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The 4 Matildas

MaddieBB12 Profile Photo
#25The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/20/13 at 10:32pm

Thanks, guys. I know there is no set rotation, but I am seeing the show tomorrow night and was just curious to see who was going on today and tomorrow afternoon.

Has anyone ever heard of one of them going on two days in a row? Not two SHOWS in a row; two days? I.E. Since she would obviously not go on tomorow afternoon, Could Milly go on tomorrow night as well?

MorningGlow2 Profile Photo
#26The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/20/13 at 11:04pm

My first post!

They rarely do 2 days in a row, but I have witnessed Sophia go on two days consecutively about a month ago.

suestorm Profile Photo
#27The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/21/13 at 9:05am

Maddie, you cannot go wrong no matter who you see!
Let us know who you saw and how she was!


FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Updated On: 8/21/13 at 09:05 AM

#28The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/21/13 at 9:52am

I remember when Milly went on two days in a row -

I think the producers go out of the way to change the rotation so no one can figure out anything.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#29The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/21/13 at 10:46am

I'm going for my second time Friday so I guess I won't be seeing Milly again The 4 Matildas. That's okay though, it will be interesting to see someone else.

MaddieBB12 Profile Photo
#30The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/22/13 at 4:07pm

So I saw Oona, and my sister was happy because she wanted to see Oona very badly. She did a FANTASTIC job, especially SPOILER when she started speaking Russian END SPOILER.
I was sitting on the extreme left, so whenever she was sitting on the books during a living room scenes. I couldn't see her face and reactions--which I really would have loved to see because Oona is quite the little actress. '
I have never seen a show where the aisles were used so much and I LOVED it.
Overall, I loved the show and was very impressed, especially with all the stunts/illusions and the young adult ensemble. I also really want to go back now and see another Matilda.

Wormwood Profile Photo
#31The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/22/13 at 11:27pm

I loved Oona so much in this part! She absolutely broke my heart. I agree that she is quite a remarkable actress. She's very thoughtful, as though she's puzzling out everything going on around her. And listening -- which is remarkable for a child performer! And the story's emotional payoffs (particularly in the spoiler scene mentioned above) were huge when I saw her as Matilda.

First post!

#32The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/23/13 at 12:05am

I've seen all four and I think they're all very good in their own way. It's quite remarkable how the entire energy of the show seems to shift and flux depending on who's in the lead - all of them have their own take on the character that changes the entire tone of the show and makes it completely different to watch each time.

1) Oona - My personal favorite. Probably the least impressive vocals of all four (she could be very pitchy and hard to understand) but she is a brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT little actress. Her face is incredibly expressive and carries her above and beyond when her singing is lacking. Phenomenal lyric interpretation that belies her young age, wonderfully emotive and heartbreaking in all the right places, unreal stage presence. I'm not surprised she got all the plum TV spots and the Tony gig - she's definitely got an X factor the other girls don't have.

2) Bailey - excellent vocals, excellent acting, probably the best all around performer. Really plays up the funny moments - she has great comedic timing. Her English accent is flawless.

3) Milly - Very good vocals but she has a tendency to get nasal on some notes. She plays Matilda very dark and very grim and with her in the lead it seemed more like a depressing take on child abuse and violence than a feel good musical about an underdog that wins the day. This isn't necessarily a bad thing - the show has quite a distinct poignancy with a heavier tone.

4) Sophia - Very solid performer but for me, not as engaging.

#33The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/23/13 at 7:20am

You DO realize that you're ripping apart ten year olds, right? Okay...just checking.

suestorm Profile Photo
#34The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/23/13 at 10:09am

You know whats great about this thread?

If you read it thru, every girl has fan and no one has ever said they were disappointed by any of them

it is truly heartwarming

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

#35The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/23/13 at 10:31am

You do realize that they're ten-year-olds who make more money a week than most people on this board, and who people pay over $100 to see, right?

And not one person in this thread has "ripped them apart".

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#36The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/23/13 at 10:56am

I'm confused...what does money have to do with this?

So you're saying that because they make a lot of money, they're fair game to have people say negative things about them? (They're "pitchy", "least impressive vocals") They're TEN!

I guess I should refer myself back to the old saying about "opinions"...

suestorm Profile Photo
#37The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/23/13 at 11:03am

they should be making more then most of us on this board.
they are extremely talented.

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

#38The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/24/13 at 8:15pm

Is there a set schedule for the girls pertaining to which performances are played by which actress.

binau Profile Photo
#39The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/24/13 at 8:18pm

"they should be making more then most of us on this board.
they are extremely talented."

Maybe than* you.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

JBradshaw Profile Photo
#40The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/24/13 at 9:22pm

Was Bailey this afternoon. She was very good, was impressed. Granted I have no others to compare to since it was my first time seeing it. Liked her acting and vocals.

Enjoyed the show, fun afternoon, but didnt love it.

#41The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/24/13 at 11:33pm

Mike Barrett, if the board this morning reflected Friday night's performance then you actually did get to see Milly again.

I saw the show today as well. Bailey was great. I liked her much better than what I've seen of Oona. I really felt for Bailey. Overall, I didn't think the show lived up to it's hype, but I did enjoy myself.

#42The 4 Matildas
Posted: 8/25/13 at 12:18am

JBradshaw - you were destined to see Bailey. The ticket I purchased from you earlier in the year was also Bailey.

#43The 4 Matildas
Posted: 11/29/13 at 8:56pm

Having finally seen them all here are my thoughts...

My Favorite is Sophia. She was funny in the role and made me feel connected the character and actually feel badly for what Matilda has to deal with. Her vocals are fine, but not outstanding.
Next up is Milly. She plays it very differently from the rest. Much more realistic and truly hurt from her live experiences. Her singing is the strongest.
Bailey is the true professional of the group. She does everything "right." Where Milly and Sophia are more being the character, Bailey is playing the role of Matilda. Hard to explain.
I am sure Oona is really talented and does a wonderful job, but I did not enjoy her performance. Her singing was weak and her acting was very inconsistent for me. Glad I got to see them all before they leave in the next two months.

theatregeek6 Profile Photo
#44The 4 Matildas
Posted: 11/29/13 at 9:21pm

See. Everyone IS different. I marginally preferred Oona over Bailey and Milly (have seen 3). Liked her innocence And her singing. But I would see any of the 3 again

#45The 4 Matildas
Posted: 11/29/13 at 10:00pm

I have seen three as well...have not yet seen Milly. I really think all the girls I have seen have their own charm and special quality that's different from the other.

But like MATT1, I LOVED Sophia - she was my absolute favorite. She was funny, got the most laughs, was touching, and I could understand most everything she said. And her voice is lovely - she sings Naughty on the CD. She is also the youngest (over a year younger than the next youngest) and that's appealing to have such a little girl become this strong character. I am still not a huge fan of the show as a whole - but she made me love it the most.

I don't feel I can really say if I liked Bailey and Oona better because I saw one from the last row in the balcony and the other from the 8th row orchestra..totally different perspectives. I agree Bailey was the most even and capable at everything to me, though i couldn't always understand her. Oona played it the most dramatic and darkest in a lot of ways, is probably the weakest singer, but does very well in the acting area. She is the only one that I saw stumble over a few lines. I also found it hardest to hear her and I was close up (Sound department - ugh)

I would still like to see Milly if I can manage = and I would love to see Sophia again. Running out of time..

I know many Broadway shows are now recorded and saved at the Lincoln Center Library and Matilda was recorded in August I believe. It's noted that there were four actresses credited as the lead but it's Sophia's Matilda.(I just ran across that information). I suppose the Matilda people could have again put the names in a hat as they did on opening night to pick which Matilda would be filmed...or they picked Sophia. I have no idea. I am fairly sure the general public will not have access to any library show while it's still running.

Updated On: 11/30/13 at 10:00 PM
