Luscious Profile Photo
#75re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 11:02am

How apropos that it aired on Thanksgiving eve, because it was one gigantic TURKEY! SI'm a Rosie fan but she really should be ashamed of herself. What crap!

Updated On: 11/27/08 at 11:02 AM

morosco Profile Photo
#76re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 11:07am

Her assertions that 9/11 was an American government conspiracy seems more like a fitting review of last night's bomb:

“To say that we don’t know that it imploded, that it was an implosion and a demolition, is beyond ignorant. Look at the films, get a physics expert here [on the show] from Yale, from Harvard, pick the school—[the collapse] defies reason.”

uncageg Profile Photo
#77re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 11:11am

I had no planned to watch it but the bar I was at had it on and everyone was glued to the tv for about the 1st half hour and then lost interest.

Just give the world Love.

Huey's Pop Profile Photo
Huey's Pop
#78re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 11:15am

The show was a train wreck. Why? Because Rosie took part in the performing. The secret of the Ed Sullivan show was that he introduced the acts and that was it. No opening monologue, just a stage full of talent introduced by a "wooden Indian".

And Rosie's opening monologue was insipid.

I would love to see the revival of a variety show -- live from a Broadway theater in great HD quality -- but cut out the schmaltz and concentrate on the talent.

And get rid of the stupid door -- it worked for Dean Martin, but not in 2008.

Oh, one more thing. If Rosie continues to be the host, ditch the
horrible black dress and put her in comfortable "Rosie" clothes.

JustAGuy Profile Photo
#79re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 11:23am

"Posters here on this thread that are of a certain age grouping, will probably NOT get it. Of course, they are going to be bored out of their minds. This show was of very high quality, to say the least."

Huh? I'm of the age group that remembers the Ed Sullivan show...very...very well. I wasn't bored at all, I was..amazed at what she was trying to pass off as entertainment.

What exactly did you consider high quality? The out of tune singing? The Dancing Desserts? Rachel Ray holding a turkey? Or maybe it was the always hilarious pie in the face? Or talking into her cleavage? Maybe next time she can do some seltzer down her pants,that was good for a laugh 40 years ago too.

Ed Sullivan never had to sing along with...or be a part of every single act that he presented, he allowed the acts to speak for themselves, To be sure not every one of them was a hit, but he at least didn't force horrible writing upon his guest. Carol Burnett had talent as a performer and singer...something Rosie lacks. To compare the two to Rosie is an insult to both.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett
Updated On: 11/27/08 at 11:23 AM

#80re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 11:28am

Ed Sullivan stood aside and let the talent do what they did best. He did interact with Topo Gigio (not sure of the spelling) but, he had a good eye for talent. I am not sure that the format of his show could be replicated but it would be worth the try!

The show seemed so random. Oh, look who is stopping by.... as if she had no clue. Figure it out Rosie!

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

sally1112 Profile Photo
#81re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 11:57am

Ed Sullivan also worked in a period before tv had a million channels, not to mention Youtube. If she was going to have these random acts she needed some that were amazing- and she failed.

I could honestly not believe how the show fell so flat. I was looking forward to watching all week, but it was terrible. Only a few laughs the entire hour.

#82re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 12:53pm

yeah.. the show was rather boring... but i felt like i wasn't even watching a variety show... i felt like i was just watching a bad holiday special... here's hoping that if it does become a series they actually do some research on what a variety show is

PalJoey Profile Photo
#83re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 12:56pm

Learn to appreciate quality. It was all there last night with Rosie and her show.

Tell that to Rosie, not us.

Updated On: 11/27/08 at 12:56 PM

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#84re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 1:00pm

If thats Liza at the Palace next week God help Broadway

TheatreLover76 Profile Photo
#85re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 1:15pm

is it anywhere online, I missed the whole show. I really want to see liza's performance

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#86re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 1:15pm

I LOVED this show. Full of great acts and wonderful writing too. It was NOT boring to me at all. It was a mix of the Carol Burnett Show and the Ed Sullivan Show, a great blend.

Posters here on this thread that are of a certain age grouping, will probably NOT get it. Of course, they are going to be bored out of their minds. This show was of very high quality, to say the least.

The right mental comprehension and good emotional understanding of individuals, this grouping WILL GET IT and know quality when they see it. This is NOT a broadway production. It IS a variety show. Some posters are confused in their futile efforts to compare and try to make a variety show to be a full scale Broadway production. Rosie is back and those of us of the over 40 generation as she is, is happy that great QUALITY is coming back to television, which has been lacking very badly in recent years. NBC has a vision on this project and I say HOORAY for NBC. They have the clear picture of what this show will be like. Good for them.

I am a baby boomer from that generation who really loves variety shows and we are so happy for Rosie that she will be the catalyst and mover and shaker to bring back the greatness that television USED to be in its glory days! Quality show and I am glad that I watched it.

Learn to appreciate quality. It was all there last night with Rosie and her show.


I just wanted this to be seen again.

Amalia Balash Profile Photo
Amalia Balash
#87re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 1:36pm

I only have vague memories of Ed Sullivan. I do remember the Carol Burnett shows. What Rosie put on last night wasn't anywhere near the caliber of either of those shows.

I admire what she tried to do. I'm grateful that she loves Broadway and love what she's done in the past to showcase it. But last night's show wasn't as much a showcase as a shipwreck.

#88re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 2:17pm

You're drunk. It was television at its worst. An amateurish attempt at a variety show. Fortunately, the ratings and the reviews were disastrous.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#89re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 2:24pm

If thats Liza at the Palace next week God help Broadway

Oh no! she's better in her show! Trust me, hun! Ive seen her pre-tryout at Stadium in RI. I was even wonderin' if that was Liza last night! LOL re: ROSIE Live!

Liza's at the Palace was 100% wayyy much better than what you saw guys at Rosie's Live! (that godawful opening number)



Updated On: 11/27/08 at 02:24 PM
