


jamiekennywicked Profile Photo
Posted: 11/29/09 at 12:46pm


Post your thoughts and reviews on Wonderland the musical here

''With the number of people I ignore, I'm lucky I work at all in this town'' - Helena Bonham Carter
Updated On: 12/5/09 at 12:46 PM

musicalbluemirror Profile Photo
#2re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/29/09 at 1:00pm

I too am looking forward to hearing some thoughts on it!

philly03 Profile Photo
#2re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/29/09 at 6:25pm

If I'm not mistaken they've only had 2 or 3 performances. All I've heard is visually looks really good; boy-band part "One Knight" is hilarious; the score is OK; and Nikki Snelson is fantastic and they didn't know she had it in her to be so evil.

I'm seeing it the last week of the run so I of course will share my review then!

Anakela Profile Photo
#3re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:06am

Saw it twice this weekend, what would you like to know?

I agree with all that philly03 has heard, especially the Nikki Snelson is great at being evil part. I didn't realize going in that the Mad Hatter was such a large part (as of now the Hatter comes out at curtain call in the final group, w White Knight and Alice, but I think Dacal should get a solo bow), and Snelson is deliciously evil, like small children hiding from her at stage door after evil. I loved it.

Also not already mentioned the "I am my own invention" number is so gorgeous-the scene, the song, the ballet solo. Beautiful.

I wish "don't wanna fall in love" and "love begins" were split up. And I loved Alice's number w El Gato "go with the flow," as Dacal gets to dance in that one.

And for all of the talk on here about how Alice is omg Latina, and not blonde, etc. I just have to say that I didn't hear anyone in the audience talking about any of that at either performance I was at. I totally admit to not being unbiased when it comes to Janet Dacal- since I first saw her u/s Nina in In the Heights back in (May 2008?) I have been waiting to see her as the lead in something, and she's completely perfectly Alice here.

philly03 Profile Photo
#4re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:17am

Do the orchestrations sound exactly like the concept album for songs like "Don't Wanna fall in Love" and "Nick of Time"/etc.?

How'd the going through the looking glass scene go!? Was there a fall/etc.?

I love that the Mad Hatter is this involved (esp. because it's Nikki Snelson) -- Wildhorn said he wanted her to be the one calling the shots in Wonderland!

Anakela Profile Photo
#5re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:31am

I just bought the concept cd on Sat, haven't had a chance to listen much yet, will get back to you on the orchestration question.

Going through the looking glass ends Act I, there's no fall, but there's use of a projection screen at the back of the stage. There's a buildup with all of the characters- the Mad Hatter has Chloe, the White Knight is taken away, etc. The number ends w Alice on stage solo, a final "through the looking glass," and then the glass projection 'shatters,' and blackout. I don't know if it makes much sense the way I just explained it, but it was quite cool.

Yeah, Mad Hatter is definitely hbic in this version of Wonderland.

Oh, also: costumes. Brilliant costumes. Even when most everyone is in black/white in looking glass world, they're beautiful black/white.

philly03 Profile Photo
#6re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:35am

Sounds awesome!

Did you like the opening number ("Worst Day of My Life")? Was it literally just that scene and then somehow she's in Wonderland? Seems like the entire show takes place down there now...

/ Were you a Wildhorn fan before? This score isn't very like him!

Anakela Profile Photo
#7re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:56am

Honestly, I thought the opening number was a little bit too long. Somewhere else on this board someone made mention of the fact that they'd heard that there's almost no setup, that it's "one song, then they're in Wonderland." Well technically it's two songs, and a little dialogue, then the third number is "Welcome to Wonderland." But, I digress. So the opening number is all about setting up how Alice is this busy career woman, no time for the daughter, or the soon to be ex, etc. And it just felt really really long. It's like, I get it, I get it already. Especially where setting up the Jack/Alice relationship is concerned, he's barely in that opening number, and then it's not until halfway thru Act II when Jack and Alice do "don't wanna fall in love" where you feel like ok now I'm learning a lot about them, their relationship, etc. (Yes "One Knight" is in Act I, in all its delicious boy band-ness, but it's not as Jack/Alice specific.)

Yeah, I kinda enjoy that, Wonderland's not very

Anakela Profile Photo
#8re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:59am

(sorry, phone cut off) but to finish that thought, I enjoy that Wonderland's not really a "sounds just like (insert name of past show" show, it is a little bit of everything, and a little bit different.

philly03 Profile Photo
#9re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 12:04pm

Thanks again for posting what you thought! Based off the recording, the opening number seems wrong.

Haha I think most of the posts your refering to (from Latina Alice tojumping too fast to Wonderland) are from me! I do think/thought there should be more to it; I also think the opening number should be more somber than upbeat-y, but we shall see when I see it!

Anakela Profile Photo
#10re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 12:31pm

Oh ps: nothing to do w the show, but for anyone thinking of getting the cd, if you buy your show ticket at the box office they offer you the chance to buy the cd for $15, instd of the $20 it's sold for at the merch booth in the show.

jamiekennywicked Profile Photo
#11re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 2:16pm

What was the show curtain like

''With the number of people I ignore, I'm lucky I work at all in this town'' - Helena Bonham Carter

sweetTb'way Profile Photo
#12re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 2:32pm

The show 'curtain' is a huge mirror wall with a door centered in the middle of it. Before the show starts, illustrated images (projected) fade in and out of the rabbit, cheshire cat, mad hatter, etc. Can't remember the name of the artist but they are recognizable images from the book I think.
Alice starts in front of the drop, then goes through the door. The mirror wall flies out and reveals the party Alice entered into through the door.
Hope that helps...

#13re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 4:19pm

I saw the show and loved it! And so did all the people that went with me.
The actors were amazing - Nikki Snelson as the Mad Hatter was my favorite - she is wonderfully evil.
The "boy band" number was very funny! Lots of laughing in the audience.
Loved, Loved the costumes!
And I loved the music!
Listening to the audience members I think most really liked it.
Very entertaining.

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#14re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 4:49pm

Again, I've only heard negative reviews from my Boss and her friends/family/etc.

And she's a Wildhorn fan.

When I think about you, I touch myself.

#15re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 7:20pm

...I don't know, but those costumes look really great! It seems like they have a good cast, except, I don't think the casting for Alice was quite right, IMHO. The show looks like quite a different take on the story, so I guess you should expect something "very" different re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
I am wishing I could travel there to see this...

#16re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 7:59pm

So is the sow def. going to NYC afterwards? The cast seems to think so?

Pgenre Profile Photo
#17re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 8:02pm

There's a better of chance of hearing "Ready For Change" on Bway than this making it anywhere near NYC.


philly03 Profile Photo
#18re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 10:34pm

"So is the sow def. going to NYC afterwards? The cast seems to think so?"

This show is headed for Houston for a month engagement, then it will supposedly tour or head for Broadway.

We'll see.... .

Anakela Profile Photo
#19re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/5/09 at 12:07pm

The Tampa Tribune reviewer liked it-

The lively Janet Dacal, as Alice, is so appealing in the role that we'd follow her anywhere. With a strong voice, great dance moves and flair for comedy, Dacal is a perfect fit for the role.

(The review also mentions parts seem greater than the whole, and there being one or two more ballads than necessary. So it wasn't a total rave. But it was mostly positive.)
Musical 'Wonderland' excites, delights

Basely Tearful Profile Photo
Basely Tearful
#20re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/5/09 at 12:28pm

Well if the Tampa critics rave I'm sure they NYC critics will too. I will never understand the selection of tryout towns (as of late at least).

Kad Profile Photo
#21re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/5/09 at 12:36pm

Don't be sure about that. Being from the Tampa Bay area myself, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in their reviews for anything. Not to mention, they're likely to be extremely kind with this, as this is the first major tryout ever to happen in Tampa, and with the creation of this new program the David A. Straz Jr. Center for the fostering of such things, those involved in the arts in the area would want to be more encouraging.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

philly03 Profile Photo
#22re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/5/09 at 2:39pm

Kad, I believe Basely Tearful was being sarcastic. Remember Tale of Two Cities' standout reviews from Sarasota and it sweeped the Sarasota Magazine awards? ...some thought that meant it was going to be wonderful.

The Tampa reviews will be very kind -- especially considering mostly everything has been done in Tampa (sets, CD, etc.!).

Anakela Profile Photo
#23re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/5/09 at 11:59pm

Ok then, here- the St Petersburg Times review is decidedly more mixed, with a huge negative for the book. But even they still love Dacal:

One of the most thrilling things about Wonderland is to witness a star in the making in Janet Dacal's performance as Alice...
"Wonderland' review: Striking visuals but puzzling plot

Gavin Rehfeldt Profile Photo
Gavin Rehfeldt
#24re: Wonderland- REVIEWS?
Posted: 12/6/09 at 12:48am

This production looks insane. Please come to Chicago.

Bought my Pee-wee Herman Show tickets! Yahoooo!
