
Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!- Page 3

Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!

Midnight Radio
#50Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 1:16pm

Yes, let me rephrase that as semi-formal. If it was a very casual event, it seems that Denzel Washington was the only one to get that memo.

Sure, Patti has a t-shirt on in that picture, but she also has a jacket and has bothered to put on some make up and comb her hair to look presentable. Not quite the same uni-bomber look Denzel is sporting.

My point is, as the phrase goes, it is an honor just to be nominated. Getting to attend this event and being nominated for a Tony award is a privilege, not a right. By dressing in this manner to an event in which he is a GUEST to, he cheapens the event, the prestige of the nomination, and shows a lack of respect to his peers and the Tony commission. If everyone else can put some care into their dress, why should he be any different?

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#51Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 2:00pm

Denzel hardly had uncombed hair and he cannot shave his face..he has it for his part in Fences. and you have to admit...his teeth are very white and clean.

"it's a dirty little war"

Mamie Profile Photo
#52Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 2:54pm

Making a little bit of effort to make yourself look presentable is showing the American Theatre Wing and the theatre community that their award has some meaning and importance to you. It shows RESPECT. Something he obviously has none of.

A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

Marquise Profile Photo
#53Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 3:01pm

That this is a bone of contention with so many of you here is extremely laughable....and entertaining.

uncageg Profile Photo
#54Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 3:13pm

I don't find it laughable at all. It is just a matter of opinion. Something we are all allowed to have and have expressed in this thread.

Just give the world Love.

#55Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 3:22pm

Beyond the theater world (and, yes, there is a world beyond the theater world), the unspoken dress code for a professional lunch would be "business casual." Lots of other nominees wore collarless tee shirts but put a jacket on - not a windbreaker, a real jacket. And the baseball cap look is getting really old - not appropriate for any indoor event.

Just my opinion, I know, but Denzel is an adult, and showed a lack of judgment. As a fellow Fordham grad, I am disappointed in him. But I am sure he doesn't give a rat's *ss about my opinion.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#56Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 3:33pm

Wonkit, I didn't know you went to Fordham! Lincoln Center? When did you graduate?

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

uncageg Profile Photo
#57Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 3:50pm

I think the hat thing really bothers me because I was raised never to wear a hat inside. A baseball cap at home if I was running in and back out was fine but otherwise, no hats on inside.

Just give the world Love.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#58Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 5:08pm

wonkit, I was going to post the same thing- it's business casual, not casual. Broadway Barks is a casual event.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#59Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 7:58pm

orangeskittles - perfect, perfect example of Broadway casual!

And I think I probably should say that the dress code would be "at least" business casual. When there are photographers present, it pays to be presentable.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#60Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 9:19pm

What will he wear to the actual award ceremony?

Poster Emeritus

#61Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/8/10 at 2:26am

He'll go a step up for the awards.... jeans and a t-shirt. Perhaps a
Kangol hat instead of the baseball cap

singtopher Profile Photo
#62Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/8/10 at 2:21pm

I'll just chime in to agree that his choice of outfit showed a lack of respect to me. I'm not going to lose sleep over it, but that is how I feel. I'm sure he will look great at the Tony's.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

#63Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/8/10 at 8:01pm

It may be presumptious to presume Denzel's thought process, but I think he's actually showing a form of affection and "realness" for Broadway with the casual attire. In his mind anyway.

People have to remember, Denzel is a theatre veteran. It's where he started. He's already won the Obie award in 1982 for A Soldier's Play. He's hardly some slumming movie star. The guy has done at least 20 plays. I get the feeling that he thinks of stage as the real actors medium, and when he used to be in theatre, very rarely did actors "dress up" for most occassions. Most of them have matinees to play, and can't dress up for every event. Back in the day, he probably turned up to the Obie's in casual attire, and nobody cared (of course, they didn't have the internet back then).

I think he just feels more relaxed being back on stage, where it's all about the work, not about how you look or what you are wearing. He must be pretty jaded with all these Hollywood shindigs where you have to turn up in a penguin suit and tell some reporter you are wearing Armani. I think he feels theater is above that shallow crap.

#64Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/9/10 at 12:43am

Interesting therory but he was just lazy and doesn't find it to
be as big of a deal as the Oscars or Golden Globes

#65Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/9/10 at 1:02am

When I first saw his picture, I thought he was Ice-T!
Updated On: 5/9/10 at 01:02 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#66Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/9/10 at 2:10am

"Interesting therory but he was just lazy and doesn't find it to
be as big of a deal as the Oscars or Golden Globes"

Because it's not. It's not an awards ceremony. It's a glorified meet and greet.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#67Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/9/10 at 9:30am


Exactly. I'm sure he'll dress up for the actual Tony ceremony (and I'm sure he thinks it's a big deal).

The OP also made an unfair criticism about him being unshaven. He's playing a lowly Garbage man in Fences....it's almost certainly part of the role, for him to have visible beard/stubble growth. To be more believable in the role, since he's an actor and all.

I hope he doesn't get grief for turning up unshaven to the Tony's, as the play will still be running. He actually turned up to give a big speech at Obama's inauguration in front of millions of people, with a scraggly beard, because it was neccesary for his role in his last film (Book Of Eli, I think). I doubt he was trying to disrespect Obama or the American people by not having a shave. He's dedicated to his craft.
Updated On: 5/9/10 at 09:30 AM

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#68Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/9/10 at 1:15pm

"Interesting theory but he was just lazy and doesn't find it to be as big of a deal as the Oscars or Golden Globes "

LMAO- i am with scrumpy over this b.s. assumption.
lazy? hmmm...going off to do a matinee right after and a man who works his a$$ off? yep, lazy. He doesn't regard one over the other and I absolutely agree he feels more comfortable in the theatre world. but no one knows for sure. I hope he doesn't even answer to these critical put downs either. it is getting ridiculous when there are real serious hardships in the world. i hope he is laughing at the idiocy of people

"it's a dirty little war"

uncageg Profile Photo
#69Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/11/10 at 2:24pm

Well, I might as well point it out...he wore the same jeans and shirt to the Drama Critics Circle Awards that he wore on Regis & Kelly that morning.

Just give the world Love.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#70Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/11/10 at 5:43pm

I'm not mad at Denzel for not dressing up, I'm mad at him for putting on any clothes at all.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter
