went for my birthday party and all of my friends were telling me how this was the coolest thing they've ever seen on stage. I was so impressed by the beautiful vocals, the gorgeous costumes, the amazing acting and sets... just everything! I also really loved the storyline, how instead of following Disney's Alice in Wonderland, this went on a creative path such as Alice having a daughter and the Mad Hatter being evil as well as a female.

My friends and I stood outside waiting for the actors to come out so they could sign our programs, and I must say that each and every one of them was SO nice and friendly! I also felt very special for all the happy birthday wishes; I certainly had a happy birthday after watching this magnificent musical.
They all played their parts so well, and each person was perfect for their role!

I am just blown away by this phenomenal production. There is nothing negative to say; everything was flawless and absolutely wonderful.
I'm an artist, and one of the sketchbooks I received for my birthday is completely dominated by Wonderland pictures! Before seeing this, my muse and inspiration had been gone. After seeing it, I'm drawing all sorts of Wonderlandly things, such as Spanish cats with mad hats!
Haha, I just rhymed~
But anyways, I just need to get across that this is the most remarkable thing on Earth. I have never seen anything like it, and I HIGHLY encourage anyone who can see it to go see it!
And see it now! Time is ticking away! Don't be late! My Thoughts on Wonderland


Updated On: 12/13/09 at 03:57 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#30My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/13/09 at 4:02pm

Oh great......

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#31My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/13/09 at 4:06pm

What, ANOTHER musical with a song called "Home"?

Seriously, though, I am unbelievably excited about the idea of a female, evil Mad Hatter, haha...

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

philly03 Profile Photo
#32My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/13/09 at 4:12pm

The Mad Hatter character works great here - but it is a little random; haven't seen it yet, but from others they just said it popped out of no where.

The song "Home" in this one sounds like they actually changed some lyrics, because boy..oh that cast album....stupid.

#33My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/13/09 at 4:46pm

"Oh great......"

Why? Did I do something wrong?

Edit: Re-reading my post, I think I got a bit too dramatic there. I suppose that's just me.
And thinking back... there really was no point for the Jabberwock. They could've left that whole scene out and nothing would've changed.
I didn't really understand the end, either, but that's fine! Everything else was awesome~
Updated On: 12/13/09 at 04:46 PM

#34My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/14/09 at 9:27am

I ususally don't comment negatively about the shows too much (perhaps because I appreciate the effort it takes to put on a show, and I try to look for the positive in them), but I listened to what was here on BWW, and I did not like the music that much...it did not grab me. Maybe you are right philly, maybe the score is not very Wildhorn-like at all. I like the dance numbers, and the "look" of the show, as well as the great singing talent onstage. However, I still think Dacal was a miscast, sorry! She is an amazing singer, no doubt, but her presence as Alice does not quite convince me either.
I know I should listen to all the music, maybe, before totally discarding the score. But if what they had here were the best of the song selections...hummmm.
Updated On: 12/18/09 at 09:27 AM

#35My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/14/09 at 6:23pm

Tampa resident here, as well as as an actor and very critical of theatre... was in the Asolo production of Tale (ensemble) and saw Wonderland just before it opened. My thoughts:
Not a horrible show but really needs work before moving on. The first act is ok, but could use some clarity, trimming and streamlining. The second act goes in so many directions it gets more confusing (fixing act 1 would help fix this!), plus the climax is horrendous (why have a physical battle when it should be a battle of the mind/wits using riddles!!!). The music is interesting- way different for Wildhorn and I liked that. Just some songs didn't fit the characters (a disco number for the Mad Hatter's big evil number?) The acting is ok, the singing is good, but the dancing is not really there aside from the ballet dancer "alice". Wasn't too much a fan of Decal- she had some great moments, but most of the show I couldn't feel anything for her. Loved El Gato! Catapillar didn't have much to do, Tweedle-dum & dee were 1 scene and done, and the rabbit was just not anxious enough. I really wish the roles/through lines of the mad hatter and the queen were switched- I liked both of them enough, but it just didn't fit... the queen being an idiot and the mad hatter being a villain? If the Queen was played by Nikki and was the villian, it would work. And if Karen was the Mad Hatter and the crazy foil for Alice it would work. Didn't care for the Jabberwok- he has a good voice and played the part fine, but it should have been a scarier scene to really get the jist of what he is. Darren was good- he was probably the only thing I didn't have a negative comment about. The costumes were neat, but too 80's for my taste and though the set was good, they don't give enough of a feel of cartoonish/strange world when in wonderland, and when in the real world, it's way to 80's (especially when you add in the costumes). They used a ton of animated graphics- some really good others not so much. I think they could go further with this and really integrate the graphics in a bolder way which can help with some of the issues I've mentioned.

I think they have a good foundation, but really need to go back and look at it with fresh eyes. I know they were changing things up to opening, so maybe they will continue to work in it. Many things just don't work and you're not going to get those types of criticism from the critics down here. Most have loved it so far, even our most cynical critic has praised it. One totally called them out on the plot though!! :)

Having been in Tale, I saw how everyone here kisses butt and the creators get blind about what needs to be improved. I was a fan of the music in Tale, and I did enjoy the overall show. But we knew things needed to be changed if it were to succeed on Broadway. Jill knew this too and always seemed to be open to comments from the peanut gallery. Since I wasn't involved past Asolo, and never got the chance to see it in NYC, I don't know what all changed (and you certainly can't tell from the PBS concert, aside from the new ballad) or what differences Warren made.

At least like Tale, Wonderland is something not seen before on Broadway and it's not a jukebox musical. I hope they do well, especially if they continue to work on it. But with the product they currently have, I don't think it will.

#36My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/15/09 at 12:31pm

Apparanza.....First, Happy Belated Birthday! I really enjoyed your enthusiasm about the show, and as I just saw the 12/13 matinee, totally agree that is was very enjoyable. Then again, I am a little biased, as my son was one of the guitar players in the orchestra. Most of the plays I've seen in Florida have been at the Bob Carr, and considering the size of the stage, I thought they did a really good job on the sets, and the costumes were fantastic. I also enjoyed the music, dancing and comedy. I didn't think twice about "Alice" not being a "blonde", and just loved the Mad Hatter!!
Updated On: 12/15/09 at 12:31 PM

Anakela Profile Photo
#37My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/17/09 at 12:18pm

Janet Dacal and Darren Ritchie on Good Day Tampa Bay this morning-
'Wonderland' comes to Good Day

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#38My Thoughts on Wonderland
Posted: 12/17/09 at 12:32pm

This thread is literally SHILL CENTRAL. I'm loving it. Too funny.

When I think about you, I touch myself.
