
rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)- Page 2

rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)

#25re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 6:03pm

WE do agree on one thing: she was bland in ITH. She does fare better here and it's possible that she's just more suited for this part. That doesn't mean it's TONY worthy. The rape scene is just that: a rape scene. It should be chilling and she did justice to it. To me her performance had that " College kid comes home to star in her High School's production of WSS" feel to it. She's the most mature looking one up there and according to the bio's, one of the more experienced.

She did the best she could with what she was given in ITH. She had a drastically underwritten role, but her delivery of "It Won't Be Long Now" and "Champagne" was amazing.

It's also a little vindicating to hear all these people who shot me down when I first suggested Karen back when the revival was announced ("she can't dance! Bianca Marroquin!") now calling her the best part of the show.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

Ole Chum
#26re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 6:10pm

im so happy to read all this positive karen olivo talk.

i saw her randomly as an u/s in RENT and thought her voice needed work (she could not control its power) but she was really a brilliant actress- layered and thoughtful in her choices.

i didnt get to see her in ITH but theres no doubt in my mind she has the acting ability to make Anita something fantastic, regardless of the talent level of her fellow castmembers.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#27re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 6:14pm

I really can't wait to see this in April...but I'm a little dissapointed. Hopefully everyone will be more comfortable with their roles by then...especially since Tony voters are watching the show then.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

SNAFU Profile Photo
#28re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 6:16pm

Personally, I missed the Nightmare scene. The dream was too pretty, way too pretty and it really needed to be Earth bound at the end.
I too found my self bored and felt I could have left at the intermission. I felt the show dragged in parts and really lacked emmotion in the first act. I am glad I stayed to see the show was not completely devoid of passion.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#29re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 7:28pm

I think Karen is absolutely phenomenal in this. She was my favorite part of the show followed closely by Josefina. She definitely has a great chance at winning the Tony. She is an all around great performer and deserves it.

I actually Matt ALOT better when I saw it the second time, I thought from DC to NY he improved. I think his voice is beautiful BUT it's not right for Tony. I think the role of Tony is just incredibly boring, he is sort of a wuss. But in the scene's with Josefina he was so out-shined.

Sauja Profile Photo
#30re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 7:39pm

I really can't decide whether or not to see this. Everyone's comments seem to be about how great the material and how "not bad" the production is. But I hesitate to commit when the talk is about how it's "not as disappointing" as Guys and Dolls and Pal Joey.

Of course, I've only seen Karen once before--in the Hair concert in the park the summer before last--and couldn't stand her voice. And Matt hasn't impressed me in anything I've seen him in. Okay, and if I'm being 100% honest, I've never really liked West Side Story (I fully acknowledge that this is blasphemous). Yet I still feel like I should give it a shot. I sense a balcony seat in my future...

#31re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 8:03pm

Nice review. I'm kind of scared to see it now on the 18th after hearing how some of the cast is not up to par. However, I am excited to see Karen.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#32re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 8:28pm

I'm very excited to see HAIR tomorrow. I believe I gave it a four star review when I saw it at the Delacorte (it was really phenomenal) and I'm hoping it will be the standout revival I've been waiting for. It's a shame this year's musical revivals just aren't living up to the brilliance that last season offered (minus the hot mess that was GREASE).

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#33re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 9:52pm

I can't wait for HAIR and I hope it does well.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#34re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 10:48pm

The main problem with this production seems to be that Laurents has an ego the size of Mount Rushmore, and he doesn't realize that Robbins' staging is sacrosanct in the minds of many WSS fans for a reason. Does he necessarily have to use all of it? No. Should the bulk of it be in there compared to what he's got going on at present? I don't think it would hurt.

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#35re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/5/09 at 11:56pm

Olivo is a terrific Actress and Singer but casting her as Anita was a big mistake.
Not by her, but by Laurents, who refuses to admit how the Dance and Robbin's direction, and Bernstein's music make this work classic.
His book was perfect at the time, why change any of it?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#36re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/6/09 at 11:28am

I really didn't have a problem with Olivo's dancing. She obviously is no Chita but I thought she was fine, and it was clear she knew she wasn't the best so she faked it with a lot of exaggerated facial expressions, etc (and in a good way).

And didn't Laurents say in an interview that the score is the best part of the show?

#37re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/6/09 at 2:33pm

great review, as always.

love reading your reviews!

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#38re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/30/09 at 10:31pm

If you wanted to see an acctress singer and amazing dancer, then get a time machine and go see chia rivera. Karen Olivo is a phenomenal actress and singer, so her dancing skill (or by your standard) or lack there of DOESENT MATTER. thats what obcs are for: revivals are for taking what someone else did and making it your own.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#39re: rOcKS @ 'West Side Story' (LONG)
Posted: 3/30/09 at 10:56pm

Karen Olivo is a phenomenal actress and singer, so her dancing skill (or by your standard) or lack there of DOESENT MATTER.

Actually, you're wrong. There are many, many phenomenal actress and singers who are also bad casting for Anita.

The character of Anita is defined by two dance numbers in the first act. If the actress playing Anita is outshone by Graziella in the "Dance at the Gym" and by the other Shark girls in "America" she isn't playing the role well.

In other words, yes, it DOES matter.
