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Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment- Page 4

Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment

#75re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/14/06 at 5:24pm

Gosh, I could go on forever, . . .

I think my favorite mix up was during My Fair Lady. I was in the chorus and I was one of the few, the proud, those in the Embassy Ball. So when the curtain goes up, we are supposed to be in a freeze, the music starts, and we unfreeze. So I'm supposed to shake a gentlemens hand, then kiss the hand of his consort. However, I not only shook his hand, but kissed it as well.

More to come . . .

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

#76re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/14/06 at 8:16pm

I've had no embarassing moments, but I have friends who did all in one night. We did "The Wiz" and during the Tornado Dance, there was this random piece of cardboard on the floor and my friend tripped on it and went right into the curtain. Then, my friend Sean who was a Kalidah (i think that's how it's spelled) had a tree fall on him. He just layed there pretending he was dead. When he was supposed to sneek out, he forgot that the scene had ended and stayed there for about 2 mins. Then he crawled away.

Yea, that's it for now.

"Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"

Becky2 Profile Photo
#77re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/14/06 at 8:48pm

This wasn't quite theatre, it was Odyssey of the Mind. We had to create our own skit with props and whatnot. One of our props was a giant oragami bird with a 3 foot wingspan on a twelve foot tall pole. At the end we did a song and dance while the bird extended over the audience. (We also had two large ancient oriental styled houses on either side of the bird.) Anyway, at the end of the song and dance we were supposed to do some sort of spin with jazz hands. But I thought I heard something behind me, and kind of zoned out of the dance and stared at our set. I knew something was going to happen, but I finally snapped out of it and noticed all my teammates were in position and I wasn't. I quickly got into position when the two houses crashed to the ground.
Luckily, no one in the audience noticed my uh-oh because they were all so in awe/fear of this giant bird they thought would fall on them.

Katie2 Profile Photo
#78re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/14/06 at 9:09pm

When I was a dancer in Hello Dolly, we were doing our big dance in the Harmonia Gardens scene. Soon into the dance, my skirt came undone and started to fall off of me right in front of our audience. The whole time I was struggling to continue the dance while keeping the skirt on. It was so embarrassing because while the rest of the dancers were doing their thing, I was trying to get the skirt to stay on.

peapod36 Profile Photo
#79re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/14/06 at 10:08pm

This isn't an acting story,but I guess it counts. In high school,I was on the stage crew when we did Once Upon a Mattress.
So the time comes for the curtain cue and I signaled my friend to lower the curtain and she did but the curtain stopped coming down about halfway because the hinges were rusty,and still are I think. So the director ran over and yelled at me and I said
I DID cue her! The curtain is STUCK!. Funny now,but I get really irritated when people yell at me.

What if the hokey pokey really IS what it's all about?

bandit964 Profile Photo
#80re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/14/06 at 11:05pm

so, my dad's cousin was dance captain for phantom of the opera for a while in the LA and then san francisco productions. there are 2 stories that i remember. one is that one of the performers was in the wrong spot when those big fire pots go off and she caught on fire and they had to quickly wrap her in the fire-proof curtain. another story is that the boat stopped working one night so the phantom had to get out of it, and pretend to wade through the water holding christine. i also have a friend who was in the will rogers follies in the early '90s and she said that one night, the stairs (which fold up like bleachers) only came out half way for the jewels scene and they had to perform the whole number not being able to get to the ground because the staircase stopped 4 or 5 steps before reaching the ground.

Paul LW Profile Photo
Paul LW
#81re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/15/06 at 12:14am

Okay, okay...

This is definitely one of the funniest moments I can remember...

I was playing Charlie in BRIGADOON and for our school preview (which were awful!) we were doing selected scenes to spark the schools interest in attending. The company was performing the big opening "Come to the fair!" number, and I was offstage singing...

So, as you all know...Sandy the Candy-Man has his little solo...

Then, during what should be Meg's solo (but was given to my friend, and the actress playing Kate to spead out some solo's) was the worst line flubbing I've ever heard.

First...the actress playing Kate had broken her thumb two days before, in good old Brigadoon she had a cast on her arm that was wrapped up in a big ole striped SLING with which she had to deal with dancing and using SHOULD have been her solo...

I'm sellin' a bit o' milk an' cream.
Come sip it an' ye will vow
That this is the finest milk an' cream
That ever came out a cow.
Though finest it is,the price is small,
With milk an' the cream alack!
There's nothin' to do but sell it all.
The cow winna take it back.

This is what her solo turned out to be...

I'm sellin' a bit o' milk an' cream.
Come sip it an' ye will vow
That this is the finest milk an' cream
That ever came out a cow.
(Then she starts singing Sandy's verse about Candy...not milk..)
I eat it myself an' there's no doubt, (looks around nervously)
'Tis creamy an' good an' thick,
(drops accent) you buy some!!!
(with attitude) cause the cow's not gonna take it! EUGH!

The audience was seriously silent with a few "...what?!?!..." gasps...

The part that kills me is she delivered the last two lines with such attitude as if SHE wasn't the one in the wrong, and huffs off center stage looking so agitated...

I fell to the ground backstage and laughed for the rest of the song

Maryjoannejean Profile Photo
#82re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/15/06 at 12:54am

peeing in the seat

Kevinoes Profile Photo
#83re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/15/06 at 1:18am

Community theatre always brings out the best in me...

JOSEPH, 2000: The Brothers had to change from the Egyptian scene to "Those Canaan Days" very quickly. Our first preview, we had no one to help us backstage, so we all came out in various states of undress - but to be fair, we all had out barets on. It would have been funny had it not been for the sound system which went out suddenly so we couldn't hear anything in the pit below us. The guy taking the solo took ages to pick up his place and just sort of stood there, half naked, in front of a disbelieving audience. NOT...FUN.

LEGENDS, 2001: We did a revue of Gershwin, Lowe, Berlin, Rodgers, and Porter. In the Lowe section, my "father" had to sing "How to Handle a Woman" to me. Well, one particular night, going on, I stupidly ran into a metal ladder backstage leading to flies. I went on stage, a little jilted. My nose started to bleed halfway thru the song and I just tried for dear life to hold my nose. As soon as the number finished, I ran off stage and blood poured down my face and into the wings. The costume designer happened to be backstage. Her words were classic: "Oh My God!...Did you get any blood on your costume??"

GUYS AND DOLLS, 2003: The Sewer Dance. It was the worst choreography I've ever performed...and I'm not a good dancer. Box step, left right, left right, box step, pivet, jump, fosse pose.

OLIVER, 2004: I did The Artful Dodger and it was so much fun! But it seemed I kept doing something wrong in my entrance. Two nights in a row, I slipped on some water on stage (left from the previous scene) and fell on all fours. I kept jumping too far in front of Oliver and almost falling on him. Then, one night, I put my foot thru the stairs in front of a sold out audience that knew exactly what I had done. Opening night had a fun one. I was being dragged off by the cops and I finish my big rant and I turn around and hit the wall of the procenium HARD. But thankfully in the moment, I yelled: "And what kind of a place is that for a wall!?". The audience broke down and I got a round. It was pretty cool.

CAMELOT, 2006: The show itself. Why I was in it, I don't know. Shudder.

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#84re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/15/06 at 2:00am

I've got a few. I was in Grease last year. Opening night our table collapsed in the last scene. Our radio voice found it necessary to announce this...into my mic.

During rehearsal we were doing the dance scene that opens Act II. Our Kenickie decided to do to Patty what his character does in the movie. He runs up and pulls her skirt all the way up to her chin. She was in a thong. It was hysterical. We added it to the show, but with her in shorts.

The same show, different rehearsal day, we were rehearsing Beauty School Drop Out. Patty doubles as a Teen Angel. The angels wore table cloths with head holes cut out . They went to just aboe our knees in front and back and above the hip on the side. Patty decided one day she didn't want to wear her pants. I stood next to her. Not pleasant.

Our Danny Zuko had a whole in the crotch of his pants. He didn't like underwear. We all saw his, well, you know. The whole got progrssively bigger. He didn't care. Then we all went to the aprk and he played basketball until the whole went from a**crack all the way around the front. Then we made him wear sweat pants. (Our closing night we rewrote There Are Worse Things I Could Do to sing to the director. We sang ..."little Dave said peek-a-boo...that's a thing he shouldn't do!"

Our sonny decided to not wear pants for the dance scene one night. I was Marty and had to dance with him.

Opening night sonny had to jump over a fully upright company member. He fell but covered wel by shrugging and making a goofy face in true Sonny fashion.

Our choeography was ALL box step...everything!

This year was Guys and Dolls. Sky (Danny Zuko) missed his cue two nights in a row leaving Sarah and I (Cartwright) stranded. We add-libbed about how I'd have to lcose the mission til he was shoved onstage.

He also missed his line with Sarah about the amrker. The entire show no longer made sense.

Our tree in the Havannah scene fell over. Sky picked it up while Sarah laughed like a drunk, which fit the scene.

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#85re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/15/06 at 1:59am

double post

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"
Updated On: 8/15/06 at 01:59 AM

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#86re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/15/06 at 2:00am

triple post

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"
Updated On: 8/15/06 at 02:00 AM

#87re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/15/06 at 9:57am

I was the pit conductor for West Side Story and the musicians were horrible. During "MAMBO", the whole tenor sax riff was almost just a note every now and then when the person could squeak one out. The drums, well, everyone was so horrible the dancers couldn't find their beats. I'm waving my arms like a lunatic hoping the dancers could tell I was going 1 2 1 2 1 2!!! It was embarrassing, because it was my responsibility to teach them. I did everything I could, but their talent was what got me in trouble.

Also, I designed the puppets for Little Shop. I had a small budget to work with, so the puppets weren't the best they could have been. During the scene where SPOILER
Audrey gets eaten, the puppeteer opens the top jaw. He opens it so wide that it falls over exposing him. I felt guilty for that.

Sitting through CHICAGO, not the bad part, with Melanie Griffin as Roxie, the bad part.

Difran Profile Photo
#88re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/22/06 at 11:07pm

i was in a production of grease just this past april. i played roger. for anyone that knows this show, it was the scene when they are going to the gang fight. well i came running in with my car intena, and did the scene...finally when it came time to hit Sonny with it, it bounced back and it my in the face...turns out that it chipped a huge chunk of my front tooth...causing great pain, and a nice lisp. well i had to finish that scene, and then sing "rock and roll party queen" in the next one. i was in soo much pain. o yeah...and i spit the tooth out on the stage

danaonotlater Profile Photo
#89re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/23/06 at 1:59am

This isn't as interesting as the ones above me, but I will add it anyway...I was in Gold Chorus in middle school. There was Blue Chorus where you just sang, but in gold chorus, you got to dance and sing! Well, one year, we did the song "Bare Necessities" from The Jungle Book. So all of us had to wear black pants and a yellow shirt. I don't know why I found getting a yellow shirt so difficult, but I did and it was rather atrocious. is really hard to match yellows and when you have a million different shades, it doesn't look so good. But I digress. Anyway, I had to be up there in my ugly yellow shirt, and was, of course, placed in the middle. And my dancing partner? An 8th grader dressed up in a BEAR costume! Oh so corny and dumb looking! It was loads of fun!

And pretty much my only other time up on stage wasn't particularly pleasant either...I played Mrs. Claus in The Littlest Christmas Tree when I was in 2nd grade. I didn't come in until the end, but having to start a song was nerve-wracking enough to make me almost forget my line. For the part I also put a whole lot of baby powder in my hair to make it grey. That was fun though...especially for what, an 8 year old?

broadway_socialite Profile Photo
#90re: Your Most Embarassing Theatre Moment
Posted: 8/23/06 at 4:25am

I was Belle in Ah, Wilderness!, and I'm supposed to be paid for my services (Belle's a prostitute) and the guy paying me forgot his fake money. So he pulled a napkin out of his poket and said, really awkwardly, "This is, uh, a gift certificate for, um... my dad's store. Enjoy!" I was pissed off because the audience would never had known it wasn't money if he hadn't said anything. Plus, his dad in the play owned a newspaper.
