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Natasha ... on-stage seating- Page 2

Natasha ... on-stage seating

mtchairs Profile Photo
#25Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/2/16 at 12:53pm

gypsy101 said: "oh yeah isn't mama right mtchairs? it should be the same exact cost to you (that does suck about exchange rates, I'm glad we don't have to worry about that)



Unfortunately, I don't think that it is the case. My understanding is that the credit card company has different buy/sell rates that apply to a purchase vs a refund. 

Anyway, sorry for the segway into foreign currency transactions, I'm still excited to find out what seats I have been allocated. Only 3 months to go till my trip to NY!

jennab113 Profile Photo
#26Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/2/16 at 1:48pm

When I look at my order (under past orders), it says I have 0 tickets and "These tickets are cancelled." I don't see a refund on my credit card yet. Hopefully everything will work as the e-mail stated, but I'm nervous.  I had issues when I bought by ticket in May and ended up having to call 3 times.  They were really nice and finally got it resolved, but I am scared something will mess up again!

Notreallysilent 2
#27Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/2/16 at 2:15pm

I'm just wondering for people who saw it at the ART  if it's worth paying the $200 to sit on stage or if I should just stick with the orchestra/mezzanine.

#28Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/2/16 at 2:27pm

I saw the show at ART. We sat right in front of the stage pretty much in the middle of everything and it was probably the best experience I've ever had at the theater. Being that close definitely changed the experience for me. I think you would get something different out of the show being farther back. There is a lot going on in the show and it's hard to catch all of it, especially if you're on stage. You'd probably get a better view of the bigger production numbers. They also make a great effort to get into the audience during the course of the show. With all of that in mind, I don't think you would miss much by being in the audience instead of onstage. You would definitely get something different from being on stage though.

Broadway Geek2
#29Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/3/16 at 8:00am

An update from Telecharge:  "You are receiving this email because you ordered STAGE SEATING for a performance of THE GREAT COMET at the Imperial Theatre in New York City.  Your exact seat locations will be assigned by the box office at a later date (around September 5, 2016). At that time, your tickets will be issued and either sent to you or held at the box office, depending on the delivery method you selected when you placed your order. You do not need to do anything at this time."


At least there is a date. 


KJisgroovy said: "We gladly would have paid the extra cost to sit on stage if we could have chosen the location. It wasn't worth rolling the dice... not at those prices anyway. We bought regular price tickets a little further back... hopefully it'll be better to take it all in. "


I understand the concern with the assignment and cost of on-stage seating.  I bought those tix as a birthday present for my girlfriend.  I don't know much about the show or seating other that what has been reported here and the ART reviews, but wanted to do "something special".  So we'il see ... perhaps JG will sit on her lap or something.  I hope I won't "regret what I did for love"!  (OK, sorry, perhaps that was a bit too much.) 


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#30Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/3/16 at 1:11pm

I saw the show in Boston 2.  Once from the orch  (about 10 rows back) and once from the stage.   Honestly? No, I don't think the cost for onstage seats are worth it.  Don't get me wrong, I had a great time in both circumstances  I just can't say it's worth the extra price.  (As I've mentioned....the only reason I hold on stage seats is because of a discount...I wouldn't have purchased otherwise.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#31Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/3/16 at 2:17pm

Drama - Is there any interaction between the actors and the onstage audience? Also have a discounted stage seat for November.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#32Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/3/16 at 3:00pm

Yes, there is...but there was also some in the traditional house....of course, more for the onstage audience.  And while it was fun.....I had no less fun watching the interaction occur to others from the orchestra.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#33Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/3/16 at 6:08pm

There were some props stationed in the audience (my table had a shot positioned on it for Act 2) and there are moments when letters get handed out, etc. but my favorite interaction in Cambridge was at the start when they're running through the characters and one of the actors made a point of turning to their page in the program and pointing out their bio. 

#34Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/3/16 at 8:05pm

Still haven't seen a credit refund/new charge. This whole thing is weird. 

#35Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/4/16 at 8:41pm

I received a new charge today for my banquette seats, but no refund. I'm assuming the refund will happen in due time, but I plan to call Telecharge if I don't see it going through in the next few days.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#36Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/4/16 at 10:25pm

They charged you without refunding first????? Ouch. 

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

anapop Profile Photo
#37Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/5/16 at 3:13pm

A word of caution regarding ticket assignments. I purchased my seats back in May for January 15, 2017. They sent me an email regarding re-fund/re-purchase process on August 1. Three days letter my original order was cancelled (no refund process on the card as of yet) and new order was charged to my card. Except, my new order was for October 18, 2016.

When calling Telecharge, staff was not helpful insisting I myself purchased the second set of seats. When I finally got a manager on the line, he explained that the re-booking processes is handled by the theater directly and all he can do is send my information to them. According to him, I am the second person this happened to in the last two days. So, please check your accounts and emails to make sure that your seats were re-purchased for the date you originally wanted.

Updated On: 8/5/16 at 03:13 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#38Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/5/16 at 3:22pm

I was thinking about the refund issue: anytime you get a refund on your card, it takes longer to show up then it does a purchase (something I will never understand.)

The part about this that I particularly DON'T like is that I used my bank we're talking cash outlay.  Even if its only a few days, I won't have access to some of my CASH.  I also don't like that we have no contol over this.  (regardless of which type of card one uses)   It's certainly possible that the day they process my switch, (payment before refund) is a day I have low funds....or also have my rent check clearing. -- or right after someone just booked their cruise.)  




AND.....I just checked my Telecharge account, and my 02/17 tickets were cancelled, but none (yet rebooked).   This seems like a terrible way to handle things.....I can't (for the life of me) understand how this was the only way to do do this.   I also feel (now that I'm in limbo) that things should have been described in a LOT more detail.  Not sure how long I should wait before trying to inquire.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 8/5/16 at 03:22 PM

anapop Profile Photo
#39Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/5/16 at 3:41pm

dramamama611 said: "AND.....I just checked my Telecharge account, and my 02/17 tickets were cancelled, but none (yet rebooked).   This seems like a terrible way to handle things.....I can't (for the life of me) understand how this was the only way to do do this.   I also feel (now that I'm in limbo) that things should have been described in a LOT more detail.  Not sure how long I should wait before trying to inquire.

My re-booking wasn't showing up in my account either. All I had was a new conformation email for the wrong date. Still waiting to hear from the theater as to how they plan to rectify the situation.

#40Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/5/16 at 3:47pm

I checked my account and didn't see my order at all so I called customer service. In May I had to make a change to my original online purchase so I did that over the phone. Because of making my change over the phone the tickets no longer are viewable in my account. The only tickets that show up in your account are online orders. I have no way to check dates but will probably call again in a week or so to see if there is any change. I really hope nothing gets screwed up because I bought these tickets as a gift for someone coming from out of town.

Updated On: 8/5/16 at 03:47 PM

#41Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/6/16 at 12:19am

I still don't have a refund or a new charge or a new email with confirmation. This is the worst way to handle this 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#43Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/6/16 at 5:55am

I haven't received a confirmation letter, either.


What a mess.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#44Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/6/16 at 5:55am

I haven't received a confirmation letter, either.


What a mess.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Comet Concierge
#45Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/6/16 at 9:11am

I am with the management office of The Great Comet. We are sorry that you are experiencing this issue with your on-stage ticket purchase. We have successfully processed thousands of tickets without a problem and we want to be sure that you too are completely satisfied with your purchase. You are welcome to email and you will be contacted directly so that we may resolve your concerns. I will make sure you have the right seats for the performance you choose and that the charges and refunds are correct on your card. 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#46Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/6/16 at 11:32am

I've contacted the above email with limited info.  I'll let the board know what I hear.


Update 1:  My email was answered pretty quickly, asking me to call.  I did about an hour after my email was answered, left a message.  It's now 2:30, and I haven't heard back. To be fair, perhaps the person I was contacting, was only in the office in the is Saturday, after all.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 8/6/16 at 11:32 AM

mtchairs Profile Photo
#47Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/6/16 at 9:52pm

I now have a new pending charge on my credit card and a cancelled ticket in my Telecharge account, but no refund has appeared as yet. Only 0.35c down on the exchange rate at the moment as the Aussie dollar helpfully chose to go up a bit, but will have to see how much I get refunded and what the final exchange rate is when the transactions get processed.

I'm close to the statement date on my credit card too, so hopefully both the charge and refund will appear on the same month's statement. 

Surely there was a more efficient way this could have been handled?

Taryn Profile Photo
#48Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/6/16 at 10:02pm

Having worked with a few different ticketing systems, I'm actually not hugely surprised that it's this convoluted to make this work on Telecharge.  I imagine it's been hellish for the box office staff.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#50Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/7/16 at 7:25am

Officially? No. But the belief was that they chose to wait until they were physically in the space to make sure no alterations to the design plan were needed.


I don't mind that the seats were on hold/not assigned but the way they are messing with the transactions.


Update#2:  the person on the other end of my email has now called and emailed me additionally.  He's promised to have this taken care of....but likely not until Monday because of who he is dealing with at the ticket master  (or Telecharge...whichever one it is!)


I doubt this will hurt sales as it seems to only effect a small portion of people.  It's annoying, but not the end of the world.  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#52Natasha ... on-stage seating
Posted: 8/7/16 at 9:06am

Except....people KNEW they wouldn't have their seats upon purchase....if they didn't like it, they shouldn't have purchased unknowingly.  It was quite clear that seat assignments would come later.


As for how they are handling it....I'm sure it has more to do with Telecharge rather than The Great Comet.  I'm sure they weren't willing to upgrade their system for one show without passing on the charges.  I deal with a nationwide program (not ticket sales) that gives all clients the same service.  They change/upgrade things we ask for: if we are willing to pay for its development and then it becomes available to everyone.  Nuts, huh?


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
