
babygiraffeboots Profile Photo
#50re: Newsies!
Posted: 1/23/05 at 12:37am

love newsies, went through a major phase last year. So I was really excited when I got to perform king of new york. Pennylou, you are so lucky you got to place racetrack! that is one of my dream roles, well, if I were a guy.

"Without Jews, fags, and gypsies, there is no theatre!" ~Mel Brooks, To be or not to be

midtowngym Profile Photo
#51re: Newsies!
Posted: 1/23/05 at 2:11am

Aaron goes to my gym. He always looks so sad. I imagine he's not working currently?

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston

#52re: Newsies!
Posted: 1/23/05 at 9:46am

I've seen two "bootleg" shows of Newsies brought to life. So cute! One of them was at a summer camp I used to go to, the other was at Wellesly College. Both were highly entertaining. :)

#53re: Newsies!
Posted: 1/23/05 at 2:25pm

im listening to the newsies soundtrack right now!

Broadway Style Profile Photo
Broadway Style
#54re: Newsies!
Posted: 1/23/05 at 5:53pm

Yes I too love Newsies, but could everyone please clarify why they hate Michael Eisner so much?

"Fidelity is more than mere display, it's what a man expects from life. Fidelity, like mine to Desiree and Charlotte my devoted wife..."

La Vie Boheme
#55re: Newsies!
Posted: 1/23/05 at 8:18pm

I too LOVE Newsies. There are some really great male vocal songs in that show. I have an upcoming audition in which im singing "Santa Fe" (from Newsies) for. Its a great song and i love singing it. My friend said his school did a production of it a while ago which i thought was funny cuz i had never heard of a stage version. THey had to make all the girls into guys and he said they had to use A LOT of tape. lol!

~Peace Out~

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hyperchet Profile Photo
#56re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 1:05pm

Yes it needs to come to Broadway in the next five years...just time for me to be in it...I want to play David. And they need to add "Proud of your Boy" in there for David to sing somewhere, now wouldn't that be marvelous! Actually, in the Alan Menken Songbook, it says he is adapting it for the Broadway stage I think...

"Needless to say the crew is well acquainted with my ass and that's ok because they are the coolest guys ever." - Idina Menzel

#57re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 1:24pm

I love Newsies! I would love if Disney brought it to Broadway

"If There's One Thing to Learn it's You Just Can't Go Wrong If You Follow Your Heart, and End With A Song"

#58re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 1:27pm

I saw an amatuer staging of it and it was...okay...but not good enough for Broadway. Besides, it requires all men and boys.

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

Kevo711 Profile Photo
#59re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 1:33pm

i love newsies! i sang Sante Fe in a little cabaret thing and used the dance from the movie ( well i changed it a bit )it was so much fun! a stage version of newsies would be AWESOME!

#60re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 2:27pm

haha I'm watching newsies right now! they SHOULD make it into a stage version...

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#61re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 2:39pm

There was talk years ago not too long after the picture came out of turning it into a Broadway stage production. I believe that BATB was to be first then they were going to work on NEWSIES. That obviously never came to fruition. It would definitely need some serious tweaking. The film came across more as a workshop production than an actual finished piece of work. I too agree that it would make for a fine Broadway show.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

boatsintheghetto Profile Photo
#62re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 3:03pm

I love love love the newsies!!! It's like my town's mascot movie, we always watch it after chorus concerts or plays or whatnot. Making it into a show for say a highschool would really only work though for an all boys school i mean really, how many schools are going to pick a play that is predominately a male cast...then again we did do oliver in middle school, but even that had a few more female roles. But i wouldnt mind dressing as a guy to be in the show lol

#63re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 3:27pm

It's great everyone loves "Newsies" so much, but there are some cold hard facts you guys are ignoring: The film was a massive flop. Disaster. Disney markets family films and knows how to connect with that audience: Even they couldn't sell this Turkey.

The only problem with Newsies is that no one wants to see it. They didn't want to see it for $7 at the theater, they didn't want to buy the DVD for $20, they SURE aren't going to want to pay $100 to see it on Broadway. Any Broadway musical developed from this film would surely fail.

Disney owns the rights to literally hundreds of successful, beloved films. Why in the world would they decide to make a Broadway version of one that no one liked? If you don't beleive me, go through the Disney section of your local rental section and line up the movies that would make a better movie than Newsies: That should keep you busy for weeks. The Love Bug will be a musical before Newsies.....

WickedCatsontheRoof Profile Photo
#64re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 5:00pm

"Newsies" is GREAT. This reminds me that I really need to look for this movie. It became my teen tour's theme during our trip. We had a sign on the door to the room where we had our last dinner that said, "Open the gates and seize the day". Our group turned out to be really into singing and acting. The guys even started their own accapella group. Thinking of this movie always reminds me of that trip.

Dov'`e mia luce, mio cor?

#65re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 5:01pm

Plus, it was the biggest Disney flop of all time.

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

hyperchet Profile Photo
#66re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 5:13pm

Yeah, but you have to realize that it was a MUSICAL put out when MUSICALS were like completely out of the mainstream. But on Broadway, it would be great because ITS A MUSICAL

"Needless to say the crew is well acquainted with my ass and that's ok because they are the coolest guys ever." - Idina Menzel

JulesReverie Profile Photo
#67re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:15pm

It's may of been a flop in '92, but now it's huge on the internet, there's like over 5,000 fansites and don't get me started on the fan fiction and role playing, no audience! hah! It's one of the biggest movie cults that's rising more everyday. A flop then but now the DVD sales has made up for what it's lost and then some. Newsies is one of the top ten best selling disney DVDs.
I can't get over the 'no audience comment', excuse me but let me repeat dancing,singing, pretty boys, if that has no audience then how in the hell did nsync and all the other boy bands become famous? Newsies would be a huge it on stage as it was on video, trust me, 1992 had no love for musicals, but 2005 does. Newsies floped because it was a movie ahead of it's time, if it was made today it would not have done as bad. Newsies desreves a second chance.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#68re: Newsies!
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:34pm

A company I have worked for for th past three years was in talks with Disney to develop Newsies into a musical, and we were going to be the first people to produce it, in a huge outdoor show in the middle of the city. I was set to play David. However, Disney was insisting we pay for them to send a director and other members of the creative team down at our expense to supervise and it just got too ridiculous we gave up and switched shows.

But I am glad to hear they are now finally coming to their senses and realizing what they have.

