
A Star Is Born reviews. WOW!- Page 5

A Star Is Born reviews. WOW!

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#100A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 11:22am

It is ludicrous to suggest that Gaga might not get a Leading Actress nomination when many are predicting her win. She WILL win an Oscar for Best Original Song for “Shallow” no doubt. What other song from a film has reached 20 million views on YouTube and been #1 on the charts for over a week now. I know the Oscar isn’t for most popular, but the cultural impact is there and will be taken into account. I loved the film and can’t wait to see it again, if not just for the final five minutes. Gaga is breathtaking and Cooper is heartbreaking. What great performances that I do hope to see rewarded. This will definitely be nominated for Best Picture, not necessarily taking it home though.

Useless Beauty
#101A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:26pm

GooGoo for Gaga

Bwayfan292 Profile Photo
#102A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:35pm

I thought it was good. Was it the best movie I have ever seen? No. But it was good. I thought Lady gaga was excellent. I would much rather see her as an actress then a performer. Don't get me wrong I love her music, but she brought a great performance acting. I thought Bradley Cooper was great. I dont think she will win the oscar but will for sure be nominated. I also hope Cooper gets a nomination.

Someone in this thread mentioned the golden globes, and I agree that this will sweep there, but come oscar time I doubt it.

One bad thing about the movie though, was that i didnt enjoy Michael Harney’s performance as Wolfe. I enjoy Harney, I liked him in Weeds and Orange is the new black, but I feel like he plays the same character in everything.

Overall, I thought it was a great movie, If you wanna see amazing performances I would check it out. Also the soundtrack is great. I have not seen the original but might check it out this week.

"Why was my post about my post being deleted, deleted, causing my account to be banned from posting" - The Lion Roars 2k18

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#103A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:37pm

I predict that among additional nominations, both Cooper and Gaga will win Oscars in February: for Best Actor and Best Original Song, respectively. 

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#104A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 3:22pm

As good as “Shallow” is, I’d much rather see “Always Remember Us This Way” or “I’ll Never Love Again” take the Oscar for song.

Also, if you’re predicting Gaga won’t be nominated for Best Actress, you’re either delusional or don’t know how the Oscars work. She’s one of this year’s frontrunners whether you liked her performance or not.

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#105A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 3:27pm

Colorthehours, agree with all you said, especially the songs. The reason I think Shallow will win over those (superior) songs is the same reason City of Stars won over Audition (which many thought what the better song). It’s become the anthem for the film.

Luminaire2 Profile Photo
#106A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 4:13pm

Does anyone else think a couple songs will be nominated? I wonder which one she'll perform! 

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#107A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 4:58pm

Luminaire2 said: "Does anyone else think a couple songs will be nominated? I wonder which one she'll perform!"

If they get two songs nominated (very likely), they’ll probably perform both separately. If they get three, I can see them doing a medley. Definitely see both Cooper and Gaga performing live.

Littleshopofcarrie Profile Photo
#108A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 5:43pm

I’ll Never Love Again is actually being treated as the “lead single” and was sent to the radios. I think it has the chance to become as iconic as I Will Always Love You and My Heart Will Go On.

Jessetenny Profile Photo
#109A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 5:52pm

I saw this movie 4 times this weekend and now I have calmed down from the excitement so I can share my thoughts.

Firstly, Gaga is incredible. She is so scaled back, and almost unrecognizable which is refreshing to me.

As a huge Bradley Cooper fan, I honestly don't think he has ever been better. Truly a remarkable performance.

I think the cinematography, costumes, makeup, and supporting cast are top notch.

You would not be able to tell that this was Cooper's directorial debut. 

I do think there was some pacing issues in the middle of the film. The beginning swept you up and took you for an incredible ride, but the middle drags a little bit. Luckily it's only about 30 minutes, then I think it picks up the pace shortly after the awards ceremony.

I knew the ending, but I did not expect to be SO affected by it. Each time I saw it I ended up weeping from the minute Cooper steps out of the truck to the final shot of Stefani. 

I think this movie is a huge contender for the Oscar's. I for sure think it will score nominations for Actress, Actor, Picture, Director, Screenplay, Score, Song (potentially 4 in my opinion for Shallow, Is that Aright?, Always Remember Us This Way, and I'll Never Love Again), Cinematography, potentially Supporting Actor, Sound Mixing, Sound Editing, potentially production design, and potentially makeup and costumes. 

I am worried that this film will suffer the same fate as La La Land.. huge Oscar contender that sweeps the Globes, wins a bunch of awards at the Oscars but loses Best Picture.

This is up there in my top favorite films with Les Mis (2012, don't hate), Chicago, The Last Five Years and Pretty Woman. 

I am seeing it again on Tuesday.

#110A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 8:33pm

The current Oscar rule is only a maximum of two songs from a movie can be nominated for Best Original Song.

faceleg Profile Photo
#111A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 8:36pm

broadfan327 said: "The current Oscar rule is only a maximum of two songs from a movie can be nominated for Best Original Song."

Isn't there a new rule that you can't send just the song out anymore, that you can only send it as part of the movie or something like that? I remember that being brought up when Remember Me won last year since it worked much better as part of the story than as a stand alone song, unlike This Is Me. 

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#112A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 8:38pm

broadfan327 said: "The current Oscar rule is only a maximum of two songs from a movie can be nominated for Best Original Song."

Then I predict “Shallow” and “I’ll Never Love Again” will get the nominations. Bradley Cooper’s songs are really good too, but Gaga’s are showier.

jakebloke Profile Photo
#113A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/8/18 at 10:46pm

I’m seeing the movie tomorrow, and have tried to hold back on listening to the soundtrack, but ‘Is That Alright’ has had me in tears. Love it. Tearjerker of a song, and her vocal range is stunning.

Luscious Profile Photo
#114A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/9/18 at 2:52am

Outstanding performances by Gaga and Cooper! Oscar caliber, for sure. And they're both very well liked in the industry, so that should help their chances of winning. They're a charismatic couple both on and off screen. They'll bring big-time glamour to the ceremony and will look great posing next to each other with their awards. Everything Oscar loves! I can see them both winning for best song, as well. I love Shallow, but I'll Never Love Again is amazing and my personal favorite. As for the movie itself, it could have used some tightening - the pacing was uneven - and the script was somewhat lacking, but overall a very impressive directorial debut by Copper, a stunning lead acting debut by Gaga, and a very satisfying movie-going experience, overall.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#115A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/12/18 at 11:37am

I liked this movie. Not as much as reviews made me believe I would, though. Gaga has a charismatic presence on screen, and I am very excited that rust belt America will finally admit/realize that Gaga is a phenomenal vocalist and songwriter (my bf's mother literally said "wow, I didn't she could sing like that"A Star Is Born review. WOW!. Bradley Cooper broke my heart, which I was surprised by because I was starting to lose sympathy for his character big time after the second act. The album itself is perfection. The curation of dialogue + songs is so careful, it reminds me of Fun Home album in a way with how I'm able to follow the entire story. The album gets 10/10 from me, and the movie is 7/10 at best. Some of that is because the story just stops for a good 20 minutes halfway through the movie, is slow and meanders. But most of it is because Gaga's acting is simply not on par with her reviews. I don't envy her - this is an intimidating story for a movie debut, and all the moments she's singing she really shines. But her acting is difficult to accept as an Oscar contender, much less a winner. Especially considering the other actresses who're likely going to be nominated (I mean Glenn Close was thrilling in The Wife).

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#116A Star Is Born review. WOW!
Posted: 10/20/18 at 12:15am

Saw this tonight, was absolutely blown away. Lady Gaga is absolutely incredible as Ally. She's so warm and earthy and funny. Bradley Cooper absolutely broke my heart. The chemistry between the two was amazing, and the first time they sing "Shallow" together was electrifying. I cried all my makeup off. It's a worthy successor to the Judy Garland film.
