Britney on Broadway...

caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
#200re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 11:06am

This is AWFUL and just so you know this is coming from someone who
a. has seen Britney in concert when she opened for nsync
b. Has two of her CDs

But only two because after her first CD came out she lost the singing talent she had. If you listen to her non singles (and maybe even a couple of her singles) from the first CD she can actually sing

So yea she is WAY too young for the role and since she has lost her singing talent and could never act even in the Mickey Mouse Club (yes I watched that one too) it will be awful. But if she could somehow get her singing talent back that may be ok, but I doubt it

corsairstw Profile Photo
#201re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 11:09am

Hey, if she doesn't do a bad job, I'm not complaining. I saw it with Christina and thought she was incredible.

Somehow, Spears doesn't seem the "Charity" type, but who knows.

#202re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 11:53am

If she only could sing...

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#203re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 1:17pm

Then again, this is Access Hollywood saying that her husband may join too.


"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

Audryna Profile Photo
#204re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:33pm

She hasn't EARNED the role. THAT is what's seriously wrong with casting her and it smacks of PR machine gone horribly a wry.

If she wants to be Charity she should have to go through the grueling audition process like every other self-respecting serious actor in the business; not have all these bleeding "talks" were her people talk to their people and blow hot air up each other's butts deciding just how much money their gonna make by having her on broadway. If she can out sing and out dance any other auditionee ( I'm sorry but it's laughable to think THAT would ever happen) then she should have the role.

And her husband dancing in the chorus line, that's actually more believable , I just wouldn't personally want to see him in a musical. From his interviews , television appearances and life story in general, I have come to the conclusion that he is a muppet. That's just my opinion.

All the Britters and Kev fans may now send me virtual bags of flaming dog poo.

"It takes considerable knowledge to realise the extent of your own ignorance." Thomas Sowell

#205re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:42pm

It seems like the easiest way to be on Broadway is through Hollywood.

#206re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:43pm

this should be interesting...

#207re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:45pm

this should be interesting...

#208re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 3:12pm

Maybe she can hang out in the restaurant she opened in New York. Oh wait....New York hated it and it closed!
Maybe there's a pattern here......

hannahshule Profile Photo
#209re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 3:26pm

audryna great point!!!
even Christina had to audition, why shouldn't Britney? I say let an unknown be discovered, or a performer who's famous for being on broadway (like Kelli O'hara)

~And let us try, before we die, to make some sense of life~

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#210re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 3:35pm

Why don't people understand that an unknown will not sell this show. They can't cast someone who's not widely known because no one will want to buy tickets. SWEET CHARITY is not a show like SPAMALOT where the name of the show can sell tickets alone. You need a famous headliner.

So it's either cast Britney and stay open...or close when Christina leaves.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

James885 Profile Photo
#211re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 4:55pm

Like it or not, Briteney Spears will sell tickets. I personally don't think she could handle doing eight shows a week, but if she were to join Sweet Charity, I would almost be willing to bet money that the show would sell out.

As someone already said, think of what the stage door would be like. The crowd would probably even dwarf the crowds at Wicked's stage door.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

#212re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/20/05 at 3:27am

If they really hire her, it will be terrible. I saw Crossroads, she
really can't act. She doesn't sing live, she probably can't sing either. Anyone can be made to sound good on records today with studio tools like Pro Tools, but on Broadway you need to sing live.
Christina Applegate is definitely talented actress, and she sings moderately well, atleast she doesn't need to do it playback like Britney obviously does. Also, Christina Applegate earned the job. Britney's getting it just because she is very, very famous, untalented idiot, who's name is something everyone knows. I thought maybe in Hollywood they would hire people just because they would sell movies, but if things go like that on Broadway, it's really sad and it seems even there money is now more important than art.

Audryna Profile Photo
#213re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/20/05 at 5:37am

Oh she'll pack the seats alright! She'll pack um with 13 year olds holding up giant posters and screaming "I LOVE YOU BRITNEY!!" with BRITNEY 4 EVA written in black eyeliner on their cheeks. They'll probably spontaneously burst into song whenever she starts singing and wave glow sticks and little lighted whirly do-dads in the air.

Now if that doesn't throw you off the idea of Britney being on broadway, I don't know what will.

"It takes considerable knowledge to realise the extent of your own ignorance." Thomas Sowell

ljay889 Profile Photo
#214re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/20/05 at 11:35am

People this is NOT a rumor. People from the Weissler camp have said this is very serious.

I agree that they should atleast audition her. Christina went through an EXTENSIVE for Charity, and a 3 hour private singing session with Cy Coleman - where she says he REALLY kicked her butt in with the singing. I bet Christina's singing right now is just as good or better than Britney's voice. Britney was a fabulous child singer, but the pop world ruined her voice.

My biggest problem is still her AGE. And her husband in the show would be so STUPID. He can he sing? I've said it before - the ensemble parts in Charity are not that easy. I can't picture his "trying to be ghetto" ass in the pink brass band costume!

Updated On: 11/20/05 at 11:35 AM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#215re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/20/05 at 11:56am

Perhaps they are auditioning her? We don't know...did they audition Rosie for GREASE? or Melanie for CHICAGO?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

wowobball2000 Profile Photo
#216re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/20/05 at 12:26pm

The only person who this would benefit (besides Britney and Kevin) would be Idina Menzel. She would no longer be Broadway's tween obsession and might actually be able to walk outside of a theater without being chased down the street!

"Will the world remember you when you fall?" Les Miserables

#217re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/20/05 at 11:06pm

I bet they'd re-record the show and it would sell like crazy. I dunno, I don't think the shos that vocal demanding. I hope it happens, cause I'm excited to see what would happen to the show. Plus that means Wedding Singer has a theater, which means I get to go see it in March. If Britney's in it for 6months, i bet she'd get a replacement tony award. Which, with her appearance, might draw more ppl to the Tonys, indirectly helping out the Broadway community.
The thought of "K-Fed" in the show, is stupid and bizarre, there's no way that would work.
I wonder what her pay will be like? She'll def. have to take a major pay cut.
Also, look at the outcome of "Crossroads" - that movie was a flop.
Critics I'm sure will bash her completly.

...We shall see...

When do you think the announcement will be made? If she lives in January, then sometime in December?
Updated On: 11/20/05 at 11:06 PM

#218re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/20/05 at 11:13pm

I think we should all get tickets to her first performance, and boo her off the damn stage. AT her entrance.

#219re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/20/05 at 11:16pm

That's just rude. Maybe being on Broadway is a dream of hers.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#220re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/21/05 at 12:00am

She would NEVER get a Tony replacement award.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

ljay889 Profile Photo
#221re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/21/05 at 9:44am

I honestly doubt the Tony voters would nominate her.

Christina got the respect of the voters because she is an accomplished actress (and trained dancer.) Britney dosen't nearly have the acting skills of Applegate.

I wish they could get another big name, but someone who actually fits the role - unlike Britney.

I am thrilled the Weisslers are trying to keep the show open. It would be amazing to see the show selling out every night, and maybe even making back its investment eventually. But I wish they could do it with someone besides Britney.
Updated On: 11/21/05 at 09:44 AM

#222re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/21/05 at 10:01am

More thoughts...

Britney could indeed handle eight shows a week. She tours like crazy. She's used to a hactic schedule that involves travel as well. If anything, it might be less wear on her to be able to go to work every day and come home every night.

The dancing - she would actually do it justice. The girl can dance.

The acting concerns me big time. Maybe with some work, she could surprise. But right now, I don't beleive she has the acting or comedy chops.

The singing - well, the Charity songs are pretty easy to sing. With some work, she might be OK there.

The fact that she is too young for the role is less concerning than the fact that she LOOKS too young for the role. Cast Brittany Murphy instead. She's young, but she has that Charity-esque spark about her. Plus, she could pull off someone a bit older.

K-Fed in a pink brass band costume - that's kind of a funny thought...

The tween factor is already getting under my skin (do the tweens still like Britney or is she old news?)

Updated On: 11/21/05 at 10:01 AM

#223re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/21/05 at 10:27am


millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#224re: Britney on Broadway...
Posted: 11/21/05 at 11:49am

I didn't read through 9 pages of posts, so I dunno if anyone pointed this out, but, she just had a baby so I doubt she'd do anything like this soon.

I know there's some people saying, "give her a chance, you can't judge someone if you haven't seen them yet..." but as someone said, she can't sing live and she doesn't sing live, and if you've seen Crossroads she can't act either. At least Christina has better acting chops to pull of the comedic timing. Though Britney may be able to tackle the dancing, I doubt she'd succeed in the other areas.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
