
To anyone happy to see "Beauty" go...- Page 3

To anyone happy to see "Beauty" go...

#50re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#51re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#52re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#53re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:44pm

Wickedfreak2: The only record its closing give the show is the title of 6th longest running show on Broadway. However, how does that pertain to my post?

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

anthonycbaron@mac.co Profile Photo
#54re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:45pm

I wish RENT were closing instead...

Talk about a show that needs to go. Is there one good song in it? Maybe Seasons of Love, but even that "song" is more an 8 measure phrase that never stops.

Beauty & the Beast is a return to the glorious romantic musicals in the style of Rodgers & Hammerstein and has sweeping songs and (some) utterly divine orchestrations.

#55re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 9:16pm

I just used the wrong term. You guys are exasperating. And you're just rude.

An accusation of "rude" coming from the person who mockingly inserted OMG and BBQ!! into a sentence about Jonathan Larson's death? I understand the point you're trying to make, but there is a reason people are fixated on the errors you made in your first post.

Your Renthead friend was wrong and more than a little silly. Just because the person you're arguing against is wrong, that doesn't mean you're automatically right. Which is why Rent and Beauty and the Beast is a terrible comparison.

I don't think most people are happy to see the show go in a vindictive way, just in a way that celebrates growth and the inclusion of new material. I understand that it's hurtful to see something you love dismissed, but this just isn't the best way to communicate that.

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#56re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 9:48pm

OH MY GOD, you people are exasperating! He ****ing had AIDS didn't he? Wouldn't his immune system be down because of AIDS and he could have fought whatever he had?

That statement doesn't make you an idiot. It makes you a colossal idiot.


SDav 10495 Profile Photo
SDav 10495
#57re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 10:05pm

Thank you Craww...finally a level-headed post.

I too was "fixated" on the errors concerning Rent in your original post, Pippie, but I understood your argument and point of view. I was also getting a bit annoyed at all the replies that did nothing but point out your mistake--the same old "You don't know teh Larsonnn!!" comments, as necessary as they are once or twice, do not a meaningful discussion make (though it was tremendously dumb to make that sort of comparison without knowing the facts).

I tried to look past that, and at first I was even completely on your side. But alas! It was the general tone of your post that was a huge turn-off. I can understand getting angry when those who replied kept saying the same thing over and over again, but you started out with a post that came off as something of a b*tchfest--BWW censored it twice. I get that you were "pissed off" about people celebrating the closing of BATB, but you took it a little too far.

The first half of the post would have had me rooting for you--you made some good points (utterly botched comparison to Larson aside). You could have continued in that vein and started a real conversation. But I almost winced when you resorted to pulling out terms like "elitist", "high horse", and "heartless bastards"--tired old standbys for anyone who loves a "mainstream" show and tries to lash out against its many detractors (I know exactly what I'm talking about--I'm a longtime fan of "Phantom"). It's no wonder people responded the way they did...by the end of your post you came off as just another die-hard fan of one of those big musicals that show queens love to crap on. With an attitude like that, it was easy to overlook any of your more valid arguments.

"If there is going to be a restoration fee, there should also be a Renaissance fee, a Middle Ages fee and a Dark Ages fee. Someone must have men in the back room making up names, euphemisms for profit." (Emanuel Azenberg)

Craig Profile Photo
#58re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 10:13pm

For me, the suprising thing is not so much that it's closing (which I am actually a bit sad for nostalgic reasons) but that they are closing to to make way for Little Mermaid. NOT because Little Mermaid shouldn't be on Broadway or anything like that. But because given the choice between BatB and Tarzan - I'd personally choose to close Tarzan.

BatB is a much more accessible show and has been a Broadway staple (regardless of what some might thing) for 13 years. I don't see that kind of life in Tarzan. I *could* see at least a few more years of BatB though.

That being said, and although it's been joked about. I *could* easily see in 5-10 or 15 years Disney bringing BatB back to Broadway for a limited run. It would fall in line with their "from the vault" marketing technique with DVDs. And if a theater wasn't available, they could do a limited run at Radio City or elsewhere and bring it back with a large cast, etc.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#59re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 10:18pm

^They could even work in the Radio City Rockettes to "Be Our Guest!"


allofmylife Profile Photo
#60re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 10:44pm

Now I have to start working on my witty comments for when "Little Mermaid" closes. Jokes about the cast being served with the appropriate white wines and Tartar sauce, I guess...

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#61re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 10:53pm

Is there really that much bad buzz about it?


#62re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 10:53pm

Beauty has lost is luster, it has run its course, to be frank so has Rent. If you got into the East Village now a days it certainly doesn't have the same problems as the past.

"Listen to the song that I sing and trust me..."

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#63re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 11:00pm

A preface to this post: I'm not a fan of either show, so I'll not miss either when they leave. Having said that...

If we're going to be comparing legacies, I think the point some are missing is that while Ashman's work will be heard for a long time to come, once RENT closes, we're not going to hear a lot more of Larson. RENT isnt something I can see on the regional circuit for very long, while theatres will be performing LITTLE SHOP and BEAUTY and (no doubt when it's released) MERMAID for some time to come.

While RENT will have had a healthy run, Larson himself will probably be forgotten, save by a very small number of theatre afficionadoes.


B3TA07 Profile Photo
#64re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 11:12pm

I agree, and that's totally a shame; by the point he wrote "Take Me Or Leave Me," he'd really grown into his writing. The song fits, but I can just tell it's different and more clean and polished than all other parts of the show.


#65re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 11:22pm

Thank you for eloquently responding to my post, SDav You know, thank you for telling me where I actually went too far. In my mind I was on a role. And not that Beauty is a masterpiece by any means, I think it should mean something to us as "theatre enthusiasts" Again, the show is about outcasts and people thought of as odd, which , is anyone who loves musical theatre... am I right? We really aren't considered normal by any means.

But for months, I have heard people say "Disney better close a show before they bring Mermaid. *insert "threat" here* Generally, people hate that Disney is around, and as a kid at heart, it tears me up. I took it too far, but this is ANY show. And I see this for everything.

Why should we be glad that 100+ people will be out of a job? Those people are who we hope to be. No show should

And yes, the incessant "You dishonored Jonathan's death!" got to me. I knew, I KNEW that the first posts back would be "You did something wrong" But I was corrected. I was misinformed of one specific, but had I said it about someone else would everyone have jumped down my throat? Couldn't you look past the scattered post (I'd just come home and all the cheering got to me) and just had seen the heart? That we need to STOP wishing badly on shows? The rest of the human population does it to celebrities, why must we do it as well?

Maybe I did some word slinging, but still, it's true isn't it? But I think on a whole, people just misconstrued what I said. Or they wanted to, who knows. But I felt a bit bitchy when writing it.

And, I never thought of that Sean. That's a very good point.

LaVieHilary Profile Photo
#66re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 11:23pm

Beauty and the Beast was my first show when I was 9 years old I still remember it. i'm sad to see it go. However, I don't think i remember a really magical cast for it in awhile. Also, this is just the little competitive kid in me saying this but I kinda want A Chorus Line to be the longest running American broadway show ever besides BatB. It had a good run.

Light in the Piazza with Megan and Emi
"Girl you got money runnin' in yo bloodline."-Carl the Bartender

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#67re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 11:36pm

(I'd just come home and all the cheering got to me)

Then why not WAIT? Why post when you know you're so worked up?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 1/17/07 at 11:36 PM

alterego Profile Photo
#68re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 11:43pm

Trekkie2 - I think you made your point - several times. I was telling Pippie Poppins "you tell em!" as everyone seemed to be jumping down her (?) throat. I was supporting the underdog.

winston89 Profile Photo
#69re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/18/07 at 11:11am

Thing is I am a rent fan I would NEVER call myself a renthead. The fact is that aside from Rent and Tick Tick boom there is none of Larsons work out there. Whereas Ashman has lots of stuff out there. I know it's sad to know think about how he never had the chance to see the prase he got from beauty. However, I know he did Aladdin and know he did some of Mermade. There are going to be young kids who are going to see those movies and enjoy the music. Of course, they are not going to know who the writer of the music was. I mean there are loads of kis who have seen the classic disney anamated movies and enjoyed the music but know nothing of who wrote them. At least his music will get enjoyed.

I LOVE beauty and the beast. I only saw it twice thus far. I live in NYC and have had a lot of chances to see it over the years. I always thought it was considered a childerens musical and understood why I saw it when I was younger. However, this summer curiosity got the best of me and I saw it again and let's say I was badly mistaken in thinking that the show was a childrens musical.

I am also annoyed about the reasoning that they give for closing beauty instead of tarzan. They said that the reason why they closed beauty instead of taran is becuase they are opening other productions in europe. I think according to the article in the NY times they are doing two producions in eruope. They saiid in the article that it would not look gooed to close the broadway production prior to the opening of the two productions in europe.

This adds to my problem of Disney planning to open producitons of their broadway shows in other countires before they can even be sure that they are going to do well on Broadway.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#70re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/18/07 at 11:19am

"And when Rent closes, I'll be "glad" too"

Wait a minute. You originally said that you don't understand how anyone can be "glad" to see a show go, but in the next breath you state that you will be glad when RENT closes? You just ruined any chance of anyone taking you serious

Ugh, go away!

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#71re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/18/07 at 11:31am

I wish people would stop judging shows based on the producer. In my opinion BATB and the Lion King were 2 of the best musicals of the last 15-20 years. There's room on Broadway for everyone's taste. I personally didn't understand the hype with Rent but I think Larson and Ashman were brilliant.
I also think we would all do better to leave the %$&*^# keys out of our posts. We're not discussing a cure for cancer here.

I blame George Bush for all of this.......

Pippin Profile Photo
#72re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/18/07 at 11:49am

"I wish people would stop judging shows based on the producer."

That is a brilliant sentence, Mooo. My sentiments exactly.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

#73re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/22/07 at 2:55am

Shows do not last forever. BATB has been performed "so many" times to death by community theatres, moreso than other shows it seems, and is getting stale and tiring. I know that some people will disagree with me, but that rings true for every show. Nevertheless, musicals come and go. Plus, compared to the old days, the golden age of Broadway, there are more shows; there are only so many theatres. I am a Disney fan, and also a kid at heart, but I do not wear rose-colored glasses, and although I do love their musicals, Disney has taken something away from Broadway's spirit. And they are not exempt from the fate of other shows.

As for Rent, I do think the Broadway musical has lost its original luster. If you went to the latest tour, you'd agree that it was so tight and flawless; totally did not look like non-equity. It was actually a lot better than some equity productions of other musicals I've seen! During SOL, I really experienced a chill, as if Jonathan Larson was looking down and smiling, giving his approval.

I did not get that with the Broadway production; in fact, the first time I saw the show on Broadway, I hated it. So, there ya go :)



"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" -- The Beatles

"Be the change you want to see in the world" -- Mahatma Gandhi

"Celebrate Earth Day, every day" -- John Denver

"Don't let them mold your mind, they want to control mankind, seems like their only intention is to exploit the earth; and you trust in their deceit, your mind causes your defeat, and so you become an invention to distort this earth; propoganda and lies, is a plague in our lives, how much more victimized, before we realize (hey) ... they'll make it attractive, to get man destracted, corrupting your (soul), polluting your (soul), destroying (your soul, mind control) ... ooh grand master, let the people go, you put them in total confusion, to downs-troy their soul; for they practise what you preach, so they're always in your reach, hi-tech slavery in these days, its mind control" -- Stephen Marley
Updated On: 1/22/07 at 02:55 AM

#74re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/22/07 at 3:18am

Wow why is this such a heated discussion...forget RENT it's still running for whoever knows how long...I personally think phantom's time is up...I don't know how people can say to close BATB when it definatly has not lost its Beauty..I don't see why it has to close, I do though agree with the person above who said A Chorus Line should stay longest running american musical because that was a true masterpiece...Notice how Phantom & Les Miserables are based off of books and Cats is based off of a poem....Clearly they are not Original because they were inspired by a novel or a poem...Chorus Line though was just put together which I think is just amazing! But back to BATB because that's what this topic is about...I don't think it should close when there are so many other shows I would rather see leave( I.E. RENT, Phantom, Hairspray) but if that's what they want then so be it...they'll just revive it 2 years from now and then it will hopefully run even longer!
