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why do so many despise Wicked?- Page 2

why do so many despise Wicked?

Wicked .. For Good
#25re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 6:57pm

there are Wicked forums and message boards just like BWW, that's what I use now instead cause I couldn't take this anymore, SOOOOO- if any1's interested PM me. I rarely go on this anymore but every so often I do so if I get a PM from you I'll give you loads on info and really good ones.

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#26re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 7:11pm

I love Wicked
I have a grudge against the possessed fans when their obscene behavior caused me an injury last time I saw the show

#27re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 7:48pm

I must disagree with some of the things a lot of people are saying. Let me just say first, that I love Wicked. I think Idina is so talented. I think the music is pretty good, with a couple of exceptional songs in there (i.e. Defying Gravity, No Good Deed). And the story is interesting. Anyway, I must disagree with the fact that Wicked will be the next Les Miz or Cats. First of all, it's not that good. Love it, but not up to Les Miz. Second of all, it's way better than CATS, but that's my opinion. I'm not a huge fan. Third of all, LES MIS IS THE BEST EVER!!! Lol. It is considered one of the best musicals of all time. Wicked is not. I don't think Wicked has the staying power that Les Miz, Cats, and POTO have/had. Just my 2 cents.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

Razz77 Profile Photo
#28re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 8:11pm

I don't despise it at all -- I just think it is a "fine" show -- the sets and lighting are impressive and the original cast gave the two actresses a chance to really shine. There are a few good songs and overall it is a very 'entertaining' experience - not something that will really draw me in emotionally but certainly something that will keep a smile on my face for two hours. It's a show that I wasn't crazy about - thought it was completely 'ok' - can see it running on Broadway for years to come and I'm really ok with that - a big happy ORIGINAL broadway show. Why not?

Mamma Mia on the other hand makes me furious. Eeks.

Liam Profile Photo
#29re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 8:19pm

Love the show hate the fans!

Razz77 Profile Photo
#30re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 8:48pm

YES! Hate the fans...maybe not hate - but the way the fans act gets on my nerves so much. This is theatre, folks...not a backstreet boys concert.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#31re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 8:50pm

I really like Wicked, but I just don't want to see all of the threads about it. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#32re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 8:51pm

I agree, I'm a fan of the show myself and hey, its a good show but the people who act like it is the biggest, most important and amazing thing to ever grace this planet is ridiculous. That and the obsessive stalker-ish behavior etc. I don't think its so much that people hate the show itself (though some may, I dont know) but they more are getting really annoyed with the bombarding of threads talking about something that doesnt even pretain to the show but more to trivial crap like what kind of bath soap Idina or Kristin use so people can smell like them or whatever. Its insane really.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#33re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 9:15pm

i dont think everyone hates wicked i think people just hate all the wicked threads about questions that could be answered by using the search buttons. i love the show but i kno it gets on my nerves when there are so many threads, also when there are threads about, how wicked threads there are. i dont know i guess it has to do with preference and what everyone's take on it is.

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

wickedkiwi Profile Photo
#34re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 9:36pm

omg i just had a seriously disturbing vision: Backstreet's Back, the musical! now on broadway...AHHHHHHHH

anyway, all i meant by it being the next poto/lesmiz/cats is that it would be like that in impact. obviously the shows have nothing to do with each other so its pretty useless to compare. and anyway this little hypothesis cant be proven unless we have some sort of a record of how people reacted to these shows when they were first released (regular people, not just critics), compare historical (yea a few decades make a difference) context, and then see if our projection of the show's impact is accurate in a few years, anywhere from 3 to 7, i'd say, maybe more...

im paying way too much attention in history class...

Tenme por lo que soy, por lo que puedo ser, y si te importo hoy, tenme nena, o vete!

#35re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 9:58pm

I think its mainly because of the crazy fans but,

I also think it is because: one of the reasons some people love broadway is because they like to be different and non comformist (which is a good thing) and they like being in their own special group. When a show is loved by people who aren't in their own special groupd of general broadway fans, they don't like the how.

Please tell me if you don't understand what im saying

playbill_signer_05 Profile Photo
#36re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 10:15pm

I think "Wicked" is a GREAT show.
I also think it is true that *SOME* wicked fans are sometimes a bit irritating, but what I find more irritating are the people who complain about the irritating Wicked fans rather than simply ignoring them. . .

#37re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 10:19pm

i liked the show but it is definately not my favorite because it is one of those shows that is made with tourists and a mega hit in mind not a fine arts master piece it just isnt the same as it was before and concerning the fans the show isnt that amazing and idinas voice sort of annoys me and the music isnt great but krist sounds like she was really good although i didnt see her

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#38re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 10:40pm

I think the only thing that really bothers me is when a person goes on and on and on about how fabulous Wicked (or any other show for that matter) is but knows nothing about it. Alot of people I know basically flow wherever the water is boiling hot and will start forcing themselves to listen to the songs and get tons of info on it just so they can join in the conversations at school about how great it is so they are "in the loop" so to speak. It just irritates me when a person basically forces themselves to like a show and be interested in it because it is the "big thing" in conversations. Sorry, a little off topic but I felt the need to rant.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#39re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 11:17pm

I agree..I don't think it's an outright despising, but more of a "shut up and move on or I shall infact be forced to fong you" type thing....and I'll admitt it....for a awhile, i was one of those crazy tweens...till I took a step back, looked at the show and realized....hey....this isn't all that good!
Stupid dragon clock.

Was that a fat joke?

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#40re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 11:56pm

b-cuz it sux!1

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#41re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 11:56pm

Yeah, don't get me wrong, it's a great show with a talented cast to be sure but I just don't think it is appropriate or mature of anyone to act that crazy over anything. If I were in the position of one of the actors of the show and saw a bunch of teenage girls sobbing hysterically over me and dressing exactly as I do I would be just plain embarassed and freaked out beyond all reason.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

InTheMoney Profile Photo
#42re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 9:56am

Yup. It's the obsessives who are the problem.

It's the ones who rave about how WICKED is the best thing EVER but have never seen or heard another show or, worse still, never INTEND to see or hear another show. Who when you ask them WHY WICKED is so great just say "Because it is!" and expect you to accept that as a viable reason.

Which I could ignore. Except that they then jump onto other threads about other shows with "Yeah well, it's not as good as WICKED!" or other stars "They're nothing compared to Idina!". Yeah, that's fine, but we want to actually DISCUSS these people. It's not as good, they're not as good - why not? I intensely dislike people joining threads for the sole purpose of yet another rave about how wonderful Idina/Kristin/WICKED/that floorboard two meters stage right is with no intent of actually making a useful contribution.

S0NDHE1M Profile Photo
#43re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 7:27pm

I have been attcked by many theatrical-wannabe-college students because i don't think that Wicked is amazing. I don't despise the show, it's just "meh." My first real Schwarts experience was Children of Eden. It wins in my book for best opening scene. While its story is essentially zilch, the music is quite nice.
Then came along Wicked. When someone played it, i thought i was listening to CoE. Schwartz is digging himself into a very narrow idiom, i.e. "glistening" major 7th chords, and taking stories from books, whether is be Wicked, Genesis, or even the Gospels...we won't go to that show...
I think more careful construction of the interplay of acting, dance, and music is needed in general for Broadway.
Shows to die. But some are kept alive on artificial resuscitation...*cough* Cats, *cough* Les Miserables...*cough* artistic prostitiution.

Pretty isn't beautiful, mother. Pretty is what changes. What the eye arranges is what is beautiful.

Phantom Chicken Profile Photo
Phantom Chicken
#44re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 7:30pm

Can we make a rule that you CANNOT be NEW and make your first post about WICKED?

"I think Harvey [Fierstein] wishes he were a black woman. I say he's the largest black woman in the show. I wish Harvey were straight, cuz I'd do him in a minute. I like big burly mother f***ers like him." ~Mary Bond Davis on Harvey Fierstein Thanks to Mistress @

oxdreaminxo Profile Photo
#45re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 11:06pm

I agree with what everyone else has been saying. I also think it's one of those, you like it or you don't shows. Yeah, it's a good show, I liked it a lot myself, but the rabid-fans are so annoying. I don't want to name anyone in particular on this board, with my luck they'd see it, but it is irritating when people act like it is the best thing on the face of the earth. It isn't like, a life changing show or anything, or anything with an actual "message". It was just one of those cute, fun shows. Just my opinion.

A most ingenious paradox.

#46re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 12:26am

I'd say that many folks are repulsed by fans and their perpetual fawning over a musical that is merely OK. I'm thrilled that Wicked is making alot of people alot of money. Theatre is a business after all. I think Wicked is a decent show. I'm wowed by the spectacle of it all. The songs and story are really quite mediocre. I'm not a big Schwartz fan mainly because his lyrics are quite sloppy and can make songs dificult to listen to (thinks of "become a pal, a si-ster and advisor"). The lighting design is busy. Ultimately the cast carries the show.

Wicked .. For Good
#47re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 1:21am

see what I just posted.. The End The Wicked Madness Thread.

I'm telling you for crazy, over obsessive Wicked fan's, the forum's are GREATTT. PM me, I'm telling you, you won't regret it and you'll never have to deal with this again.

I promise if you PM me, I'll answer within a day.

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#48re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 1:28am

the only thing is Wicked..For Good, you have good intentions which is wonderful, but you have no idea how many Wicked forums there are out there..NO idea there are sooo many, but people still post here about it.
Like everyone else said, its basically the publicity that surrounds it. lots and lots. And please realize that Idina isnt goddess of all Broadway. That bothers me more than anything else.If you like Wicked GREAt, i love it too!

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

Wicked .. For Good
#49re: why do so many despise Wicked?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 11:04am

trust me, I understand they keep coming back and they keep posting, but don't we all agree, it's enough?

So far 6 people have PM'd me about being interested in the forums, so obvs I'm doing some good.

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."
