
images from the set of RENT- Page 4

images from the set of RENT

#75re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:22pm

oh, i'll just say this, DO NOT STEAL MY PICTURES.

thank you.

#76re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:24pm

Guys, guys, guys, before jumping on Pam for being disrespectful, let's all think about how many stage door pictures we have and whatnot. Have any of you been down to the shoot? The actors have quite a bit of down time, and it really ISN'T hectic or chaotic at ALL. The crew is great to the onlookers, none of whom (when I was there) were causing any issues.

Pam's been around the Rent community for God knows how long, I think she knows how to behave, especially around cast members. So everyone chill out, think twice before posting pictures you didn't take and enjoy. This is an exciting time, the cast is excited to be a part of it and the fans are excited to witness it. Nothing more than that.

boatsintheghetto Profile Photo
#77re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:31pm

wow...this is pretty crazy... we dont know how she acted while taking the pictures...so we shouldnt bother her with that, but if she doesnt want the pics out, dont put them online, thats all i can say

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#78re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:33pm


Now please, let this thread be gone. Either that, or I'm going to have to lobotomize Pam.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#79re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:36pm

Ok, you win. I KNEW better than to even get into this, and the ONLY reason I did was because Katy (who actually posted the pictures) was so upset. I told her that she was dealing with Rent people here and that they would end up all over the place. She didn't think they would and now feels really bad that they have because they are actually my pictures. For some reason, I thought I could make her feel better by naively thinking that maybe I could make someone see that it's just courteous to ask someone before posting their photos around. But I knew better than to even get started in a debate because as I've discovered in the past with some Rent fans that many of you just DON'T GET IT. It seems a very common occurance among Rent fans that they just want any and everything they can get no matter who or where it comes from. I've actually had supposed "friends" stay at my house and STEAL Rent things from me because they are so overly obsessed with it. It's often a popularity contest to see who can know the most about Rent, have the most "inside" info on cast members, see the show the most times, have the most stuff, etc. And it's very ridiculous and childish.

No, I'm not stupid and I realize that people take things and use them when you post them on the internet. Yes, I GET IT. But again, it's simply of issue of respect, which I now see some of you obviously don't understand. That's all she was looking for.

I guess that I'm just not the kind of person that would do that to someone else and so I foolishly think that other's might be respectful too. Yes, I realize I'M the stupid one for thinking this. Some other people are just rude *ssholes and think that there should be no such thing as respect just because something is on the internet, and I obviously can't change that. People are going to be d*cks and other people are unforunately going to agree with it as a acceptable form of behavior, and there's nothing I can do about that.

So, I'm done. We clearly have differing opinions on what's respectful and that's that. I'm through wasting my breath now. Thanks for reminding me why I got away from the whole Rent community in the first place.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#80re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:38pm

Oh, please. A popularity contest? Because that's exactly what we're all in this for. Generalizations.... *shakes head*

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#81re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:41pm

you guys are all getting crazy about this. whatever. someone stole our pictures and posted them here. fine. it's done. the first thing i did when i found out was send that person a private message asking them to please delete the pictures, but i know it's too late and that the pictures will be everywhere forever now. i've learned my lesson. and i deleted the pictures i originally posted on livejournal and the cb boards. i wish more people could have gotten to share the joy and excitement of the filming, but unfortunatly people like you guys ruin it.

it was me in the first place who put them in my own personal livejournal. then i found a livejournal all about the rent movie. and i thought, hey, i bet they'd like to see that the filming has begun! and then in my excitement i remembered compulsive bowlers, where i used to frequent back in 2001. so i posted and said hi to anyone who remembered me, (or my mom who is now a huge renthead, lol) and shareed the pictures with them.

however, that's when i started to get nasty replies and comments and relized that i made a mistake by posting them. and then when i heard that anthony sometimes posts updates about the filming here at broadwayworld, i checked out this website. i didn't even know it exisited before then. so thats why i was shocked to see the pictures here.

i know you all feel that taking peoples pictures that they put on the internet is fair game, but it is really rude. i know it happens, and like i said, i learned my lesson, but it still makes me really sad that it had to come to so much drama.

pam and i are about as laid back and drama-free as it gets, but this has struck a chord with us because we can't understand how out of control it got.

we really don't deserve all the mean comments. you don't know us, and if you did, maybe you'd understand. Updated On: 3/11/05 at 04:41 PM

TGIF Profile Photo
#82re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:43pm

"But I knew better than to even get started in a debate because as I've discovered in the past with some Rent fans that many of you just DON'T GET IT. "

I just want to say that we are not just Rent fans, we are theatre fans. We know there is more to life then Rent. But Rent could be a huge deal once it is released, so all of us have an emotional attachement and stake in how it turns out. If this is big it will pave the way for more movie musicals just like Chicago was; also it can bring a wider audience to Broadway.

You talk about respect. Well respect us and don't lump us all into one group.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

seasons of love Profile Photo
seasons of love
#83re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 4:58pm

Wow. Alli- thanks for the pictures... they're awesome! :) pam and katy- i do understand what you are saying. really.... i do. but you just need to know that when you put anything on the internet, there is a good chance someone else is gonna find it and take it. katy- you were smart to delete them from your live journal. good move. i find this thread pretty entertaining actually. and i agree with Type_A_Tiff... why aren't you happy that people are enjoying your photos and expressing their happiness about the rent movie? it seems like maybe you should be proud that you took these pictures... not pissed that we are enjoying them.... re: images from the set of RENT cheer up! :)

"I am unfinished- I am diminished With or without you..."

#84re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:00pm

First of all, there's a COMPLETE difference between someone posting your pictures on a board that they found on a livejournal and someone STEALING things from your house. I think that most of the people here would agree that that is disrespectful. Not ALL RENT fans would do something like that. You're friends were obviously overly obsessive and lacked morals.

Secondly, katyblue04 just said that she posted the pictures on a RENT livejournal because she thought that the people there would be excited to see the photos. That's the reason that rentmovie posted the photos here. He/she was not "stealing" the pictures, the were open game the minute katyblue04 posted them on the internet.

Seriously, both of you need to CHILL OUT and stop being so hypocritical. You keep bashing RENT fans when you're obviously RENT fans yourselves.

And katyblue04, you say everyone's "getting all crazy about this"? Well, YEAH!!!! When your friend keeps insutling everyone people are going to get a little pissed.

boatsintheghetto Profile Photo
#85re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:04pm

you, say its a bad idea to post your pictures...that's not true, we, as rent fans, absolutely adore getting new pictures of our cast. We're sorry we didnt give you credit right away, but hasnt this board given you enough credit?

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#86re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:05pm

very cool!...thanks for sharing

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#87re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:15pm

Your pictures were not stolen. They are simply being shared. It's not like they're great pictures anyway, they're not going to get published or anything lol. Both of you ought to chill the hell out.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1
Updated On: 3/11/05 at 05:15 PM

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#88re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:16pm

I am totally STOKED about this movie!!!

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

#89re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:28pm

And this is JUST the beginning, kids.

#90re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:35pm

Yeah, I was just thinking about that. The movie just started shooting and everyone is getting all psyched about it. I think that everything will cool down for awhile, you know, after everyone gets over the "OMG this is actually happening!!!!!" phase. But, as we get closer to the end of the year, I have a feeling this board will be filled with RENT threads.

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#91re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:41pm

The 'OMG IT'S HAPPENING' phase occured quite a while ago

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

#92re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:48pm

Yeah, well, for some I guess. :) With seeing pictures of the production and the OBC in costume, I guess I'm just getting into the "OMG it's happening!!!" phase.

#93re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 5:52pm

But the drama over shots on the set is now begun.

JadedBenevolence Profile Photo
#94re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 7:20pm

Great pics. Adam's hair.... not bad. And he's still sexy as ever. But I have to say, Anthony... beautiful. He Mark again (and forever). Yay!! And Idina...hot.

"He says... he wants to be obsessed with art, like me. He says... he wants to redevelop the creative side of his brain." - Mark NYTW RENT

#95re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 7:44pm

if you had said on live journal that you didnt want your pictures on here i wouldnt have posted them to share with the other fans. and i'm a guy :)

im sorry about taking your copyrighted photos

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#96re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 7:45pm

They weren't copyrighted, rentmovie. Don't worry.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#97re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 7:47pm

i'm just a fan of rent like everyone else. and i did cut those two people out because i'm sure they wouldnt want everyone seeing them. :)

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#98re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 7:56pm

Wow, I go to school for a day and look what I miss? But I'm not even going to get involved at this point. Thats like asking for death. :-P I will just say that seeing all these pics from the movie set are getting me so hyped about the film! re: images from the set of RENT I'm excited!

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and cherish....it's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#99re: images from the set of RENT
Posted: 3/11/05 at 8:53pm


"If There's One Thing to Learn it's You Just Can't Go Wrong If You Follow Your Heart, and End With A Song"
