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September 1st Broadway walk out?- Page 2

September 1st Broadway walk out?

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#25re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/23/04 at 5:30pm

me too - east or west?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#26re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/23/04 at 5:41pm

I am so confused about this. What will the "Shut it down" thing do? What is the point of it? Its just - as someone elseput it - absurd.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

#27re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/23/04 at 6:12pm

Shesings, first of all I've lived in the West Village for 12 years. I know the demographics of NYC. My point is I think it's very naive of gay people to think they have the power to shut down NYC. Many people go along with gay people to get their money, but that's where it stops. An example of that is during Gay Pride week. Every business in the West Village is flying a gay flag that week. As soon as it's over, they take them all down and it's back to biz as usual. The businesses in the Village don't do that for any of the other parades (Puerto Rican, Irish, etc). Things will change for gays when they wise up and see things for how they really are.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
Updated On: 7/23/04 at 06:12 PM

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#28re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/23/04 at 6:49pm

"We have a president and vice-president. One's name is Bush and the other is Dick!" - Boy George. hahaha Updated On: 7/23/04 at 06:49 PM

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#29re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/23/04 at 7:01pm

I think it is a good idea, but then again it was partly my idea. I am pleased to see the discussion and appreciate the comments, positive and negative. The RNC has targeted a handful of shows for August 29th. Tonight or tomorrow we will post a list of the casts of these targeted shows and a letter to allow folks to write to the actors and encourage them to sit out that performance.
Also, while our intial inspiration for Shut It Down was the Federal Marriage Amendment, this is bigger than just a "gay thing". The administration has been bad for NYC on many levels -- we have listed a few on the site. We are also updating the language on our front page to make this a broader appeal to all New Yorkers.

Send the RNC a message Updated On: 7/23/04 at 07:01 PM

venticelli Profile Photo
#30re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 12:16am

I hear all of you on this one, but - NYC is too fine a place to succumb to this. I understand the rationale behind the Shut It Down movement - but I just don't think it will achieve what we would hope it would. If you think about it - it's probably going to be counter-productive in the long run. I'm with you - but I don't think this is the way.

"What could a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate? I am now telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate!"

shlamdiddly Profile Photo
#31re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 12:20am

so because I don't see the point in shutting down NYC and making it lose money, I guess that makes me...republcan?

You aren't feeling overwhelmed are you?

venticelli Profile Photo
#32re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 12:24am

no it makes you a rational human being - long thought to be an antonym for the word Republican

"What could a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate? I am now telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate!"

#33re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 12:49am

Goodness, this certainly stirred up some emotions.

I think there's been a long grand tradition of peaceful sit down strikes that have effectively shut down businesses and brought attention to issues that wouldn't necessarily be on the lips of, shall we say, certain politicians.

Yes, it'll be annoying for all of us.

But is that such a bad thing, if the following morning people around the world pick up the newspaper and read about issues that would have otherise been ignored by the 'ruling party'?

I'm on the fence about it, really, just playing devils advocate.

Not that I even have a job to strike from. But I'm interested in how people draw attention to important issues, how they get PR, that sort of thing.

As PETA has shown, even bad PR leads to at the very least, discussion.

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#34re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 12:52am

haha. And the only letters i will write to the actors in the shows that will be mentioned is to say they are doing a great job and to continue what they are doing.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

#35re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 1:18am

I read an article in the Times a few weeks or months ago about the protesters' ideas during the GOP Convention. In my opinion, the most powerful message being attempted was the wearing of red bandanas. According to the article, it stems from the formation of unions in mines. The mine workers would all wear a red bandana so that when the labor leaders looked out on their workers they would see their solidarity in the opposition of the currents state of things. As typically being the party of the unions, I think the democrats in New York would be wise to pick up this tradition. I think it's more effective than not going to work. I don't know about you, but since 9/11 I can't afford to take time off work (I do work in the service industry in Manhattan) to protest the Republican National COnvention.

And PapaLovesMambo, I think you're taking John Edwards' quotes out of context. As I'm sure you know, both Kerry and Edwards voted against the appropriation of $87 billion dollars because they felt it wasn't fiscally responsible. Kerry actually drafted a portion of the bill that called for roll-backs on the Bush tax cuts of the top 2% of Americans in order to pay for the appropriation. Even Bush aides have said that had the bill been passed with the Kerry rider the president would have vetoed it. That being said, had the passing of the bill depended on either Kerry's or Edwards' vote they have both said that they would have voted for it. Depicting them both as flip floppers is antithetical to a true debate of where the country is going. And don't we want law-makers who can see the complexity of an issue. But, then again... complexity is antithetical to the all important sound-bite.

I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it. -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#36re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 1:32am

The city is going to lose money regardless. It will cost the city much more in terms of police and first responder (the real victims of the current admistration) overtime. I am less concerned about the city than about the individual people calling in sick on September 1st. That is why we are advocating a SHARED effort. I will personally take any actor currently in a show, taking a sick day, out to dinner on September 1st or anyone in one of the targeted shows on August 29 for that matter.

Also, if you read the letter--up tomorrow--I am nothing but supportive of the work that the casts on Broadway do for all New Yorkers. I am a huge theater fan. It is one of the blessings of being a New Yorker.

Thanks for the dialogue.
Take the day off. We said so.

#37re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 9:02am

First of all, it's so nice to be ALLOWED to have a conversation that mixes theatre and politics- unlike the ALL THAT CHAT board, which censors content, even when it concerns theatre performers.

Secondly, going back to my interest in civil disobedience, here's a different way of protesting that won't threaten your jobs;

I like the idea that the wonderful theatre people of nyc are even debating all this, whether anything happens or not, it's good to have discourse.

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#38re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 11:36am

Indeed what is up with ATC limiting dicussion.

Anyway, I think the window treatment idea is a great one. There is also a project called, I think, Light Up The Skies calling for everyone to leave there lights on all night during the convention as a sign of the city's unity against the disastrous policies of the administration. I'll try to find the website.
Take The Day Off. We Said So.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#39re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 11:43am

It was only a couple of weeks ago that the actors almost struck because of union issues. I'm sure they're still breathing a sigh of relief that that didn't have to happen, and are not likely going to jump at something that could jeopardize their jobs now.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#40re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 12:27pm

Civil disobedience is a great tradition in this country, and it has directly and indirectly inspired and produced great changes. But I wonder if this proposal will only create backlash and provide bashers of all sort fodder for weeks and months. I personally think artists may provide the greatest gift to the cause(s)in using their talents, not denying them. I think certain shows are bound to play very powerfully during the convention week, the subtext(s) potent and falling on very different ears. The gay-friendly material, RENT and AVENUE Q are the obvious examples. But even WICKED, with its tiny impotent despot uniting a nation by using fear tactics, has applicability, if one sees it (and it's in Ms. Holtzman's text, pointedly. She has famously said the 2000 'coup' inspired her spin on Maguire's fable.) I think the broadway community may find great strength and even power in doing their jobs to the max--performing with urgency and renewed fervor.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 7/24/04 at 12:27 PM

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#41re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 2:03pm


I agree with much of what you say. I think it is instructive to note the shows that the RNC has targeted for its August 29th Broadway Night, none of them with the sort of potent subtext or material that you mention. I also agree that artists could strongly use their talents to send a message. I would love nothing more than to see the entire Broadway community standing in front of MSG singing "Color out of Colorado", "We Could Be Kind" or some other anthem of inclusiveness and compassion. But, I'll leave that for someone in the business, with the right contacts, to organize.
Take The Day Off. We Said So.

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#42re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 2:11pm

ShutItDown, your idea is foolish and mundane.

I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago. (No pun intended)

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#43re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 2:14pm

And when you say on your website "The Republican National Convention will be sending 13,000 delegates to see eight shows currently running on Broadway: Aida, 42nd Street, The Lion King, Fiddler on the Roof, Phantom of the Opera, Beauty and the Beast, Bombay Dreams, and Wonderful Town." aren't you basically saying that the RNC is bringing an enormous amount of business that benefits NYC and the NYC theatrical community as a whole. I believe that argument is contradicting to your beliefs. Shows like Wonderful Town and Fiddler need all the money they can just to stay in business.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Emutional Profile Photo
#44re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 2:14pm

"Thats gay "

LMAO, the perfect republican answer.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#45re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 2:16pm

Very good points, ShutitDown. The audiences are being directed to the most innocuous material on the NY boards (to those of you appearing in those shows, I'm not dismissing their place in the roster of entertainment/art, believe me.)

I'm very moved by your suggestion of a group anthemic sing. And whata good idea -- "We Could Be Kind" is a beautiful choice. (I happen to love it on the Nancy LaMott CD). Its message is so simple and fresh a spin on the Golden rule, sadly lacking among many so-called compassionate conservatives, on an issue-by-issue tally.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#46re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/24/04 at 2:40pm

Sum, I understand your point and if I truly thought that taking one night off would end a show's run I would probably suggest that they go ahead and do it but make a statement during the curtain call with t-shirts, signs or some sort of comment from the lead. Basically, "thanks for your money, but your bad for New York and bad for America." Its another option. There are many ways to send a message. Ours is just one and I believe that most of the shows are unlikely to be destroyed by missing a single performance.

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#47re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/25/04 at 6:51pm

Just wanted to let you all know that the letter and the cast list/theater addresses are now up on the website. Thanks for the discussion and dialogue.

rclocalz Profile Photo
#48re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/25/04 at 7:29pm

So do you all hate Republicans? Because I really love you guys, but I am getting a little nervous that I am not wanted here. I hope you guys know that there are MANY republicans that love Broadway just as much and support everything that Broadway stands for. I don't want to look like an enemy because I am not, but that is what this thread makes people like me look like. - Glamsmash Productions, a video production company in the heart of New York City

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#49re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/25/04 at 7:30pm

I don't hate Republicans in general at all.
But I do pity them.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.
