
Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve- Page 2

Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#25re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 6:47pm

Mandy Patinkin and George Hearn - someone said they wish they could take dance lessons? Honestly, what would they be cast as at this point in their career that would require dance? ABsolutely nothing.


My favorite current Broadway performer is Bernadette Peters, and I honestly haven't seen her do anything yet that needs improving. That doesn't mean there ISN'T something, though.

And I'm sick of hearing people talk about bad attendance. It happens. Both Bernadette and Donna are legends and haven't had attendance problems in any of their shows in the past. It just happens. PEople do get sick and can't shake it for a while. I can't really speak for Donna, but I can say that I know Bernadette personally and she really truly was sick during the beginning of the GYPSY run. It wasn't her being lazy not wanting to come to work, or her thinking she's too good for her audience. IT was said once before that the theatres are not in good condition, as far as cleanliness, etc, and this could not be more true. I have worked in many of the Broadway theatres and have spent all 8 performances a week in them for several hours and it can be absolutely MISERABLE for anyone with slight allergies or sensitive sinuses. They do NOT clean those carpets. Years and years go by before they get them cleaned. The air is just recycled over and over and over and over and over and germs just circulate and float around the building, so that also needs to be taken into consideration. But Bernadette having around 11 "sick" days out of an almost 500 performance run is nothing to complain about.

And...to get back on topic...

my biggest pet peeve with actors on Broadway is when they can sing but can't act to save their lives, and people still think they're God. People like:

Idina Menzel
Adam Pascal (love the guy though, don't get me wrong)

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#26re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 6:51pm

Vincent my friend, you need to take a chill pill. This isnt an Idina bashing thread. This is a constructive criticism thread.

People are a little hostile today...

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#27re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 6:53pm

Favorite performer? I'm at a tie between Adam Pascal and Raul Esparza, but I am thoroughly convinced that Raul is utterly perfect. Adam, on the other hand....
his acting has improved by leaps and bounds in the past nine years, but he could stand for a bit more. We still see too many of those "Adamisms" when he acts, and he acts best through music, which, I suppose, makes sense. Anyway, a few improvements in general wouldn't kill him.

ETA - I don't know HOW I forgot this, but man CAN NOT dance. And he doesn't realize it. I mean, he tries... and just looks plain ridiculous. With stuff that's very meticulously choreographed, (a la Cabaret) he's not really that bad - a little bit awkward, but he could hold his own (and did a pretty impressive kick line) but when he just does whatever he wants... watch out. It's actually funny. He kind of flails.

Heart him to pieces, though.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 12/23/04 at 06:53 PM

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#28re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 6:56pm

Haha Emcee, I thought you were going to hell at me for talking about adam!

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

N0tThatGirl213 Profile Photo
#29re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 6:58pm

Adam Pascal--since Emcee already got the deep stuff...dancing and fashion sense.

"A little humility wouldn't hurt." --Ellie, Constantine-Hellblazer, "Dangerous Habits"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#30re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 6:58pm

haha, munkustrap - you've never seen me fall over laughing at his flaws? As a loyal fan, I have recognized and fully accepted the things he does poorly... like dancing (I added to my post). re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 12/23/04 at 06:58 PM

MyNameInLights Profile Photo
#31re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 7:04pm

The only way Raúl can improve himself is to appear in every show that appears on Broadway.

"The stage is where I live and come alive and act out all the things that go on in my life. It's not just what I do for a living, it's my shrink and my love affair. No one in my life has ever or ever will kiss me on the mouth like this lover called my relationship with my performance."

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#32re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 7:05pm

Adam Pascal-- like Emcee mentioned, he's not exactly the greatest dancer ever.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#33re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 7:05pm

amen to that, MNIL. re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve

A work of art is an invitation to love.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#34re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 7:41pm

Brian Stokes Mitchell is my hero. He's the best musical theater baritione ever. But he's not the best actor--he was great in "Kiss Me Kate" and "Man of La Mancha" but in "King Hedley II," an August Wilson play, he was actling like he was still in a musical (in terms of style). He was too larger-than-life. But he's still awesome, and very nice. I wrote him via his website and he wrote me back personally, and he's been exceptionally gracious at the stage door. He's the man!

Feathah Profile Photo
#35re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 7:51pm

Terrence Mann can improve by being in more shows more often! Can't WAIT for "Lennon" now that is in talks to join the cast.

I agree with the Idina breathlessness and "Adamisms" comments. I continue to love them both anyway.

"The theater is my life. I live it. I breathe it. I fondle it till it falls asleep." Jack (Will And Grace) http://feathah.blogspot.com

little_sally Profile Photo
#36re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 7:54pm

I agree with whomever mentioned Kerry Butler's character voices. I feel as if her Shelley in "Bat Boy", Penny in "Hairspray", and Audrey in "Little Shop" were pretty much all the same character. She took the same approach while playing all three of them.

As for my favorite performer, well, that's Hunter Foster, and I don't find anything wrong with him but I wish he'd do a drama along the way instead of another comedy.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

IdinaRocks Profile Photo
#37re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 8:07pm

I always thought that Idina's heavy breathing in some of her songs was part of the act...she had just supposedly been crying, so it makes sense that she'd be worked up. But I see what you're saying, sometimes it's a little much.

Also, I think in her own songs the verses are great, and they could lead up to a really amazing chorus, but then I feel like the choruses are sort of anti-climactic, if that makes any sense.

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#38re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 8:36pm

That is the most frightening icon (next to Tiffs) I have ever seen IdinaRocks...HORRIBLE

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#39re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:10pm

" Mandy Patinkin and George Hearn - someone said they wish they could take dance lessons? Honestly, what would they be cast as at this point in their career that would require dance? ABsolutely nothing."

I didn't say I thought they needed to take dance lessons.
The roles they paly don't require it.

But the point of the thread is to say what your favorite performers could improve on.

They are perfect in every other aspect, so the only thing they could possibly improve on would be dancing.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#40re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:13pm

Littlefish, she's holding a sign that says "I want you Adam!!"
I love that picture!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#41re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:17pm

Look at her mouth...its like, going to eat me. What does the whole picture look like??

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#42re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:20pm

Hold on - I saved the PM where someone told me how to get to it....

... google "Idina" and it's on the first page.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

zippyjen Profile Photo
#43re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:22pm

I love Adam with all my heart but like others have said, his acting and dancing aren't well that great. He could also use a little fashion help. Now his voice... all i can say is amazing!

"At the opening night party, they had clowns on stilts, jugglers, a chocolate fountain, popcorn, hot dogs. [My son] looked at me like I had been holding back. Like, 'This is what you do?' I had to tell him, 'No, no, darling. Opening nights don't usually look like this.' It's usually a dark bar with a bottle of vodka." ?Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Jan Maxwell plus i proudly share the title of the shortest member over the age of 10 with wickedrentq!

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#44re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:27pm

Well, her face is stil scary....

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#45re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 10:32pm

Not my favorite actress...but Idina can use a lot more vocal skill.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

Wicked .. For Good
#46re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 10:46pm

To clear something up, in Defying Gravity Idina is supposed to be breathing like that. She's supposed to sound like she is in a panic and shes scared to death. The heavy and deep breathing is apart of her acting in that scene and throughout the show. Also, in the Tony's, watch her and Kristin perform Defying Gravity, if you would like to see that video PM me, because while Idina is saying just her lines, she already is breathing all frantic....

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#47re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 10:58pm

At the Tony performance, I think it was clear that Idina looked scared out of her mind because she was really nervous, not because she was purposely acting like that.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

#48re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 11:25pm

Just to clear something up since some people have brought it up. This thread is not a bash thread. IMO, the majority of the posts here haven't been bashes. I just wanted to discuss things that people felt their favorite can improve on because I felt it would be a fun discussion. Nobody is perfect and everyone can improve something...yes even Raul :P.

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."

#49re: Name a Way that Your Favorite Performer Can Improve
Posted: 12/23/04 at 11:34pm

Karen Ziemba is wonderful, but for the past 20 years she's been married to some guy named Bill. Now, if she'd just dump him and marry me, she'd be perfect!
