
Legally Blonde Blooper 4/10/07- Page 2

Legally Blonde Blooper 4/10/07

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#25My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/11/07 at 8:12pm

Well i work in theatre and also write plays and i loved the show as did many of my friends who star in several musicals.

The target audience is for people who want to have FUN.

The show is fast paced and has great comic timing ,Laura also gives a great performance as did the rest of the cast.

LB has never pretended to be anything other than a fun musical and it achieves that 100 percent

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

FosterChild Profile Photo
#26My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/11/07 at 8:16pm

I'm sorry I missed it.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#27My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/26/07 at 12:24pm

Saw it last night and unfortunately was very disappointed. I was surprised and how bad the book was and thought many of the jokes fell flat. I mean how many times have we seen the lesbian/gay joke. And lines like "don't tell me PONCHOS are back in style" just made me roll my eyes. The music is mostly forgettable. I only remember the opening song because it got stuck in my head like a bad earworm. I was really let down by the choreography since I've been a fan of Jerry Mitchell's. It was as if a middle school had decided to put on a production of Bring it On.
But the main problem for me, as someone said before, you just don't feel for Elle Woods in this production so the show lacks any heart.
I was mildly amused from time to time..and I was never really bored so it wasn't a total waste, but overall I just wasn't impressed.

#28My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/26/07 at 3:35pm

I knew when I read the SF reviews and they praised Jerry Mitchell's choreography, that the show had a lousy score. The first number was decent, but from then on it was all downhill. They seemed to copy a lot of the concepts and dialog from "The Wedding Singer". Many of the scenes and songs were unnecessary and it seemed like they were added just for filler material. What was the point of the song "Ireland"? It did not advance the storyline at all. When the show ended, I looked at my watch and saw that only 2 hrs. and 20 mins. had elapsed. It felt like a 3 hr. show. I was relieved when it was over. I hate to say it, because I really wanted this show to succeed, but this show makes High Fidelity look like West Side Story!

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#29My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/26/07 at 5:43pm

The best thing about it was the bulldog.

Jim in Merced CA Profile Photo
Jim in Merced CA
#30My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/26/07 at 6:05pm

Good review, goldenboy. I agree with your sentiments about not caring for Elle Woods. This same flaw is inherent in the movie, but some reason, it's more glaring in the show. To use a writer's term, there's no 'character arc' for Elle. She's the pretty girl who's really smart in the beginning. And at the end, she's the pretty girl who's really smart. What's the journey for her?
My Review of Legally Blonde the Musical - click here

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#31My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/27/07 at 1:02am

I know it wasn't "good" but am I the only one who thought "High Fidelity" was relatively enjoyable? On the other hand, I despised "The Wedding Singer."

Everything I've read, both positive and negative, about "Legally Blonde" makes it sound closer to the latter.

Broadwayfan120791 Profile Photo
#32My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/27/07 at 1:40am

ok so I figured I would say this about the audience since many think that it will be target to 12-15 year olds...this may possibly true for many, but surprisingly I went to the show tonight..a lot of people I was sitting around & a lot of people I overheard talking while on the line to the bathroom at intermission..were adults who were older & seemed to go to a lot of theatre & also surprisingly lawyers/law firm people sat around me & got a good laugh out of it & entertainment. They looked like they were enjoying themselves. Also one girl, was behind me on the line & was talking about to someone I don't know who, about having law firm outting to this play.

This just shows that maybe Legally Blonde will target people we all I'm sure would never have expected to reach to.

And that is cute about the improvisation with the dog barfing, poor dog, but the cast is amazing & I am sure they did a good job with playing that off.

Come on babe we're gonna paint the town...and all that jazz...

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#33My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/27/07 at 2:07am

When I saw the show LBB had a costume problem with the fly of her jeans. It would not zip up and button for the entire scene. She kept fussing with it. I felt bad.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#34My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/27/07 at 2:16am

That happened when I saw it too. It was kind of cute though and she handled it well.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie" www.richardhblake.com

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#35My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 4/27/07 at 9:51am

There's really not much of a difference of introducing Elle in the movie or the musical. What makes you love her more when they introduce her in the movie - showing her talking on the phone?

I will definitely admit problems they have with the book - the "butthead" joke is poorly delivered, and lots of things they wanted to fit in from the movie turn out wrong and stupidly placed.

And I think Elle sings too long after Warner says he wants to break up in "Serious". The realization joke gets lost.

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#36My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 5/14/07 at 12:03am

I saw the show tonight and really enjoyed it. I went in expecting to see a fun, ridiculous show, and that's what I got. I thought they executed it very well for what they were trying to do, and the cast had so much energy, which kept me engaged. Sure, the story was pretty one-dimensional and yeah, I agree that some of the jokes fell flat/were delivered strangely, but mostly I was very impressed with the cast, and thought LBB was good. She worked for the show, I thought, and while she didn't stand out in the cast, she fit right in. So, overall the show was entertaining, and sometimes that's exactly what you want from theatre.

Sorry for bumping an older thread, but I thought it'd be better than starting another new one.
Updated On: 5/14/07 at 12:03 AM

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#37My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 5/14/07 at 12:04am

Oops, double post. Updated On: 5/14/07 at 12:04 AM

Tchi4Lif188 Profile Photo
#38My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 5/14/07 at 12:11am

Glad you liked it :)

And thank you for not starting ANOTHER Legally Blonde thread!

"Wishes come true, not free..."

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#39My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 5/14/07 at 8:16am

I'm surprised no one posted about the mishap on Friday night.

Tchi4Lif188 Profile Photo
#40My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 5/14/07 at 9:30am

Oh yeah, was anyone there? I hope they got that set fixed so it doesn't happen again.

"Wishes come true, not free..."

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#41My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 5/14/07 at 9:37am

Ha I was asking about it because I was there and I thought there would be a whole thread about it already.

The set was fixed very quickly. I'm not sure if it was metal or paper that fell down, but it was pretty big and I'm glad that the dorm room set blocked it from falling on or really close to Laura.

Dirty_Rotten_Guy Profile Photo
#42My Legally Blonde Review
Posted: 5/14/07 at 12:55pm

I was there Friday night! I'm not really sure what it was either, it was just one of those huge panels that form like a half rectangle around the stage. But yeah, it was so close to hitting Laura Bell! She was so cute about it, though, she just stepped to the side, giggled, and then the stage man told her to get offstage.
And for the rest of Act I that one panel/thing wasn't lit up
Didnt notice if it was fixed for Act II or not though...

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