
AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010- Page 4

AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010

#75AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 8:03am

I think a lot of the people who think American Idiot won't succeed on Broadway are the same ones who are scratching their heads over the closings of Ragtime and Finian's Rainbow. The fact is, as much as I loved Finian's and Ragtime, the form of these shows is very old-fashioned, and for that reason makes them a hard sell to most of the tourists who want to see a show while they're in New York. American Idiot, which I haven't seen, at least SEEMS like something new and vibrant.

The people who grew up during the golden age of the show-tune have, for the most part, passed away. The people who are now in their 50s grew up loving the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones. And the music of Green Day is very similar to those groups. I read with interest that the number 2 selling group of this last decade was...The Beatles! (Eminem was #1)

This doesn't mean American Idiot will be a hit, but it certainly gives it a better chance than most, despite it not having a great book, which frankly won't matter much to the people who want to see this show (I'm a big Rent fan, and I STILL don't know what's going on in it half the time.)

Behind the fake tinsel of Broadway is real tinsel.

#76AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 10:16am

"I think a lot of the people who think American Idiot won't succeed on Broadway are the same ones who are scratching their heads over the closings of Ragtime and Finian's Rainbow."

Im not, i knew from the off that Ragtime and Finians would not run long. I hope AI does well (if they sort out the book) as the rest of the show was brilliant. However if they dont sort out the book the critics will rip it to shreds. The regional critics were mixed to positive about the show (all talking how horrid the book was) and the NY Critics will be way more harsh.

former sadm2 (wink)

strummergirl Profile Photo
#77AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 10:35am

On the question of whether 21st Century Breakdown is some kind of sequel to American Idiot, I would say no. Yes there are similar themes in the albums about religious hypocrisy and life during the Bush administration but it is a whole new story with different characters. It's also different from each other because American Idiot was produced by Rob Cavallo who's done all of Green Day's major studio albums up until 21st Century Breakdown which was produced by Butch Vig, drummer of the band Garbage. 21st Century Breakdown is just a follow-up to American Idiot, both of which are concept albums. The similarities end there.

darquegk Profile Photo
#78AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 10:43am

Green Day are the 21st Century equivalent of The Who- most of their greatest albums are concept albums of some sort, not directly connected, but if you put them all together you see a bigger picture emerging, usually autobiographical.

#79AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 11:31am

leefowler, I think you're right.

Not entirely, for otherwise SOUTH PACIFIC wouldn't bee big, fat hit up at Lincoln Center, but you're right that its a sound that appeals to a newer, wider demographic.

And the score is the best thing about the show. Hopefully, Mayer has worked on (read: actually created) the book...

Kad Profile Photo
#80AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 12:03pm

I'd be very surprised if American Idiot is not, at the least, a modest success.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#81AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 12:43pm

"21st Century Breakdown is just a follow-up to American Idiot, both of which are concept albums. The similarities end there."

If that were true one would not expect 21st Century songs to be in the American Idiot stage show.

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MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#82AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 1:13pm

"I think a lot of the people who think American Idiot won't succeed on Broadway are the same ones who are scratching their heads over the closings of Ragtime and Finian's Rainbow. The fact is, as much as I loved Finian's and Ragtime, the form of these shows is very old-fashioned, and for that reason makes them a hard sell to most of the tourists who want to see a show while they're in New York. American Idiot, which I haven't seen, at least SEEMS like something new and vibrant."

1) That's not true

2) Have you SEEN the show???

3) This is all irrelevant if they don't fix that book up. It is an absolute mess...

4) Has great potential - loved the actual production - but the book and characters aren't even 2D. They're one dimensional, at best. And that's its downfall.

5) I'll repeat this. It has nothing to do with Green Day, the music, or the production. It is all on the book. It needs a MAJOR overhaul!!!


When I think about you, I touch myself.
Updated On: 1/8/10 at 01:13 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#83AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 1:15pm

Please learn how to properly quote someone else's post. Either with ASCII symbols or simple HTML. It's hard to tell where theirs starts and yours begins, and you just look nuts.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#84AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 1:50pm

MusicSnob i love how we agree on something, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

former sadm2 (wink)

strummergirl Profile Photo
#85AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 1:57pm

"If that were true one would not expect 21st Century songs to be in the American Idiot stage show."

I haven't seen the show so the fact there was 4-5 songs incorporated from 21st Century Breakdown does interest me if only to see how it all fits in the plot.

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#86AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 3:51pm


I am as well! I'm just a big ol' teddy bear. AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010


(Really though - it needs work)

When I think about you, I touch myself.

kover22 Profile Photo
#87AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/9/10 at 2:22am

Another chance for me to see Tony Vincent live is always good news!!! I have been excited about this since Tony announced it a liitle while back!!!
I personally don't even like Green Day much at all..but I support my favorites actors in whatever I possibly can. So I seriously don't care if its a great story or even great music..I know what ever they give Tony V. to sing he is going to sing it amazingly well, and for the amount of time that he will be on that stage I will be happy as a freaking clam!!! LOL
I thought that his last show WWRY was really good, I may be in the minority on that one but I really wish that came to Broadway instead!!

I have RSD...but it doesn't have me!!!!
Updated On: 1/9/10 at 02:22 AM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#88AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/9/10 at 2:35am

I feel that AI has a pre-determined fan base: Both Green Day fans as well as the Spring Awakening fan base. MANY of these kids will come in droves to see the likes of Gallagher and Canonico, alone. Heck, I'LL go see just about anything Gallagher is in, I enjoy his work immensely. Many of those fans will be repeat patrons regardless of the quality of the actual show.

And, yes, Wendilin, you ARE my AI date. April Vaca!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#89AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/10/10 at 6:07pm

You all really seem to underestimate the drawing power of several factors.

1. Green Day: Green Day is HUGE. They fill up stadiums worldwide. "American Idiot" itself went six times platinum. That means it sold 5 MILLION COPIES.

2. The cast: American Idiot screams "FANGIRL SHOW". Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, you can't deny that it will draw the "Spring Awakening" demographic. That's not to say that fangirls can keep a show afloat, but they can't hurt - look at Next to Normal, still chugging along.

3. The subject matter: Just like Hair draws boomers looking to relive their glory days, American Idiot will draw Generation Y, because this is finally a show FOR US. It speaks to the sense of complacency and boredom that comes with any teenager, as well as those of us who grew up in front of screen after screen, watching as towers fell, as celebrities were made and destroyed one by one, as a nation felt the need to have their own viewpoints heard.

I will compare American Idiot to Hair again and again. The main criticsm I've heard so far is that it has a thin plot, or thin characters, or that the book is sparse. Well, yeah, all of those are true. But come on now. Many of you who bash this show have been fawning over Hair for months. Hair has less of a plot and less character development than American Idiot by FAR. At least stuff "happens" in American Idiot, and the songs drive the story to some degree. What frustrates me about Hair is that it so often feels meandering and directionless, with characters saddled with only one dimension, and mostly forced to speak lines of awful dialogue and participate in unintelligible plotlines just to get to the next time they can sing another song and molest audience members. Anyone who bashes American Idiot while sucking at Hair's teat needs to rethink why they really hate the show. American Idiot has a concrete plot. It may not be elaborate, but at least it's better than Hair's semblance of a storyline.

Oh, and MusicSnob/JazzSquare/TooDarnHot/The Charleston or whatever you're calling yourself now? It's kind of idiotic to criticize the book of a rock opera because a ROCK OPERA HAS NO BOOK. It's completely sung through, with an occasional short monologue by John Gallagher Jr. Saying that this show needs serious work on its book is like saying that "Avatar" sucked ass because it had no musical numbers.

I think American Idiot is a novel, inventive show with a spectacular score that speaks to a generation that has still been neglected by the American theatre. Criticize it if you want, but don't criticize it for not having something that BY DEFINITION it should not have, and don't criticize it for the same reasons you worship Hair.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

BwayTday Profile Photo
#90AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/10/10 at 8:21pm

Every time I see the trailer, I just have this confused look on my face, it just seems SO strange, but Green Day is no doubt a name, so you never know.
