
BOM to launch in another theater?- Page 2

BOM to launch in another theater?

best12bars Profile Photo
#25BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:13pm

Thanks! Even with my own argument in place, I see why people are thinking about it. We live in a world today where everything is on-demand. From a business standpoint in the movie industry, what difference does it make if you rake in your ticket sales in six weeks or six months, if the tally ends up the same? The difference is also that film stock and striking new prints from masters has become so much cheaper than it was 30 years ago. You would lose a ton of money opening a movie in 3,000 theatres back in 1975, because it would have cost a fortune to make the prints, ship them, QC them, etc. So "slow and steady won the race" back then. Now, prints are cheaper, theatres are multiplexes with 16 screens or more, and some theatres don't even show film anymore, it's all digital projection. So the flash-in-the-pan approach for movies is less of a concern, and it works for them.

It has, in essence, become "broadcasting."

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 6/20/11 at 02:13 PM

JP2 Profile Photo
#26BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:14pm

Best12bars, 6 weeks max? Most big hit films stay in theaters as long as a week or two before it hits DVD. It may be in a handful of theaters, but it's still in theaters. . .

A current example, the film "Rango" is on its 17th week, and it's still in 188 theaters. Granted, it opened in 4,000 thetaers, but you get my point.
Updated On: 6/20/11 at 02:14 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#27BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:15pm

Oh, I am wrong, but mainly because I never would have thought someone would have actually posted such a stupid idea! Sorry. :)

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#28BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:16pm

A current example, the film "Rango" is on its 17th week, and it's still in 188 theaters. Granted, it opened in 4,000 thetaers, but you get my point.

Rango is still in theatres? Is it strange, then, that my father just watched it on an international flight?

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

#29BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:17pm

It was also discussed in reference to Wicked, Producers and Lion King. Lion King was going to (Supposedly) create a second company that would have used the same set at the New Amsterdam and would present the show two or three times a day.

JP2 Profile Photo
#30BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:20pm

"Rango is still in theatres? Is it strange, then, that my father just watched it on an international flight?"

Not stage at all. It'll be on DVD July 15th. :)

Inception was in theaters for 25 weeks. In its final week it was only in 28 theaters across the US. So it was still playing even after it was released on DVD/Bluray.

Updated On: 6/20/11 at 02:20 PM

#31BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:20pm

You're welcome Phylis.

And if it weren't for "stupid ideas" there wouldn't be tv, internet, cars, or the Bible.

Watch the way you talk to people. Karma. Just saying...

#32BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:22pm

At one point there were two companies of the Chicago company playing in NYC, one starring the inimitable Miss Jasmie Guy. You should hear my impression of her as Whitley doing "All that Jazz."

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

best12bars Profile Photo
#33BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:22pm

"Best12bars, 6 weeks max? Most big hit films stay in theaters as long as a week or two before it hits DVD. It may be in a handful of theaters, but it's still in theaters. . .

A current example, the film "Rango" is on its 17th week, and it's still in 188 theaters. Granted, it opened in 4,000 thetaers, but you get my point."

I do, and I hope you got mine. I did say a mega-hit film will disappear from MOST not ALL theatres within six weeks. If it starts out at 4,000 and ends up in 188, that would mean it has disappeared from most theatres already.

I was part of the home entertainment industry when this trend first started. It made it really tough to produce the DVD when the street dates started pushing up closer and closer to the release dates of the theatrical film. In many cases (actually nearly all cases), we ended up delivering content before a final master print had been made. I would often see films with no score, green-screen (no VFX), no title sequences, scenes missing, and sometimes no ending. And we were off and running on doing the content and menus for the DVD. It was nuts! But we did it. Even the "making of" behind the scenes documentaries. They would often cut around having actual footage play behind the interviews or with scenes cut in. They would drop all that stuff in at the last possible minute before we had to deliver it. Sometimes the day before, some poor editor would pull an all-nighter and add in final-master footage. The deadlines were that tight.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

JP2 Profile Photo
#34BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:26pm

Yes, I see your point. There are definitely a few special occasions. TDK was still in 1,000+ theaters on its 11th week. Avatar, week 14.


ChenoKahn Profile Photo
#35BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:26pm

Did he honestly compare his idea to the invention of television? It's stupid get over the idea.

Also egghumor. The problem is that BOM moving to a bigger theater and all this stuff has been discussed so he should have seen at least one thread. I wouldn't have been rude if he wasn't acting like a child. I'm new too and people make comments telling me I'm Steel Pier Fan. It gets really annoying.
Updated On: 6/20/11 at 02:26 PM

egghumor Profile Photo
#36BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:27pm

broadwaynoitall, Welcome to the BWW discussion board! Many posters have expressed reasons why your opening thought is not very feasible, especially those expressed by best12bars.

What was revealed here so rapidly is the level of bullying that takes place in many of these threads. There is a cluster of posters here who love to beat up anyone they feel does not tow the party line and usually their first grenade is the sock puppet accusation, and the standard my member-ship is longer and stronger than yours pissing contest. It's their chat version of Broadway Bares.They remind new posters every day that this is their sandbox.

Because many of them have been posting on this board for several years, they expect everyone to have full knowledge of all threads in the archive. I doubt there's any subject left that hasn't been covered here before -- down to the circumference of Nick Adams' navel.

You'll notice lots of recent members getting pummeled for what these bullies deem as stupid. Your thought was not at all stupid, just not likely to happen for a myriad of reasons.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#37BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:33pm

And if it weren't for "stupid ideas" there wouldn't be tv, internet, cars, or the Bible.

I could definitely live without at least one of those!

Also, if you've got egghumor rallying for you, your Karma is a lot more effed up than mine!
Updated On: 6/20/11 at 02:33 PM

#38BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:36pm

Amen Phyllis- I get REALLY tired of that internet!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#39BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:37pm

I meant cars, silly!

#40BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:40pm

Oooh yes! If we didn't have cars, Ryan Dunn would still be alive!

best12bars Profile Photo
#41BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:41pm

"Did he honestly compare his idea to the invention of television? It's stupid get over the idea."

It's not a stupid idea. Broadcasting a Broadway show is something I'm sure they've considered. It just isn't practical from a financial or physical point of view. The idea of producing a show either in multiple theatres or showing simultaneous broadcasts (literally) of live productions is already being considered and to some degree done (see Company). These are theatre producers but also businessmen. If they think they could make a buck by opening a Broadway show in two or more theatres, they would do it, no question about. At this point, it isn't feasible. Maybe someday with some new "holographic" technology in place, the practicality of it will change. But as long as live actors are involved with live productions, duplication isn't practical.

I'll tell you one thing, too ... You can bet someone's working on a 3D "live theatre experience" where a single camera holds in one place in 3D and "broadcasts" a stage production. It would come close to imitating a live, immersive experience sitting in a Broadway theatre. I guarantee you someone will try that very soon with either a stage musical or opera.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#42BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:45pm

How old are you? I know you've said that it takes life experience to appreciate Wicked, and that you're on JV debate (that's junior varsity, right?) If you're around 15 years old, as I suspect, you should be aware that you're talking to people who are old enough to be your parents and even grandparents.

best12bars Profile Photo
#43BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:54pm

I know that's probably directed at the OP, but I'm not sure I get your point, regardless.

Who cares if a 15-year-old wants to discuss something in a virtual room of "older" (some of them WAY older) posters. If you want them to respect your opinions, you should start by respecting theirs.

You don't have to agree with what they're stating. Just understand it and try to appreciate it. If you can't, then move on.

And ignorance and snottiness and entitlement are not exclusive to young people. A lifetime of experience sometimes adds up to absolutely nothing. I find that to be a lot more pathetic than someone who's only been living 15 years and sees things a little more simply or naively than I do. If nothing else, I usually appreciate their enthusiasm, even if it's misguided. Most older people I know are sadly lacking in that department.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#44BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:57pm

It's called reading, you should have learned it when you were 11.

Wait.. you didn't learn how to read until you were 11?

#45BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 2:58pm

I appologize for all the trouble any of my responses may have generated.

I'm not an ignorant teen or a troll. I'm an artist who creates work through performance (dance, acting) and writing. I was just attempting to discover who the nuances of my texts would be percieved by the high brow theatre goers that frequent these boards. All in the name creativity.

Sorry to Steel Pier Fan and whoever else felt my posts distrupted you're online experience.

Thank you all for helping me in my quest. I will now return to being an educated lurker and occasional poster on a different screen name.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#46BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 3:01pm


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#47BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 3:05pm

BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted On:6/20/11 at 02:26
"Also egghumor. The problem is that BOM moving to a bigger theater and all this stuff has been discussed so he should have seen at least one thread. I wouldn't have been rude if he wasn't acting like a child. I'm new too and people make comments telling me I'm Steel Pier Fan. It gets really annoying."

BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted On:6/20/11 at 02:27
"broadwaynoitall, Welcome to the BWW discussion board! Many posters have expressed reasons why your opening thought is not very feasible, especially those expressed by best12bars..."

****Please notice that ChenoKahn responded to a post that egghumor "made" a minute BEFORE egghumor actually made any posts to the thread. Impossible? Well not if they're the same person.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#48BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 3:05pm

Not. Going. To. Happen.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

best12bars Profile Photo
#49BOM to launch in another theater?
Posted: 6/20/11 at 3:07pm

"A different screen name."

Never understood that concept. It's so very weak. But okay, if it makes you feel better to assume a second or third identity when your identity is already masked on these boards, go for it. Shed your skin and move on.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
