Music Man Fiasco on ABC

#25re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:46pm

I enjoyed Cameron Adams, Clyde Alves, and Serge Kushnier

#26re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 12:01am

That little red head kid is adorable! of course its hard beat ron howard, but hes pretty damn cute! i liked a lot of the supporting characters as well. did anyone else think Cheno seemed to old to have the same mother as that little boy?!?

#27re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 12:06am

she DOES

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#28re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 12:14am

I had the same issue of believability when I saw Annie Get Your Gun. Those kids couldn't have been older than 12 at the most and they're sister is in her 50s?

#29re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 12:18am

Annis is like 20-30s, but teh actresses have always been old

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#30re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 12:39am

i think matthew broderick did the best he could in a role he should never have been cast in, so i gotta give him credit for that much (see also jessica boevers in oklahoma).

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

Chip1012 Profile Photo
#31re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 1:21am

how come nobody is mentioning Cheno's AWFUL crazy hats in this movie? And every dress she wore looked exactly the same, just different colors. She sounded lovely though.
anyone know where I can download the songs she sings in this show? Itunes doesn't have it. Updated On: 7/5/04 at 01:21 AM

#32re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 2:05pm

those hats are awful, but cheno doesn't pick them out. i love this movie, but i think that they could have put a better actor in for Hill.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

DAME Profile Photo
#33re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 2:33pm

Killed Molly Shannons career ( or helped)


mominator Profile Photo
#34re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 2:37pm

Easily the "worst movie ever!"
I also think they should have rerun the Robert Preston version as well.

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#35re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 2:38pm

I am not familiar with the Music Man and was wondering why he was talking in rhythm, although he sang some things. I didn't watch the whole movie because I went out. Kristen Chenoweth has a pretty voice, though. Overall, I am not that interested in the movie.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#36re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 2:42pm

It was the first rap musical--lol!

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#37re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 2:52pm


"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

sean martin
#38re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 3:07pm

Instead of this over-produced piece of nonsense, I wish they'd just filmed the stage production and let it go at that: you had those great costumes for the town ladies (that visually turned them into chickend) and that amazing Wells Fargo coach. It would have been far more entertaining.

"That duck was a sexual toy, and it was on display!" -- an unknown Nashville town leader

boborunstheshow Profile Photo
#39re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 3:49pm

but come on, Matthew Broderick is adorable in anything!

No! Matthew sucks in anything. DIE BROADERICK! DIE DIE DIE!

Its Aberqurque NM for me. Speaking Spanish. Be Back September 06.

#40re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:15pm

Well Bob you are entitled to your opinion, but I adore Matthew. I really don't think he was right for the role, but I will love him in anything, forever. And if he DIES I will be terribly upset!

The thing I think is odd about the movie is that it had such a talented cast, yet was so mediocre. Bizzare.

boborunstheshow Profile Photo
#41re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:58pm

Its bobo

Its Aberqurque NM for me. Speaking Spanish. Be Back September 06.

#42re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 5:21pm

The revival was better in my opinion. Though I do enjoy some of the film ensemble re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#43re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 5:23pm

The entire movie would have been much better with almost anyone else as Harold Hill. Matthew Broderick , for want of a better word, sucked.

#44re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 6:10pm

sorry Bobo!
South Fl Marc - really ? you thought he was THAT bad? I thought he seemed a little too, well feeble for lack of a better word, but he wasn't that awful - just too sweet perhaps. I can think of a few people he was probably better than. Rosie O'Donnell perhaps? Actually that would have been pretty amusing...

Albin Profile Photo
#45re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 6:18pm

Say what you want about the overall production, but Chenoweth's "Goodnight My Someone" was exquisite.

Pitch, control, support. Perfection.

BillFinn Profile Photo
#46re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 6:27pm

Matt Broderick had ONE facial look the entire time. Glassy eyed dumbfound look. Kristin Chenoweth singing "My White Knight" was great, but besides that it was just stinky.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.

#47re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 9:00pm

i would pay to hear kristin sing anything. even 'happy birthday'! that girl has a range the size of a mountain! (a really big mountain)

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

#48re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 9:10pm

I'm sorry but Cheno's singing is not that great in this show. Did they lower the keys for her? Broderick is too lame as Hill. Victor Garber is not buffoonish enough. The whole thing is just sad.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#49re: Music Man Fiasco on ABC
Posted: 7/5/04 at 10:13pm

Its a good show and Cheno rocked in it, but M. Brod. cant sing and it annoys me. Thats my opinion. :-/
