Tarzan Review!

#125tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 7:07pm

This thread could use:

1) More discussion of Tarzan.
2) Less self-righteousness.


#126tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 7:08pm

I just read on Playbill.com that the cut off date for shows to open will be MAy 10th for the Tony's. That is literally the night Tarzan opens.

#127tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 8:34pm

Yes, that was mentioned when Tarzan announced their opening, that they were just making the Tony cut-off.

Apparently, the first understudy for Tarzan is Kevin Massey, who has a website, www.kevinmassey.com. He doesn't look a thing like Strickland.

The other understudy is Joshua Kobak, and those who know him from Rent know his arms have been a source of wonder for years. He's got more of the Tarzan look going than the other understudy.

#128tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 9:26pm

First of all: wow, crazy picture arguing. Illegal? Yes. But so is dowloading music, and honestly, who HASN'T done that? While the posting of them in a public forum is another matter (bad idea), honestly if you're not using a flash and not bothering anyone or being really obvious about it, nobody really cares. A lot of actors don't care, and (though they have to say something if someone says something to them) the ushers don't care much either.

But about the original topic of the thread: thanks for the review! I tried lotto today but lost. I'm going to try next weekend (maybe Thursday). Can't wait to see it for myself.

liotte Profile Photo
#129tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 10:58pm

I lost the lotto today for Tarzan (but won hairspray and saw that), will try again on Thurs.

I was able to buy tickets for April 22, April 29, and May 5 though.

Me2 Profile Photo
#130tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:03pm

haha, well it looks like you liked it enough to see it 3 more times huh liotte? I have a ticket for April 15. I'm REALLY excited but hopefully i'll get to see it via lotto before that.

liotte Profile Photo
#131tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:09pm

I will also be doing lotto almost all the preview shows, but I wanted to make sure that I see it again somewhat soon.

The next available seat (single, at any price) wasn't available until April 21.

Me2 Profile Photo
#132tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:11pm

well if you'll be alone and happen to win i'd totally go with you. I know i'm just some random person but I'm dying to see the show and i promise i dont talk during shows! lol.

#133tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:24pm

oops, liotte
did you something naughty?

liotte Profile Photo
#134tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:29pm

Me2, I always have a ton of people with me (usually kids), but maybe during the summer!

And nomdeplume, we are over that discussion. Let it be.

Me2 Profile Photo
#135tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:33pm

well, it was worth a try. i cant usually make it in time for lotto.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#136tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:33pm

Be aware most good seats gone for weekends during previews

Poster Emeritus

#137tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:35pm

all in its time
'twas worth a rhyme

liotte Profile Photo
#138tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:45pm

I am eagerly waiting reports from tonight's show!

YankeeGal#24 Profile Photo
#139tarzan review!
Posted: 3/25/06 at 11:46pm

Same here liotte!

"You ask four guys, you get four different versions" ~ Tommy DeVito, Jersey Boys

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#140tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 12:09am

so liotte, the harnesses aren't as visible as the press release suggested right? since for a horrible second in there i was picturing harnesses outside the costumes that were blatantly obvious.

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

liotte Profile Photo
#141tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 12:16am

The harnesses weren't very visible, the ropes were. And you can see the actors hooking themselves/others in and out of the carabiners.

#142tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 12:17am

I saw the show tonight. There were a few technical glitches- the curtain came down for about 10 minutes during Act 1 because the flying leopard's cord got stuck behind a vine cord. The producer came up onstage and said it'd be a few minutes and asked the conductor to play something, and the conductor played Elaborate Lives from Aida. In Act 2, two sheets are supposed to come down so that the set could be changed, but only one came down and the other got stuck, so the stagehands were visible changing the set.

None of that made me like the show less, though. I thought it was really, really great. It could use a little work here and there, but it was only the second preview. I was really impressed with pretty much the entire cast, especially Jenn, Josh, Merle and Chester. Their voices all sounded amazing. And I really enjoyed the show itself. The flying and other effects were awesome, and I loved the familiar songs from the movie, and thought the added songs were good too.

Josh Freilich
#143tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 12:23am

Who was conducting? I bet it was Paul Bogaev, because he conducted "Aida" about a number of times, and I'm pretty sure he did it by ear. It was awesome. Was anybody singing along?

About the orchestra, I only found out that Tony Kadleck is in the orchestra (playing trumpet), but has anyone got the rest of the members of the pit?

"How could she just suddenly, completely disappear into thin water?" - The Little Mermaid

liotte Profile Photo
#144tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 12:24am

Glad you liked the show! I wonder what changed from yesterday to today, if anything. And what will be changed for next week.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#145tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 12:29am

Did u get in?
I thought I saw u on the Lotto line both nights?
How could they play AIDA with no Music???

#146tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 12:32am

Jim Abbott was the conductor. And it was just Jim playing the piano, it wasn't the whole orchestra, so I guess he just has it memorized...maybe he conducted Aida at some point.

firescape Profile Photo
#147tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 12:48am

Its called "professional musicians." Many of which, especially in an environment such as live theater and recording, play mostly by ear. Head charts and stuff. They were also probably well aware that there could be some tech problems and were ready with something "Elton-Johnish" to please the fans.

#148tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 1:07am

I was thinking more along the lines of something "Disney-ish", but yes.

blaxx Profile Photo
#149tarzan review!
Posted: 3/26/06 at 3:15am

I know I said I would drop it, but...when people who need to be shirtless or semi-nude in a show, is it legal to ask them to "show the goods" before they decide if they should be cast?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE
