
LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012- Page 5

LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012

#100re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 5:25pm

I LOVE the idea of Geoffrey Rush and Julie Walters as the Thenardiers. I HATE the idea of Hugh Jackman as JVJ...am I the only one who can't stand hearing him sing? Can you imagine Matthew Morrison in 1800's Paris? I think I would burst out laughing....and a definite no to casting Finn as, well, anything...he couldn't handle the vocals...i wouldbe really interested in hearing Alan Rickman sing Stars...I know he probably isn't right for the role, but it would be interesting to hear...sorry if I sound whatever, those are just some of my thoughts...

strummergirl Profile Photo
#101re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 5:28pm

I would like to see some people from French cinema be apart of it.

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#102re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 5:28pm

Rush played Javert in the 1998 film version.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

James885 Profile Photo
#103re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 5:40pm

I like the idea of Alan Rickman as Javert. It would be quite interesting to hear his "Stars". I can't really picture Hugh Jackman as Valjean though.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#104re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 5:55pm

But, you're right, Colm is 65 himself already and he wouldn't be able to pull off the younger scenes convincingly.

It was really rather something being in the limited view boxes at the Curran to see him in the pre-Shanghai cast. After I got over the initial shock of "this is so cool," I had to then deal with, "Damn, that's a lot of eyeliner."

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#105re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 6:12pm

Can Gerard Depardieu sing? Just a thought. re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Magdalene Profile Photo
#106re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 8:06pm

How about Faith Prince as Mme. Thenardier? I can see her in the role...

I can't see Hugh Jackman as Javert at all, I like most of the suggetsions for Javert, my favorite being Alan Rickman...


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#107re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 9:25pm

How about old Cuccioli?

Poster Emeritus

strummergirl Profile Photo
#108re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 9:28pm

Melanie Laurent if she can sing could play a sick Eponine. She can act, she's French, and she is a bit more recognizable to American audiences from Inglorious Basterds as Shoshannah.

#109re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 9:30pm

Oooh, Melanie Laurent is a good idea.

#110re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/14/09 at 9:33pm

Marion Cotillard for Fantine, hands down.

And if she can sing, I'd love to see Carey Mulligan as Eponine.

#111re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/2/10 at 3:40am

The problem is that everyone judges movie success by box office takings - I thought Evita was one of the best films ever - so it can be done. I just wish Cameron Mackintosh would run with the earlier policy of casting people who could perform rather than because they are well known. I have just watched the 25th Anniversary concert which was a brilliant spectacle but somewhat ruined for me by the totally camp performance of Matt Lucas (I love "camp" but Thenardier is a a rough soldier type and much as I adore Matt he was totally wrong for the part) and as for the much acclaimed Nick Jonas he just did not have the voice for Marius - so obvious when you heard Michael Ball at the end.
For me I would be happy with a faithful reproduction of the original 1980s production which in my view has never been bettered.

Evita worked so well and Madonna should have had an Oscar - I am so worried that Cameron and the producers will put what they think are commercial realities first - they should remember that audiences packed cinemas throughout the UK to watch a 3 hour concert version of the show - if they do it well it will be a sell out and DVD I will want in my collection - even though I have seen the stage show 7 times

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#112re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/2/10 at 6:14am

I think they should get Bryce Dallas Howard for Cosette. She's a bit of a name and she can sing.

NewYorkYankee2006 Profile Photo
#113re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/2/10 at 9:22am

alfie boe who played jean valjean in the 25th anniversary concert of les mis at the 02, is currently in talks with cameron about playing the same role in the musical film version. he was absolutely fantastic in the role at the 02. i think he will be perfect for it. whoever said julie walters for madame thenardier, would be quite brill casting as she was really good as rosie in mamma mia and as far as the comedy of the role goes.

firescape Profile Photo
#114re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/2/10 at 9:41am

I agree with Alfie Boe playing the role. Don't mess with perfection. Not everyone in the film has to be a major celebrity. Have we not seen where that has gotten us thus far? I think Eponine, Valjean, and Enjorlas need to be legit powerhouses vocally. Go with the 02 cast for these: Barks, Boe, and Karimloo. They were absolutely the best. They have a great look as well and can definitely make that transition that most theater people can not from stage to screen. The rest you can fill with stars galore! Why oh why would people want Crowe as Valjean? This is one of the most complex male vocal roles ever....there is no way he could do it justice. Do it right or don't do it at all.

kec Profile Photo
#115re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/2/10 at 12:47pm

"alfie boe who played jean valjean in the 25th anniversary concert of les mis at the 02, is currently in talks with cameron about playing the same role in the musical film version."

Actually, he was in talks to return to the West End to play the role at Queens theatre. According to the Daily Mail Article (link below) CamMac thought Alfie had the sound needed for a film version.

The talks were productive, as Alfie is going back to Queens Theatre in early June for six months as Valjean, ending early December.

A new album, a starring West End Role in Les Miserables... suddenly it's all go for Alfie Boe

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#116re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/2/10 at 2:20pm

Yeah... they might even be able to do whatever they want with casting... maybe two or three name actors, tops... the LES MIZ brand may be enough to sell itself. Of course, it being a good movie would be helpful.

Remember when "The Producers" movie came out? That show was a bona fide freight train, retained its two name stars, even added Will effing Farrell, and four people saw it.

Even less bought the DVD.


showchoirguy Profile Photo
#117re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/7/10 at 6:32am

yes there have been many broadway show movies that have been disasters or just iffy. But lets not forget that there have been some really good movies that stayed close. The last one i remember was Chicago, which one the Academy Award for best pictuce in 2002, and that musical was first on broadway in the 1970's. lets give it a chance. lets get some real talent for this movie :)

JRybka Profile Photo
#118re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/7/10 at 10:53am

Why not make is a animated film. And not "Disneyfied" -- like the guys who did "Tripletts of Belleville" -- old school. Or even that stop motion clay mation like Tim Burton does. IMHO.

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

#119re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/7/10 at 12:23pm

Oh, is this still in pre-production TWO years after this thread began?

ClapYo'Hands Profile Photo
#120re: LES MISERABLES - the movie musical - 2012
Posted: 12/7/10 at 12:30pm

Pretty sure 2009 was only ONE year ago...
