
Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?- Page 2

Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?

#25re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 9:45am

I hear MacIntosh/Disney wants them out so they can put MARY POPPINS in.

Beanwannabe Profile Photo
#26re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:44am

It will close soon. I'm sure. No Tonys and little to no recognition means a slow box office. It should pick up a bit during the summer tourism crowd, but come fall, its doomed.

midtowngym Profile Photo
#27re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:45am

Having seen both, Mary Poppins is the better show. A more cohesive book and emotional story, stronger choreography (Gavin Lee dancing upside down is unforgettable), innovative sets and better songs--only Chitty's title song really stays with you, while Mary Poppins has 'Supercalifragilistic', 'Spoonful of Sugar', 'Fly a Kite', etc.

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston
Updated On: 6/7/05 at 10:45 AM

#28re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:54am

Okay, okay, okay. I'll give it a chance. Now that I realize it, summer is coming upon us, and the times will be changed. Besides, I do love Chitty. I think I was worried for a minute....

What the puck?!
Updated On: 6/8/05 at 10:54 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#29re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:58am

Sheesh, people. The high 70's for the box office isn't really that tragic. It could be better, but that's an awfully big theatre to fill, and they're probably selling most of those tickets at full price, I'd assume. Go worry about La Cage, for God's sake, they're in the 30's. Leave Chitty be - it isn't bothering anybody. You're all so sure it's just going to die.

Whoever said they were ashamed for liking it... hell, don't be.(That said, I'm seeing it again tomorrow. So shoot me.)

A work of art is an invitation to love.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#30re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:08am

With the show closing in London in September it might encourage more tourists to see it on Broadway (British tourists etc).

I fear for the future of Chitty too and Emcee, I know that being around 70% is not really bad but I only have one word for you: AIDA! They closed that show when it was still in its 70s too. re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#31re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:34am

Well, I'll buy the CD if they make one!!!!!!

ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#32re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:39am

Marquise, how could you forget My Pretty Pony, The Musical??

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#33re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:19pm

I would loove to see Rainbow Brite the musical!!

More on-topic, I don't think Chitty is in any immediate danger. It's box office is doing pretty decently, and I'd expect it to pick up in the summer. I really think the only way it would close soon would be if the producers wanted it to so they could put Mary Poppins in. Then again, if you compare box office, I could see ASU closing before Chitty and then Mary Poppins can have a great home at the Palace.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

#34re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:31pm

CHITTY doesn't need awards for its box office. It's word of mouth and advertising that boost its box office. The families sitting all around me last month seemed to be having a grand time and if they tell their friends and family, that's what counts. I have been recommending it to friends who don't have children. I think Jan Maxwell is giving the most hilarious performance in town (and that includes the wonderful cast of my favorite new musical DRS). Kudisch, Cohoon, Dilly, Sella, Zien and Esparza are great too. I don't think CHITTY is a great musical, but it is a fun time at the theater.

jim Profile Photo
#35re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 3:10pm

I thought Cameron and Disney wanted the New Amsterdam for POPPINS? If this **rumor** is true, than another venue would need to be found for LION KING. The Hilton might be that theatre.

RYANWOODS Profile Photo
#36re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 3:30pm

Well when you think if no shows close and new shows come in by the end of 2006, theres going to be too many musicals aimed at familys:

and still possbily SHREK could bow late 06.

So my bet is Disney will not run 4 musicals and Beauty will definatly come off early 06 leaving the quite big Lunt Fortaine for A Chrous Line or Mary Poppins.

Lion King could also come off, cut it whilst its hot

Chitty i give til Jan 06. Tarzan could go here.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#37re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/8/05 at 9:03am

THe very idea the The Lion King will be closing anytime soon is hilarious. It's still a hard ticket to get and sells out most performances. Like it or not, it's gonna be with us for a long, long time.

If anything, I think All Shook Up would close sometime in the nex year, leaving the Palace free for Mary Poppins.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#38re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 6/8/05 at 9:06am

Chitty totally has a future. Like The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, it's a kids show. There are always gonna be kids that want to see a Broadway show, and those are basically the only three that are entirely mind-bogglingly kid-oriented.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

sanda Profile Photo
#39re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/17/05 at 11:09pm

Chitty is not like the Lion King and Beauty and Beast. Lion King and B&B have good story, lovely character, great music, fantaitic scene. Chitty has nothing except that car.

Watching Chitty is my worst broadway experience. I wish it close soon.
Updated On: 7/17/05 at 11:09 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#40re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/17/05 at 11:19pm

You know, no matter how much we dislike shows, I think it's horribly tacky and tastelss to wish they'd close. Even if you don't like the material, think of the people in the show - hard-working individuals, you know, including an actor who has been working his ASS off, despite an injury.

It's not high art, but get over yourself. I wouldn't wish to put you out of work just because I didn't like what you were doing. Perhaps your direct intent is not wishing for these people to be out of work, but it's a direct result, and it's pathetic.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/17/05 at 11:19 PM

Unmasked05 Profile Photo
#41re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/17/05 at 11:44pm

I would love to see "Chitty" but I won't be seeing it unless they decide to have a national tour...which would be AWESOME!!!!!!

Facebook...ME !!!

#42re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/17/05 at 11:45pm

i can't believe no one else picked up on this.

whoever said auditions for ACL were being held at the Hilton meant that they were being held in the 42nd Street Studios that are on the second floor of the Hilton Theatre.

i don't know why people keep harping on the future of Chitty. I honestly don't. If you don't like it, go concentrate on a show you do like. And yes, Disney wants to put Mary Poppins in the New Amsterdam, and Lion King in the Marquis. This is what I've heard at least.

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#43re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/17/05 at 11:54pm

Oh no! I like the Marquis very much and would hate to see it tied up for years (like the Majestic) buy the dreadful 'Lion King'. I was never so bored in my life. But economically, isn't the Marquis a little small for TLK? They're selling out an 1801-seat theatre. Why would they move the Marquis which only seats 1566? That's 13% less seats available for all those parents who want to take little Ashley and Hunter to the theat-ah (at $100 a pop).

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'

sanda Profile Photo
#44re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/18/05 at 12:07am

I am sorry if my words hurt you. I did not mean it.

But I don't regret saying it. The show is dreadful. There is nothing wrong with the actors, they just don't have anything to do. It is such a waste for those talented people, Esparza, Mark, etc. I wish them well but well in another better show.

After watching it, I simply cannot believe how the hell they spent 25 million for this. The book is lame, the joke is bland, the music is...well not there. There is not one character that is interesting and lovely. Well, maybe one , Mark's Baron.

If this is for kid. I should say for about $80, it is too expensive, even kind of unfair for those innocent kids. Yes, they are young, very easy to be pleased. But, if I am a parent and spend that money, I think my kid deserve more.

I wish good show do well, not this one.
Updated On: 7/18/05 at 12:07 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#45re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/18/05 at 12:15am

Before the first time I saw it, I was convinced I was going to hate it, and enjoy nothing more than seeing a lot of wonderful actors act very silly. As for their talent being wasted, though, after having seen it several times, I realized that had actors any less than the best we have been put in these roles, the result could've been dreadful. If actors as brilliant as Raúl Esparza and Marc Kudisch are giving performances that are just "good" in these roles, imagine what we'd see from just an average actor. There's so little to work with, that people as great as these leads, I think, are necessary to make it any more than barely passable. And they're certainly having fun.

And I still vehemently disagree with this ill-wishing of a show, because no matter how highly you speak of its actors, you're wishing them poorly as well.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/18/05 at 12:15 AM

sanda Profile Photo
#46re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/18/05 at 12:22am

Well,you can disagree as you want.

Honestly, I care actors but care the quality of a show and audience's money more. Maybe that is the difference between us.

I can see that Raul tried hard but helpless. Yeah, the role of him was written so bad in the book that no one can save it. So are the Granpa, Truly, two kids , two spies, toy maker, etc, etc.
Updated On: 7/18/05 at 12:22 AM

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#47re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/18/05 at 12:23am

Amen to everything you have ever said on this thread Emcee

Lookee, I almost cried during this show.... the dancing is enough to impress people of all ages. And Hushabye Mountain...AAAH SO GOOD

Plus Baron and Baroness are timeless...... God I could see the show 4 million times and still love them!

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

sanda Profile Photo
#48re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/18/05 at 12:25am

And I forget to mention, the dancing is bad as well. But that is not the big problem comparing to others.
Updated On: 7/18/05 at 12:25 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#49re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
Posted: 7/18/05 at 12:25am

Well, if we're talking ticket prices, there are *certainly* ways around dropping $100 on a ticket. That's a totally separate issue from liking or disliking the show.

Sally, Hushabye Mountain = the happiest two minutes I've had in a long time.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
