
Dreaminaret's Review of "WITHOUT YOU" (very few [if any] spoilers)- Page 3

Dreaminaret's Review of "WITHOUT YOU" (very few [if any] spoilers)

#50re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:21am

Mine's hardcover, but still had a letter from the publisher's publicity department giving a synopsis/PR pitch for the book in it.

That's why I'm assuming it was a review copy. Plus, it's 50% off, the Strand's usual price for HB review copies. It has nothing stating it's a review or advance copy on the book itself. It has the cover we're all seen the graphic of on Amazon or elsewhere.

(Darn it, I almost got away.)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#51re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:23am

Ah, okay. That makes sense. I guess if reviewers choose not to hold onto their copies, they can be put up for sale?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#52re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:25am

I don't know if they're supposed to release them before the book's release date, but I'd assume that reviewers are under no requirement to hold onto all books that they're given.

Based on the number of books down there in the Strand's basement, I'd say it's a very common thing for reviewers to sell their copies.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#53re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:26am

I did think it odd that they were being sold before the release. Someone called, and they said they were getting copies of it in fairly regularly, though.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Shiksa Goddess2
#54re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:31am

I really honestly can not wait to get this book. I pre-ordered it on Amazon but I am tempted to cancel the order and go out and buy it the day it comes out just so that I don't have to wait the extra two days... Is that at all pathetic?

Billboard Girl Profile Photo
Billboard Girl
#55re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:34am

Makes perfect sense to me, Shiksa Goddess. Why pay for shipping and wait for it to get to you when you can pick it up yourself?

"There was this one time an alarm went off - it was in the middle of '24.' That's just wrong. Everyone knows everyone was watching '24' at that time." --NYU student quoted in the Washington Square News about students ignoring the frequent fire alarms in dorms

Shiksa Goddess2
#56re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:36am

Yeah, but then I'd be terrified that for some reason the stores wouldn't have it. Then I'd be kicking myself. Of course, then I could always order it again... Lol this is way too complicated.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#57re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 7:24am

same here..I have't pre-ordered it, I'm just planning on picking it up at a store next week. I think Walden's books should have it, but if not I'll order. I'm gonna call today to see if they know if they're getting it in. I just need it by the book signing. So I guess going to sleep early means that you miss stuff..grr.. Welcome back, Anthony! We missed you here re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers) (I get to use the cool heart smily).

opiv Profile Photo
#58re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 9:33am

Yea, somehow I thought that Amazon was shipping it early, and I'd get it before it came out. So I did, and I really need to 7switch to next day delivery. But I think on Feb 7, I'll just walk to Borders and read there.

"I feel god in this chili's..."

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#59re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 10:14am

I think they only do that type of delivery for Harry Potter books.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

#60re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:16pm

::Waves:: Hi Anthony! Glad that you are posting again, I can't wait to read the book.

Nun!Adam. Heh, I still can't stop laughing when I see that.

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#61re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:42pm

*Joins in the waving*...14 hours later. Nice to see that Anthony is still posting.

No day but today.

backalleybaby Profile Photo
#62re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:42pm

I think I'm most excited to read about the overalls.

"GAIN!" "GAIN!" "GAIN!" "gain."

#63re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 1:43pm

Only ten more days! I can't wait to read about him meeting Adam.

#64re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 3:34pm

*even more waving* I really have to stop living vicariously through the lucky (not-so few) people that have already read the book.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

LariTheLoud Profile Photo
#65re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 3:51pm

Nice to see Anthony's still around!

Hooray for Without You finding its way around. re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers) It feels like so long ago that I finished this book. *weep* I need to reread it...

"Oh, good. After all, I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time, and I can do it with my eyes closed while whistling 'The Entertainer.' That's rhythm for you." ~ Snaps, proving that White Boys CAN have rhythm

Musical_nerd Profile Photo
#66re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 4:32pm

*watches the clock*
Must. get. book.

Hey Anthony! :)

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#67re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 4:42pm

Three pages later and I'm still freaking out that Anthony posted. Yay! The long lost Anthony returns.

And I need to read this book. Like, now. As soon as possible. I'm waaaaay too excited to wait 10 days.

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."
Updated On: 1/27/06 at 04:42 PM

Shiksa Goddess2
#68re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 5:37pm

*wants book really badly* re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers) I am gonna find out if there are any bookstores near me that are going to have it right on the day, if so then I am going to cancel the Amazon order. I'm not obsessive *shifty eyes*

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#69re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 5:56pm

I don't know Shiksa... shifty eyes are tell-tale signs of obsessiveness.

But that's okay because I'm obsessed too. Obsessed to the point where I... well, never mind. What I did isn't important. But take my word for it: I'm pretty obsessed too.

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

Shiksa Goddess2
#70re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/27/06 at 8:40pm

Hmmm, maybe it's YOUR eyes that are shifty? re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers) Dare I press for more details?

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#71re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/28/06 at 12:10am

well this thread went way off topic... i went to sleep at like 11 to wake up early for work and missed all the waving, etc.

anyways, in response to you em - the present stuff IS in the last chapter and not in the epilogue. since i know a bunch of you all are current owners of the book (strand girls ahem ahem) why not post?

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#72re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/28/06 at 12:17am

Strand girls? Ahem, what now?

I'll post when I finish. Which will probably be sometime tomorrow. This book is totally going to ruin my schedule for doing work this weekend.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.
Updated On: 1/28/06 at 12:17 AM

Billboard Girl Profile Photo
Billboard Girl
#73re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/28/06 at 12:22am

*attempts to detach self from computer to facilitate uninterrupted reading*

"There was this one time an alarm went off - it was in the middle of '24.' That's just wrong. Everyone knows everyone was watching '24' at that time." --NYU student quoted in the Washington Square News about students ignoring the frequent fire alarms in dorms

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#74re: Dreaminaret's Review of 'WITHOUT YOU' (very few [if any] spoilers)
Posted: 1/28/06 at 12:22am

We're the best.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
