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Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA- Page 3

Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA

NYUstud Profile Photo
#50re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 12:30am

I totally agree. She should win just for singing Defying Gravity.

"So much of me is made of what I learned from you. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart."-Wicked

Matt_G Profile Photo
#51re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 12:30am

It really is something special to see that in person. You're absolutely right.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#52re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 1:37am

My point exactly. She should win because she can sing? No. She should win because ideally, she can sing, act, and fully create a character, two of which Idina still hasn't done.

#53re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 1:41am

What a thread this has turned out to be in the last 24 hours!

Well, I can say that I think people are totally divided on this issue for many reasons: performances, likes/dislikes, emotional appeal, experiences meeting these people ... it's really interesting to hear where people are coming from.

I don't know who I would pick: Donna (I've met her and thought she was amazingly delightful and classy. Her performance was great, but the writing of the role is so "to the point" and the love story just doesn't allow her to spread her wings. She's great in her solos and wonderful in the Conga, but a Tony?), Kristin (who I thought was perfect in Wicked ... I see great things for her. She's got it made with the classic soprano, character belt and unbelievable timing. I couldn't get over her little nuances and the ways she toyed with the audience. They loved her from point a to z), Idina (who's voice just made me melt ... hehe ... but her acting was altogether lacking in places where she had to be just perfectly normal. I thought she did well with the material in Act Two. She was really able to wrapped herself about the cold heart of the character and yet find that warmth that Winnie Holzman has perfectly placed).

Who will it be? Donna Murphy ... split vote I tell you

Who will win the majority with the average theatre voter (mom and pop)? Kristin Chenoweth ... these people love her and she provides the best performance for theatre goers and tourists alike.

Who would I love to see win? Idina Menzell ... I want to see this girl win a Tony for her shear brilliance in voice and movement. She has such a way of gaining people's attention and she is a stunning human being.

My two ... three ... or four cents :)

Everyone have a great week!

#54re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 1:47am

Helloooo? Tonya Pinkins? Anyone? Anyone? Or does she not exist all of a sudden?

Matt_G Profile Photo
#55re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 1:54am

I've been saying Tonya should win all along. I was just saying before that if it does come down to Idina & Kristen I think Idina has a better shot at it. But Tonya was just so amazing. I really hope more people give CAROLINE a chance!

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

#56re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 10:03am

Tonya's performance is just not comparable to the other nominees. She really out does herself. The material alone allows her to give a more powerful performance and she really delivers. The other girls are really just giving us fluff... a fun night of cheesiness. Fun though it may be and as talented as the other women are, it is what it is -- they're not justifiably the best ACTRESSES in the category... Tonya is. As previously stated, it's not a category for best belter (though I'd take Tonya's voice any day over every single one of those other women), or most animated, or best comedian.

I really hope Tonya wins. I really loved Caroline or Change... it's such a smart show. It's really deep... really makes you think. I dig that.

...but yeah, since when did that matter where awards are concerned. It's a mixed bag. Sometimes the wins are deserving and more often than not, they're bs. The actress I always want to win in that category NEVER does. It NEVER fails. I'm cursed when it comes to that category.

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#57re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 10:09am

It should and hopefully will be Tonya Pinkins. The most well rounded performance of all the ladies.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#58re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 10:18am

Just saw broadwaybaby's post to me, and yes of course having a valid opinion makes me "bitter about something".

I'm bitter that the average age of posters on this board is under the legal drinking age. I'm bitter that I have to justify my opinions to gushing teenagers such as yourself.

If I've read all of the posts correctly, it seems the majority of the posters agree that Menzel and Chenoweth will cancel eachother out. And being that Caroline will most likely be something you won't see, you can't grasp why Pinkins deserves the award. I'm bitter that I had to take an extra 5 minutes out of my day to type this response to your inane post.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#59re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 10:28am

Al Dente: I can certainly understand any frustrations that you may have where posters don't respect your opinion. I also understand the frustration in folks who are new to the theatre not looking back at the history of theatre/thinking outside the box/respecting the wise opinions of older/more experienced posters. However, I think it is a highly dangerous attitude to be bitter about young people loving theatre--even if their tastes seem pedestrian at this point in their lives. We NEED future generations to love theatre. And, shouldn't it be cool that some of them love theatre in the way other kids love MTV and the pop world? We all need to have patience--one day, these "kids" will discover other things in theatre besides Rent, Wicked, Hairspray, and Little Shop. There was a time when I thought musical theatre revolved around Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. I grew up. I gradually came to know better.

Kids: Listen to your Aunt Al Dente. He has very valid opinions, too.


#60re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 10:35am

Al, darling, I beg of you, don't generalize. I don't like being grouped in with the teeny bopper mainstream. I'm under the legal drinking age, yet I can't stand Idina and would take Caroline or Change any day over Wicked or Hairspray.

:-P I'll forgive you though, because I, too, am bitter that people can't distinguish true talent from fad. =-O (I'm so gonna get bashed for that, but hey, it's my valid opinion.)

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#61re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 11:17am

"...that people can't distinguish true talent from fad."
This statement makes so much sense in regards to the state of Broadway at the moment - it is almost heartbreaking.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

#62re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 2:16pm

I have to sadly state that Idina is also my least favorite of the nominees and she was the one I was most hoping to love because I love the concept of the show --and had read the book years back. Maybe I was sitting too far back (way way back) to see what some people think she's doing in terms of performance but for my money, Kristin's performance was more fully realized and her voice stronger.

Plus the night I saw it there was a major technical problem right before "Popular" that held them up for minutes. Kristin kept the crowd in stitches effortlessly --some people call it mugging. I call it great ad-libbing which gave her extra points in my book. I loved her so much that the very next day I bought tickets to her concert in September.

But the TONY should probably go to Donna, Stephanie, or Tonya who are all completely deserving of kudos. Donna's is one of the best all around comic/musical perfomances I've seen... Stephanie is just amazing and with her different characters is like a totally different actor/singer. Great inventive stuff. And let's just say that Tonya Pinkins...well, her "Lot's Wife" moment was possibly my top moment of the year in any production. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I think it's going to be Tonya for the win with Donna as a possible spoiler for her (3rd!) Tony.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#63re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 3:43pm

You're both absolutely right JRB and Daisy, which is why I should have stressed the word "most". JRB, the shows you mentioned being obsessed with are in a different league than Wicked, LS, etc... You're taste was clearly more discerning, even in youth.

#64re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 4:04pm

Hey, Al Dente, rest assured- not all of us youngsters think that Broadway history began with Rent. :)

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#65re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 4:14pm

Well, I have always been taught that you can have an opinion but get it across in a way that is not offensive or demeaning to people. I personally don't care if the Wicked girls win, I would love to see a total surprise for everyone and have Stephanie win, but it won't happen. I just believe that not everything in life is negative. If we look at it that way, then what is the point. Bitterness looks good on no one. And, also, I would like to say that my history with Broadway goes far beyond what is playing right now, I am educated and I do know a little more than you think. I just don't like the negative attitude you display, all it does is bring people down, or at least me, and that is enough for my verification.

#66re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 4:29pm

I remember being 14 and all my 'theatre buddies' would obsess to the point of ad nauseum over Rent and I bashed it until I was blue in the face. Of course, I was obsessed with Side Show... it still has a special place in my heart because its the only show I was ever obsessed with, but obsession of any kind is not good. I grew out of the show... (and became more aware of its flaws as time progressed...) but I think it said a lot about me that I was devoting my adoration to an obscure show that I was constantly having to explain to everyone other than a show that everyone and their dead grandmother knew.

I was a little theatre elitist snob when I was little. I've since come to realize that sure, you can enjoy the fluff (I'm not calling Rent fluff... I just don't like it, plain and simple), but it's still important to know thats just what it is -- fluff -- and to familiarize yourself with those piece of works that are in a different league, such as Caroline or Change. I suppose its an acquired taste.

I suppose my little lesson to the youngin's out there is... don't be a follower -- broaden your horizons. It's okay to have different likes and dislikes. Give the things that aren't 'in' or 'hip' a try.


Tonya deserves to win. Period. :)

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

Elphie Profile Photo
#67re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 4:32pm

I have to admit that RENT is one of the musicals I am passionate about, but being under 21, the cast recordings I listen to the most are PARADE, A NEW BRAIN, WEST SIDE STORY, BAT BOY, THE LAST FIVE YEARS, THE WILD PARTY (both versions), and SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD. I'm the kid, who at age 9, jumped out to to buy the cast recording of THE LIFE. I did enjoy WICKED and LSOH I will admit, but does that justify my postion as a Broadway fan just because of I loved those shows? Everybody has different tastes. Some people are just harder to please and thats fine to be that way. I understand that not everything will please everyone. I just dont want to be classified as one of the girls (I know plenty of them) who think WICKED is the only thing on Broadway. I will be seeing CAROLINE, OR CHANGE ins 2 weeks and am very excited to see Tonya, who I love on the Wild Party recording.
My two cents.

"They hear drums. We hear music."

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#68re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 4:35pm

lol Daisy, I understand that completely. I was recently having a discussion with a teacher about The Lion King, and I said it was visually stimulating, but not mind stimulating and she was aghast. I couldn't quite understand why she got mad at me, but she asked me if I watched cartoons or movies that required no thinking and I just said no. Mind-numbing "entertainment" does just the opposite for me.... I am not entertained by it. Everything is much more interesting when you have to analyze it and really delve. But, I don't know who deserves to win, except when it comes to King Lear, because I saw it in Stratford with all of those lovely actors. Ok, I can be mocked by Al Dente, because I am sure it is coming, but I have never been to New York. I have had to rely on touring companies, Stratford, and web/t.v. appearances as well as doing a lot of reading to form my opinions about these new shows. My family simply does not have the money to spend on that sort of trip, but I know some day I will get there and it will be worth it, I will just have to work a little bit harder..... ahhhh so off-topic......

oh, and my most listened to CD - Ragtime (hope that's not too elementary for you) Updated On: 5/11/04 at 04:35 PM

NuggetMonkeys Profile Photo
#69re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 6:07pm

Donna shall be the victor.


Vary My Days.

#70re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 8:29pm

I have a feeling that after the winner is announced for Best Actress in a Musical, you're going to hear this...

"This is Idina Menzel's first Tony Award and second Nomination. She was previously nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Rent."

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#71re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 8:33pm

I'm considered a teeny-bopper too being so young (15) and while I have seen all of the revivals and Idina, Kristin, Stephanie, and Donna, I do go with the majority and think Idina is special in her role. I definitly want to see Tonya and Im sure she deserves it the most. My posts are based on the four ladies I saw.

I saw Assassins recently and would take that over Hairspray, Rent, and Aida anyday.

I dont think its fair that people are grouping the young people together.

deeisadiva Profile Photo
#72re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 8:41pm

I hope that Idina wins...for people who think that she can't act her way out of a paper bag...I want to ask you what crack you were on when a) you saw the show and b) you wrote that message. Idina is an amazing actress...she puts soo much into her role each night...for her singing alone she should get the add her acting and she's a shoe in. Yes donna is good...but I personally think that Idina deserves this. she's worked so hard and she's come so far from where she started. She's grown so much in the role of Elphaba...I notice a change for the better with each time I see it (going on 5th time). I think that for soo many reasons the Tony award should be hers.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#73re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 8:46pm

I hope Idina wins...I'm seeing it June 23 so I only really know about the singing. Kristin's great, but her voice can get annoying. I'm seeing Caroline soon so I'll know about Tonya...but maybe Kristin and Idina will cancel each other out. To tell you the truth, my message was pointless because I honestly don't know. Someone said before that it could be like last year when Marissa Jaret Winkour beat Bernadette Peters...who knows?

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#74re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 9:00pm

Idina wont be in it June 23rd.. shes out from June 18th- July 6th i believe.

Eden Espinosa is amazing as well though.
