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Cabaret coming back to Broadway?- Page 3

Cabaret coming back to Broadway?

#50Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 1:34pm

"Alan Cumming can play the MC any day he wants."

Are you kidding me? He's going to be the Ted Neeley of EmCees. He's going to be doing it in his wheelchair.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#51Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 2:58pm

The female Emcee thing (which has been done more often than people think) leave the director with the question of whether to have the Emcee BE a woman, or to have the actor play him as a woman playing a man. The latter is what they did in Boston, but because of the way she was costumed, etc., it had this interesting impact of being like the way your eyes see two different things, and then your brain combines them into one complete whole. I remember the moment at which I became completely sold on her; she walked by me and I saw, exactly at once, this beautiful woman and a gorgeous man. It worked so well not only because Amanda was absolutely born to play that part, but because the entire production had variations of that same theme sprinkled throughout -- there was so much gender bending that there kept being moments that made you think, "wait a second -- what am I actually seeing here?" and that was the beauty of it. That's kind of the beauty of Cabaret.

As much as I would relish the chance to finally see Alan do this, there's a part of me that would also like to see something new.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 3/12/13 at 02:58 PM

Johnnycantdecide Profile Photo
#52Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 3:03pm

If she could abandon the whisper singing thing, Helena Bonham Carter could be so interesting as Sally.

Younger Brother Profile Photo
Younger Brother
#53Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 3:15pm

Is Toni Collette too old for Sally?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#54Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 3:19pm

By the book (literally) Emcee and Sally are both fairly young.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#55Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:05pm

Toni Collette is ageless in my book Cabaret coming back to Broadway? I'd seriously love to see her play the role even if it's in a staged concert, though really I wanna see her go through the entire canon of musical theatre: Rose, Sally (Bowles and Plummer), Mame, Effie White, Miss yeah, I'm not objective when it comes to her.

Well, if not Cumming (or Palmer), who would people want to see play the MC? Will Swenson is my second choice after Cumming.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

Johnnycantdecide Profile Photo
#56Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:11pm

I think Joseph Gordon Levit would be brilliant as the MC

g.d.e.l.g.i. Profile Photo
#57Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:28pm

^ Well, the singing isn't particularly rangy, so he might actually be able to pull it off.

Formerly gvendo2005
Broadway Legend
joined: 5/1/05

Blocked: After Eight, suestorm, david_fick, emlodik, lovebwy, Dave28282, joevitus, BorisTomashevsky

#58Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:31pm

I'd see him in a second.

Moot point, really. If this rumor is true, it's going to be Cumming.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#59Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:31pm

Helena Bonham Carter is too damned old to play Sally Bowles!!! Sally Bowles is supposed to a girl in her early to mid 20's not some dowdy old matron!!!

#60Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:39pm

HBC may not be an ingenue, but I don't see how she can be described as a "dowdy old matron" unless you're being completely hyperbolic.

Wrong for the role, anyway - which reminds me - some one suggested Chita Rivera as Schnieder? I adore Chita, but playing English in Drood was a huge but forgivable stretch. A German?

No. Just no.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#61Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:42pm

Effie White Is supposed to be in her 20's too, but that ain't stopping Miss Jennifer Holliday from playing it in her wheelchair at every theatre that will have her. Hell, if Holliday can still play Effie, let's dust Liza off and put her back in Cabaret again. It would be a train wreck, but a sold out train wreck.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#62Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:42pm

I don’t know. I just think bringing Alan Cumming back as the Emcee is a little too easy, especially if they are reviving the Mendes production. Reviving the original production with the original star didn’t work out so well in the 80s.

For some reason, I just keep imagining Euan Morton as the Emcee.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#63Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:42pm

I was being hyperbolic.

#64Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:52pm

Sorry, Carlos. I figured - but it gave me an excuse to bring up the Chita thing.

MisterMatt, I totally agree. Hey, Alan and Liza are doing a show at Town Hall soon. Maybe it's a try-out to for the revival.

Can't you just see it? Alan as EmCee, Liza as Sally. Throw in Chita, Angela or Stritch as FS. It would sell out for sure.

g.d.e.l.g.i. Profile Photo
#65Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:55pm

^ Tongue-in-cheek self-deprecating humor: it would explain a gay guy's attraction to Sally for sure.

Formerly gvendo2005
Broadway Legend
joined: 5/1/05

Blocked: After Eight, suestorm, david_fick, emlodik, lovebwy, Dave28282, joevitus, BorisTomashevsky

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#66Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 5:57pm

I'd see Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Effie White Is supposed to be in her 20's too...

etc. etc. etc. - still. Doesn't mean it's right. :) But, people love it and they keep seeing it and I get the nostalgia impulse. But, age is an important part of casting, too.

Every time this rumor pops up, it always involves Alan Cumming; its persistence leads me to believe that much is always true.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#67Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 6:02pm

Does anyone think Liza could pull off Fräulein Schneider? That would be interesting, but something tells me that wearing a dowdy house dress and a grey wig is outside her comfort zone.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#68Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 6:08pm

I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Love. But I don't see him as the MC at all.

all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
#69Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 6:40pm

I didn't see Alan in the Mendes revival, so it would be a dream come true if he was really doing this.

I think English is a more difficult accent than German, and she did pull off French in Nine, so I think she can pull it off. I really couldn't care less about the accent as long as she's back on broadway doing Kander and Ebb. I wouldn't mind even seeing her as Velma again. I'm obsessed with her and her whole generation. I sooooo would've love to have been alive during the seventies.

"MisterMatt, I totally agree. Hey, Alan and Liza are doing a show at Town Hall soon. Maybe it's a try-out to for the revival.

Can't you just see it? Alan as EmCee, Liza as Sally. Throw in Chita, Angela or Stritch as FS. It would sell out for sure."

Liza would be beyond a dream!! I'd kill to see that production.

Kad Profile Photo
#70Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 6:43pm

An authentic German accent is trickier than it appears. Stock German is easy. But real German is harder.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#71Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 6:48pm

Sally Bowles is supposed to a girl in her early to mid 20's not some dowdy old matron!!!

But if this is a revival of the revival, I imagine they'll skew older with their Sallys, right? I never once thought Natasha Richardson was supposed to be playing a Sally in her twentites. I thought her Sally was was pretty much whatever age Richardson was at the time (35ish, I think?).

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#72Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 6:58pm

Exactly, Phyllis, I didn't see Richardson live but from the recordings that remain I can't imagine she, Mendes, Marshall or anyone involved was pretending she was in her 20s, and that argument still holds when you look at the people who replaced her. Jennifer Jason Leigh was almost 40 when she replaced Richardson.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#73Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 6:58pm

Double post, clearly I'm overzealous about this rumor.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"
Updated On: 3/12/13 at 06:58 PM

xxdrewboy85xx Profile Photo
#74Cabaret coming back to Broadway?
Posted: 3/12/13 at 9:55pm

What about Benjamin Walker as the Emcee?
