
Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door- Page 2

Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door

#25Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:01pm

Met her at the stage door after Kiss of the Spider Woman. Really sweet person. My cousin who lives in NYC used to do theater in the city and she likes to go to the stage doors on occasion to chat with people she's worked with, or whatever, so we went around to the stage door of the Broadhurst, I think it was. Ms Rivera walked up to us, and my cousin told her that I had come all the way from California to see her. She was a very generous, nice lady.

Updated On: 3/28/15 at 05:01 PM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#26Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:20pm

stagedooring is what's obsessive and sad.

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#27Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:20pm

Good lord get over it.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#28Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:30pm

Hogan, clearly, despite your best efforts, the people here just don't understand and see what you see. And quite frankly, it doesn't sound like Chita herself understands either. You clearly know what's best for her even more than she herself knows.

So here is what you MUST DO. Go to the stage door after a performance this weekend. When she comes out and starts to sign for the people there, rush up to her and tell her to her face exactly what you have told us. "Chita, you're 82 for God's sake. You're an old woman. You're TOO OLD and your bones are too frail to be doing this. You're exhausted. You don't have the energy for this. You need to get home and rest up in the hopes that someone of your advanced age will even be able to perform tomorrow". When she tries to ignore you and starts to sign for someone else, firmly grasp her wrist, stop her from signing, look into her eyes and say "CHITA, YOU'RE AN OLD WOMAN. GO HOME". If you get the same reaction from her that you are getting from the people here, will you finally shut the f**k up about this already?

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#29Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:33pm

I want to marry you and have your children FishermanBob.

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#30Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:47pm

^^FishermanBob put it better than I ever could.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#31Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:47pm

For what it's worth, when I saw Drood and went to the stage door, those of us waiting were informed that Chita normally exited that way but had to leave very quickly for a prior engagement after that particular show. So she must have had the option of leaving by another door but clearly doesn't mind doing the stage door since she rarely exercised that option. If you don't like going, more power to you, but don't act as though you're speaking for any performer on the matter. Some actually do enjoy it, stop acting like it's always some kind of eternal hardship.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#32Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:50pm

nice effort to shift the focus, Fisherman. I guess you'd be blaming the rape victim if we were talking about a rape.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#33Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:56pm

You're a friggin' piece of work. How dare you compare something as serious as rape to stage dooring or anything else discussed on this forum. You are trivializing a very serious crime. What the hell is your problem. Dude, seek some kind of help you are clearly not dealing with a full deck.

Updated On: 3/27/15 at 05:56 PM

lovebwy Profile Photo
#34Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:59pm

All Chita owes anyone is to do her best.

To me, it would be showing her the utmost respect to leave her the hell alone after a performance.

I hope there is some kind of escape hatch in the theater so she can avoid you obsessive ghouls.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#35Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 6:03pm

"nice effort to shift the focus, Fisherman."

I'm not shifting the focus Hogan. If you say things to us about what a performer thinks and feels and what they are physically capable of, shouldn't you have enough confidence in what you are representing about that performer to say it to that person directly and see if they agree? If you're not willing to do that, doesn't your behavior just become someone spreading false rumors and conjecture?

You clearly believe you know what's better for them than they know themselves and if they sign you believe they are incapable of deciding what is best for themselves and their own health and well being. Please tell us Hogan, where does this kind of arrogance come from?

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#36Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 6:05pm

There are people in here who want to know about how the stage door is, and that is creepy. Got to go along with Hogan on this one.


darreyl102 Profile Photo
#37Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 6:27pm

^^^^^ So someone asking how a stage door is are creepy? HaHa! Its a tradition as old as the theatre? and countless people do it.

Darreyl with an L!

#38Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 6:28pm

I am 40. I am known for acting on a TV show. I LOVE being approached for autographs and photos. Pre-TV, I was in the chorus Broadway show and was disappointed the few times I wasn't asked for autographs. My point is, some people, like me, love it, Hogan. But I don't think people should be judged if they don't.

jv92 Profile Photo
#39Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 6:52pm

And it seems like Chita enjoys talking to people who admire her work, and giving autographs. If she's cool with it, let it be.

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#40Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 6:54pm

No one is saying Chita HAS to sign autographs. In fact, I'm sure her fans would be more than understanding if she didn't. Surely she has an assistant who could even handle the task of letting those waiting know that she'll not be meeting anyone. Heck, even the stage door attendant could do that. This doesn't even need to involve Chita at all.

Who knows, though? Have you ever considered that she may ENJOY speaking to her fans? She by no means owes anyone anything but a performance; however, no one knows what's best for Chita more than Chita. If she finds satisfaction in meeting people following the performance, that's great. If not, it's still incredible that she's gracing Broadway with this work that clearly means so much to her. Either way, I have the utmost respect for a performer of her stature.

Updated On: 3/27/15 at 06:54 PM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#41Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 7:04pm

Carlos-it was not a comparison. re-read, por favor.

Fisherman-it is not arrogance: it is expressing a widely held societal view. It is a cousin to stalking and to paparazzi, both of which are also despicable. What you propose (which I assumed was a joke) is obviously the last thing I would do.

Darreyl-it is not as old as the theatre itself and countless people do not do it; just a bunch of creeps, quite a few of whom seem to be denizens of this place.

I was content to post once in this thread, but that post obviously set certain people's sense of entitlement into overdrive. I think I have said all I need to say.

amoni Profile Photo
#42Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 7:12pm

Well according to Hogan Chita Rivera is using every ounce of energy just doing the job she's been doing for 62 years and has to be practically carried out of the theatre. You think she doesn't know what stage dooring is Hogan? Perhaps she actually enjoys it and knows how to avoid it if she doesn't feel up to it. Many actors enjoy the process whether you agree or don't, so get over yourself. Who ever snubbed you at the stage door once, obviously knew something.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#43Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 7:19pm

I just don't understand. What do you GET from this interaction? You've watched the person perform, you've shown your appreciation though applause. What does it do for you to badger them at the door as they try to leave their work? You're not going to make friends with them. It's as if people think some magical qualities will be bestowed on them by the performer.

Leave these poor people alone.

jv92 Profile Photo
#44Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 7:27pm

I agree with much of that lovebwy, but some people love collecting autographs, some people love telling performers they liked the show. There are certain performers that love hearing that, and love interacting with "their public", and there are some that could care less.

Chita seems to be very open and friendly to her fans. So if she wants to interact with those waiting to do so, leave her be and let her do what she wants. If she didn't, she wouldn't.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#45Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 9:53pm

I will make the stipulation that I understand when kids or teens do it. But once you're an adult I don't really get it.

And Chita may well be happy to do it. But she may not. She may be tired. I'd error on the side of leaving her (and everyone else) alone.

I'm the biggest Patti LuPone fan in the world and I love to see her every time she comes to LA and performs. I have ZERO interest in bugging her afterwards. I just don't relate. haha.

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#46Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/27/15 at 10:12pm

I don't personally care for stage dooring either, lovebwy. However, I don't pass judgement against those who do enjoy it. You not relating to others for partaking in something that harms no one is not a reason to decry them.

There are plenty of customs in other cultures (or subcultures in this case) that I don't necessarily understand or relate to. Do I judge those people for doing what makes them happy and not harming anyone in the process? No. I let them live their lives because what they're doing has NO impact on mine.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#47Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:15am

I pass judgement because you're imposing on people.

I dunno, I just find it creepy.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#48Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 8:55am

How is it bothering somebody? You stand behind a barricade and the actor comes out and chooses to either sign or just keep walking- plain and simple.

Darreyl with an L!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#49Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 9:01am

Let's not forget at lovebwy was one of our first confirmed true racists here at BWW. So while s/he may not understand why people go to the stage door, at least s/he understands which race of people is superior to the other.
