
HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!- Page 3

HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!

#50re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:21pm

That song was THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause they can't stop the beat!

i.heart.link Profile Photo
#51re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:21pm

I think amanda's voice is actually really good! Better than i expected.

But seriously. I HATE JOHN TRAVOLTA! At first i thought he was a good casting choice but now i think it was an awful choice!!!

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#52re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:53pm

Amanda seems to have proved me that she is going to be good in the movie, but John on the other hand....Oh well, i guess i'll just have to wait and see.
Updated On: 6/17/07 at 12:53 PM

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#53re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:55pm

I was thikning that too,
But its a song, I'm still picturing them as three Tracy's then themselves.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#54re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 1:05pm

They're singing as themselves. Not technically as three Tracy's.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#55re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 1:08pm

I enjoyed You Can't Stop the Beat. Amanda sounds pretty good, I'm excited for her performance.

As for Travolta, well, I'll hold judgement until I see the film, but I'm not impressed.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#56re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 1:12pm



jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#57re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 1:41pm

Mateo, I was watching the MBC clip on the blog and I was wondering if in the movie they mention Brenda's absences for the show which lead to the auditions.

Weez Profile Photo
#58re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 1:44pm

Those trumpets are VERY sexy. Nikki has an AMAZING voice! Love her!

I'm another person who's not crazy on Amanda, but after not hearing her sing AT ALL for so long, I'm pleased to hear she does actually have pipes. She's just no Kerry Butler. ^_^

I'm sure Travolta will grow on me after a while. It's a pretty visual role as well so I reckon it'll work in context.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#59re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 1:53pm

Very awesome orchestrations.

Amanda, sounds pretty good. Good to hear her.

Travolta, not bad. He'll grow on me.

Sounds great.
Can't wait for more! re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#60re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 2:18pm

I can not wait for more either...I am still sad they cute VELMA's and AMBER's verse out of YOU CANT STOP THE BEAT...I can not wait to see this film...everything will make more sense once i see it..

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#61re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 2:40pm

what did they do with those lyrics ... "Once upon a time I played with childhood toys, but now id rather play with older boys"

I understand why they would change it to older boys, but I don't get the "childhood toys" part. I think it sounds stupid.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#62re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 2:59pm

Only a little.

#63re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 3:02pm

i'm a little let down by amanda/penny in YCSTB. I wasnt expecting her to be amazing, but Penny needs to be a stronger singer than what amanda is capable of.

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#64re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 3:40pm

I do have to giggle when I read things here pronouncing what kind of singer a character has to be. I mean, I wrote the music, I oughta know! Amanda Bynes is an ADORABLE Penny. And a sexy one!

I hope you guys will just go see the movie with an open heart, cause if you go in to "judge" (as so many people write in their posts here), what kinda good time are you gonna have?

I'm telling you, the previews have been getting an explosive reaction, from both the press (amazingly) and "real" people. The buzz afterwards is VERY much like those glorious first weeks of previews (not to mention every night 5 years later!) and I must tell you, Travolta is FABULOUS in the part. It takes a few moments to take in the very sight of him and to hear what he is doing with the accent. But by the time he whispers to Wilbur to stop Tracy from being rejected, the audiences have been in love and it just gets better. You can entertain your own notions from 30 second clips, and I'm sure someone will write in now to say they saw the movie and disagree, but I'm here to tell ya...Travolta, Amanda, Zac, Latifah, all the actors that people seem ready to "judge"? They are all FANTASTIC in the movie.

First of all, it is amazing how much of the Broadway show is still in it! And yes, there are songs and scenes that are played at a different level than onstage, and rightfully so. Movies are a different animal, it can't all be POW POW POW. And not every part of every song takes place as it does in the Broadway version. For instance, Penny & Seaweed's verse of YCSTB is played as a more intimate exchange, off-stage, before Seaweed drags Penny in front of the cameras. Etc...

Having said all that, it is amazing how the audiences have not been tuckered out by the movie, because it is as close to POW POW POW as we could get away with!

I co-wrote the whole thing. So, believe me, if the movie hadn't come out so joyful, I would not be posting on theatre message boards, I would be in hiding right now, beating my head against a wall on some "LOST" like desert island, cursing humanity.

Well, I am not. I am shouting from the rooftops "Oh my good Lord, I can't believe how lucky we got, the movie came out GREAT!"

I actually could go on and on, I just came from the ALMOST final "playback" of the movie at the mixing stage (there are 2 more days left to tweak) and it is just getting even more amazing!! Scott & I are overwhelmed. And exhausted.

So, relax!! Enjoy!! Have a nice weekend! Mazel Tov!

xox Marc Shaiman

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#65re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 3:55pm

Very powerful words, Marc! lol

#66re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 4:56pm

I completly adored Amandas Penny. She completly stole the show in Without Love

JP2 Profile Photo
#67re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 5:32pm

I love how cute Amanda is.

I think the problem some people are having is that they keep comparing this to something else. This is a movie, and is completely different than both the original film and the show.. and I personally think it is unfair to say Amanda is no Kerry and John is no Harvey/Divine etc. They aren't trying to be.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#68re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 6:00pm

Thanks for the words, Marc.

I agree, JP2. In my first post, I didn't like Amanda or John, but that is because I was used to their original bway counterparts. But, once I listened to it again, I actually started to like it. People just have to get over the reaction of them not sounding like the OBCR.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#69re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 8:20pm

I agree with you Marc. And although John may be good, I will ALWAYS think that they should have casted Harvey. Just my thoughts of course.

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

pippin2 Profile Photo
#70re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 9:37pm

The producers seem to have gone a little heavy on the pitch correcter. It pretty much sounds like the computer is singing for most of them. Yawn.

BroomstickBoy Profile Photo
#71re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 9:49pm

You people are some picky bitches.

On the lighter side of things, I'm loving Amanda's voice from what I'm hearing and John's "channeling Cher" is a hoot. I'm so excited for this movie.

Amanda's voice kind of resembles Mandy Moore's, in a way. Where can I find the "Mama..." clip?

I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)

#72re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 9:52pm

"You people are some picky bitches."

Awwww! Thank you! re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

Night707 Profile Photo
#73re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 9:54pm

I would pick the OBCR over this any day, but it was a pleasant suprise


jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
