
Who's your favorite character from RENT?- Page 3

Who's your favorite character from RENT?

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#50re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 12/27/05 at 6:43pm

Angel. He is one amazing man

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#51re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 12/27/05 at 6:46pm

Maureen's my favorite. To me, she's the most intriguing character...she'd be so much fun to look into as an actress. Too bad no who plays the role does much with it.

ANYway. I think I can relate most to Roger and Mark. I resonate with some aspects of Maureen as well. SOME aspects, people.

#52re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 12/27/05 at 6:52pm

Mark. It will always be Mark. I can totally relate to him for some reason.I don't know how to explain it. Like if they were to make a movie of my life, my charcater would be exaclty like Mark.

seasons of love Profile Photo
seasons of love
#53re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 12/27/05 at 10:29pm

Mark, Mark, Mark.

I think that part of my love for Mark definitely has to do with the fact that Anthony portrays him so beautifully and with so much emotion. IMO no one does Mark like Anthony. :)

"I am unfinished- I am diminished With or without you..."

#54re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 12/27/05 at 10:43pm

Mimi- is my favorite Character

and relate to maureen the most im so like her except for the likeing girs ( not that im against it sorry i don't wanna offended anyone and don't know how to word it ) but im defitnaly a diva

Save him please, just save him My poor Boq, my sweet, my brave him Don't leave me till my sorry life has scene Alone and loveless here, just the girl in the mirror Just her and me, the Wicked Witch of the East
Updated On: 12/27/05 at 10:43 PM

backalleybaby Profile Photo
#55re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 12/27/05 at 11:00pm

Roger is my favorite. I think I relate to him the most, too.

"GAIN!" "GAIN!" "GAIN!" "gain."

#56re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 12/27/05 at 11:08pm

Mark, Roger, Angel in that order - too hard to pick just one

"Who doesn't hate teens that are obnoxious" - A.P.

#57re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 12/28/05 at 11:45am

Collins is my favorite character, especially as played by Jesse L. Martin. Being of a different generation, I can't really say I relate to any of them in a profound way. I suppose I'm most like Collins, though, in that I tend to wind up looking after people.

"And the postman sighed as he scratched his head, you really rather thought she ought to be dead..."

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#58re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 9:03am

Mark and Roger tie re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?


#59re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 9:05am

My favorite is Mimi
I relate to Mark the most, though
But Mimi is awesome

smiles Profile Photo
#60re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 9:11am

favorite is AngelI can most relate to Mark...for sure

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#61re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 9:12am

Mark. I find I relate most to him. Though I love Maureen's wild personality.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

WiiCKED x3
#62re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 9:25am


jewishboy Profile Photo
#63re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 10:43am

I agree with BroadwayGirl107, Maureen is my favorite by far. And the only actress who has really captured her soul and spirit is Idina Menzel, IMO.
I also love Joanne, mostly because of the ass kick belting she does during Take Me or Leave Me,

I want to be most like Angel.

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#64re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 10:44am

Maureen. I think any drama queen would love her :)

#65re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 10:55am

jewishboy, I'm curious who else you've seen as Maureen other than Idina. BTW, are you basing your opinion on Idina from the movie or did you see her perform the role onstage? I've seen several other actors who 'captured her soul and spirit' every bit as well as Idina did, and a few did it even better! :) So, who else have you seen?

#66re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 11:26am

Mimi, for a lot of reasons.

Days of Inspiration Profile Photo
Days of Inspiration
#67re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 11:28am

Mark is my favorite.

I think that I'm a mix of Mark & Joanne.

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#68re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 12:16pm

I = Mark.

#69re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 12:37pm

I can't choose between Angel, Collins, and Benny. They are my faves!

And can I just say that I love the friendship between Roger and Collins. There are little subtle things they say to each other that I think are so funny, I just wish they highlighted more aspects of their friendship although there really is no use to the story line to go that in depth with it.

arishmoof Profile Photo
#70re: Who's your favorite character from RENT?
Posted: 8/19/06 at 12:50pm

I think the great thing about RENT is that there are aspects of all the characters that we see in ourselves-even if we dont wear blue patent leather pants, or dress in drag, or are computer geeks, etc. the personalities of all the characters are so different, and complement each other so well, that we relate to the group as a whole because of it. at least, i do.

you may know what you need but to get what you want better see that you keep what you have
