
FROZEN to Arrive on Broadway in Spring 2018- Page 32

FROZEN to Arrive on Broadway in Spring 2018

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#776FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/16/17 at 10:10am

No 7pm shows on Tuesdays and Thursdays post previews ...indeed quite strange.  What gives?

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#777FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/16/17 at 10:12am

Melissa25 said: "No 7pm shows on Tuesdays and Thursdays post previews ...indeed quite strange.  What gives?"

Right? I love a 7 p.m. curtain, but 8 p.m. is too late for me. Weird that there are zero 7 p.m. options. I ended up going for a matinee for this one.

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#778FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/16/17 at 10:24am

Me too. Decided to take a day off in May and take myself to a Wed matinee which I was miraculously able to find decent side orchestra seats to for $129. Go figure. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#779FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/16/17 at 10:34am

Call_me_jorge said: "Who paid for that? Beyoncé?"

No one paid for it. Listing a ticket for 10 grand is easy, selling it for that is the hard part.

ampi2 Profile Photo
#781FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 9:25am


Ok I can dig. Hans and Kristoff look a bit too "same" for me, but I really don't what else could be done with their costumes. The ladies' look just different enough for me to be happy with them. However, it's pretty obvious that they got the rope trick costume change for Caissie, and I was really hoping for something more innovative...

#782FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 9:26am

Ampi2-LOLZ great minds!!

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#783FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 9:36am

haterobics said: "Call_me_jorge said: "Who paid for that? Beyoncé?"

No one paid for it. Listing a ticket for 10 grand is easy, selling it for that is the hard part.



The original poster made it seem like they saw the tickets sell for that price. My bad.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#784FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 9:39am

Delete -- didn't see somebody already posted the picture above FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway

Updated On: 8/17/17 at 09:39 AM

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#785FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 10:18am

All of the costumes are great. I love love Anna's dress and Caissie's makeup is beautiful.  Wish we had the snow queen dress and Olaf'a costume

raddersons Profile Photo
#786FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 10:37am

For those who think scalper tickets won't be sold for a high price, think again. Never underestimate the power of bratty rich kids. Parents will do anything to make their kids happy, and if their 12 year old is obsessed with Ana and Elsa and Olaf, tickets to Frozen will make them ecstatic. Maybe not $1000, but I'd anticipate $500/$600 resale tickets in May/June/July. Dolly & Hamilton aren't kids shows but are selling for that much -- Frozen is a household name at this point.

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#787FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:01am

BroadwayConcierge said: "Melissa25 said: "No 7pm shows on Tuesdays and Thursdays post previews ...indeed quite strange.  What gives?"

Right? I love a 7 p.m. curtain, but 8 p.m. is too late for me. Weird that there are zero 7 p.m. options. I ended up going for a matinee for this one.




Especially for a show designed to attract kids and families. Strange.


Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#788FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:22am

if only. FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement
Updated On: 8/17/17 at 11:22 AM

#789FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:38am

I just got a ticket in the mezz for March 7th for $87. There are still a few left for that date too.

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)
Updated On: 8/17/17 at 11:38 AM

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#790FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:48am

finebydesign said: "FROZEN to Officially Hit BroadwayNow this is more like it! WOW



The irony of this photo tho. it looks so cold and chilly yet those actors will probably be sweating buckets in those costumes under those lights, lol

http://www.flickr.com/photos/27199361@N08/ Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#791FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 12:01pm

Thankfully, I'm really impressed by how regal and beautiful Caissie looks in that Elsa costume. Betsy, as we all know, would've been sensational, but each post from the show makes me more and more won over by Caissie.  

Murin on the other hand... no. I mean, really. She entirely lacks the innate spunk/cuteness that made Anna so delicious in the movie. Just looks super "Look at me! I can still pull this off!" I've never been so critical of a casting choice on here before, but I am just not about it. 

little_sally Profile Photo
#792FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 12:09pm

Is anyone else surprised by how much has already been shared about this show?

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#793FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 12:17pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "Thankfully, I'm really impressed by how regal and beautiful Caissie looks in that Elsa costume. Betsy, as we all know, would've been sensational, but each post from the show makes me more and more won over by Caissie.  

Murin on the other hand... no. I mean, really. She entirely lacks the innate spunk/cuteness that made Anna so delicious in the movie. Just looks super "Look at me! I can still pull this off!" I've never been so critical of a casting choice on here before, but I am just not about it. 



Agreed, and especially about the makeup someone mentioned, it's LOVELY. Now that we see her in the full ensemble, I'm sold. She really looks like I've always thought Elsa should IRL, someone more striking and angular rather than super youthfully cute and soft featured like almost every Disney heroine seems to be (and it bothers me) which should be reserved for Anna because it meshes with her personality. Betsy had the same striking look and would have been more interesting in terms of the flavor she'd bring to the role, and I still believe she'll do it down the road (Ala Steph J Block). 

As for Patti, I'm beginning to see people's point about this, but as no one has see her do it yet, I'll reserve judgment until I see her. I still think she'd right, she's got the quirk and spunk for it, she's done those roles before so I have faith she won't be as bad as people think. 

And lLOOOLLLLLLLL that picture of Betsy face over Caissies!!! I CAN'T!!! I only think it's a tad frightening merely because that angle juxtaposed on the side profile is OOODDDD!! But it's still hilarious!

Updated On: 8/17/17 at 12:17 PM

raddersons Profile Photo
#794FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 12:27pm

Y'all need to chill about Patti Murin. Wait to see her. I agree she looks a bit old in that costume, but that's one costume of many. Seeming young on stage is much more about acting than it is about looks.

little_sally said: "Is anyone else surprised by how much has already been shared about this show?"

Absolutely. But I also know Disney is trying to make this the next Hamilton. They want to build as much buzz as possible and get a ton of advance sales to have it run for years. 


Updated On: 8/17/17 at 12:27 PM

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#795FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 12:36pm

The set for the beginning of act 2 

FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#796FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 12:38pm


In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

#797FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 12:53pm

raddersons said: "Y'all need to chill about Patti Murin. Wait to see her. I agree she looks a bit old in that costume, but that's one costume of many. Seeming young on stage is much more about acting than it is about looks.

little_sally said: "Is anyone else surprised by how much has already been shared about this show?"

Absolutely. But I also know Disney is trying to make this the next Hamilton. They want to build as much buzz as possible and get a ton of advance sales to have it run for years. 




Really? I don't think they've shared very much at all...hardly any set pics until yesterday and today, and today we finally got some ACTUAL costumes, no rehearsal footage of any singing/songs (outside of that trailer anyway) and there's still not a B roll show clip montage. But then again, I remembered not to many pre Broadway runs for any show had one. And that second act set...OK too much movie going on with that, but whatever.

#798FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 12:57pm

raddersons said: "Absolutely. But I also know Disney is trying to make this the next Hamilton. They want to build as much buzz as possible and get a ton of advance sales to have it run for years. "

While I'm sure it will have a healthy run, it's not going to be Hamilton crazy. Just glancing at random dates over the next few months, I've seen plenty of availability. Disney has always tried to manipulate the market to maximize it's prices (i.e., offering "limited" availability, so act now!). Except unlike video sales and theme park tickets, there really is a limited availability for a Broadway show. But as my random unscientific review has shown, the demand has to be there. It's not there yet. By pricing the show at a premium, they are going to keep a lot of families away, leaving a lot of empty seats.

That said, I still believe that once the try-out is firmly underway, tickets will get sparser on Broadway, and by the time it opens on Broadway, will be hard to get for a few months, but then it will stabilize. Demand will probably follow Wicked's original trajectory.


disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#799FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 1:25pm

So, if we don't meet Kristof and Olaf until Act 2, what happens in Act 1 then?!

EvanK Profile Photo
#800FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 1:33pm

Wow that Oaken set looks incredible. I love the Northern Light opening scrim. 
