Rent Movie Casting

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#25re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:46am

Mark Cohen - ME

Hah just look at my headshot to the left. I AM Mark, I wouldn't have to even act. And I could definitely sing the hell out of the role. I do a mean Tango Maureen.


xluckystar2107x Profile Photo
#26re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:55am

rent most definately has not been on broadway too long. i think its important for different generations of people to experience the same show and rent has been running long enough to discuss it with some kids who are younger than me. it has a good message and its appealing to everyone...not just broadway buffs because of its rockish sound. its one of a kind and i hope it runs for a long time. it would be really awesome if they had an original broadway cast reunion, it could be a benefit or something. Id see it in a heartbeat.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#27re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:59am

Miphba, Type_A_Tiff pretty much said it. People will put down their ten dollars if someone they know and love is in the cast. A musical won't easily bring in great numbers to the box office otherwise...most movies just don't anyway.

And the quote in my signature is from Idina Menzel's Ars Nova concert. :)

Speaking of Idina...she is the best choice for long as they make the movie soon enough.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#28re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 1:18am

it would be really awesome if they had an original broadway cast reunion, it could be a benefit or something. Id see it in a heartbeat.

They did. At Studio 54. It was really awesome.

Edited to say:
A thought. (Aesthetically speaking.)

Maureen = Maggie Gyllenhaal
Mark = Jake Gyllenhaal/Tobey Maguire.

Uh...if Maggie got the part, I'd hope Tobey's cast and not Jake. Otherwise that could be...weird.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell
Updated On: 8/18/04 at 01:18 AM

Juliette Capulet
#29re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 3:57am

re: Rent Movie Casting

Doubt it would happen...but I would love to see this French dancer/actress/singer as Mimi in the movie. She's amazing in everything she does.

ChiChi Profile Photo
#30re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 4:23am

She's pretty.

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

#31re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 8:32am

Lets throw some Canadians in the mix.
Neve Campbell or Amanda Marshall could make GREAT Maureens.

#32re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 9:54am

Agreed, the movie would be better with unknowns. However, I think one or two "stars" would be ok, so if the movie stinks, it will still make some money. I use quotations because Jai Rodriguez, someone who is probable for the film, isn't exactly a big time star, but he can still draw people. Queen Latifah wouldn't be bad as Joanne. But I'd rather see Jai and unknowns lol.

uncageg Profile Photo
#33re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:19pm

I go for talented unknowns also. And Spike Lee to Direct. (I know he isn't but I can dream can't I?!!)

Just give the world Love.

#34re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:23pm

Link Larkin Wannabe, I bet you'd be a good Mark! damn those adorable straight jewish boys........

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#35re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:23pm

What about Brittany Murphy as Maureen? She can sing!

Marquise Profile Photo
#36re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 2:53pm

RENT The Movie


Benjamin Coffin III.............Tyson Beckford
Angel..............................Enrique Iglesias
Roger............................Justin Timberlake
Mark................................Doogie Howser
Mimi.................................Jennifer Lopez
Tom Collins..............................Will Smith
Maureen.......................Christina Aguilera
Joanne..................................Kelly Price

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#37re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 3:36pm

The kid from CAMP...oh dear God. Anyone who would even think of casting that kid as Angel is under the influence of Satan.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#38re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 6:54pm

I was playing celebrity casting and came up with a few possibilities:

Maureen- Drew Barrymore
Mimi- Beyonce

good thing your not in charge of any kind of
drew barrymore cant sing a note...i can see beyonce as mimi..i think that would work tho. i think it would probably be best to cast an all unknown cast..just cause they would go more by talent then fame

zoran912 Profile Photo
#39re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:11pm

If I had to cast this with known stars, here's how I would do it:

Maureen.....Brittany Murphy
Joanne......Queen Latifah
Angel.......Jai Rodriguez mean...uh...?
Benny.......Taye Diggs
Roger.......see Collins
Mark........see Collins


I think that they could go with some recognizable names, but use theatre talent for the rest. Better yet, use theatre talent for all the roles. That will never happen though.

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#40re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:14pm

Brittany Murphy is a very good choice for maureen. she has the attitude and i have heard her sing..she has a great voice...i think they should cast idina tho she is starting to do movies anyways.

zoran912 Profile Photo
#41re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:48pm

Idina might be *gasp* a bit too old for Maureen. It was almost a decade ago.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#42re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:59pm

...but she really doesn't look much older than she did back then.

At all.

zoran912 Profile Photo
#43re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 8:01pm

True, but the camera is harsher than the stage.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#44re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 8:02pm

Hmmm...have you seen the cast of the they look like they're in high school to you?

#45re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 8:45pm

Jai should definately be Angel. Christina Aguilera would make a good Maureen, due to her wildness and she can sing. Mimi is tough, and so is mark and roger. I actually heard when Justin Timberlake was considering it (although he isn't anymore) that he was considering the part of Roger. That doesn't make sense to me at all!

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#46re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 9:44pm

Oh Jesus I'm sure looking forward to THIS movie...Christina Aguilera...Justin about casting suicide.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

NessaroseHeredia Profile Photo
#47re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 11:46pm

I go 4 unknowns. But I think Robin DeJesus from Camp could be Angel. Of course, after 2 gay roles he could end up like Wilson Heredia and never get out from under

I'm a supposed-lesbian-possibly-anorexic-atheist-anarchist- model-prisoner-junkie- vampire-poet

#48re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/18/04 at 11:59pm

If Brittany Murphey can sing (I haven't heard her), I wouldn't mind her as Maureen. She's got the right attitude, thats for sure.

And I'd love to see Idina in there, but I don't think that's too likely lol.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#49re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/19/04 at 2:22am

Nooo...she has to do it.

I'd be greatly disappointed if whoever is cast in that role does not do it justice...I have yet to see/hear someone else who can do it quite as well as Idina did it.
