Message Board Abuse Criteria?

#1Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 11:02am

Just curious...what is the criteria used for the deletion of a comment and who decides that comment should be deleted? I had a comment deleted, I stated, "Bite Me" to a poster who was responding sarcastically to my post. My comment was deleted. But I have seen much harsher comments, for example in the thread "Rock of Ages Usher", and those comments remain. And of course, have read even worse comments on other threads that remain intact. Can anyone dish out anything...and then when they are responded to, as in such manner, cry foul to Rob, and then have the comments they don't like removed? Someone please enlighten me?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 11:10am

There are certain people here who can say whatever they like to anyone they want and never have their posts deleted or be told they can not harass, "bully", etc here. It's just how it's always been. Some people are just exempt from it.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#2Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 11:25am

Well also, if no one complains about a post, it will remain there.


#3Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 11:31am

Averagebwaynut certainly feels free to attack and insult anyone he disagrees with. Here is his most recent volley to me:

"I describe you as "demented" "distorted" and "clearly an ill-formed irrational lunatic" because of your accusations against me which are unfounded and untrue. Those descriptions of you have nothing to do with your opinion of "The Addams Family"."

What I "accused" him of was attacking any posters who criticized the Addams Family, and engaging in back and forth with anyone who tried to explain or defend themselves, which they shouldn't have to do. Read "the Addams Family Reviews" thread. Are name-calling, insults and personal attacks are ok?

sally1112 Profile Photo
#4Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 11:54am

Good Grief!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#5Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 11:55am

^ Did you complain about those posts to the moderators? If not, how would they know about them?


averagebwaynut Profile Photo
#6Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 2:54pm


So nice to see you move your vendetta against me to another thread. And to continue your misrepresentations about what I have or haven't done.

I will reiterate what I've said to you before:

Your accusations against me have little to no basis in fact. Read the threads.

I've responded to only a handful of posts disparaging "The Addams Family" and almost exclusively without resorting to name-calling (except, admittedly, in your case and perhaps once or twice with Pgenre where I joined the chorus of others doing so).

My so-called "attacks" consist of the following:

I took issue with Pgenre some months ago (as did many others) because he hadn't seen the show and yet was vicious in his criticism of it and his mocking of anyone who didn't agree with him.

I recently took issue with MiracleElixir, not with his loathing of "Addams", but only when he assigned motivation to the people who created the show, which I found unwarranted and offensive.

I responded to "Mike3" with my own thoughts on the show, because they happened to be particular contrary to a number of his specific criticisms.

I took issue with Blaxx because she hasn't actually seen the show -- and still, after a bit of back and forth, we concluded our debate peacefully.

As for you, I originally took issue not with your opinion of the quality of "The Addams Family" but with your ranting about feeling cheated for seeing what you felt was an awful show that was still in development and for your representations about the show's ticket sales in Chicago which were unsupported and easily disproven.

Along the way, I've posted in a variety of other threads, often providing information which, by other posters' affirmations, has proven very useful to them.

You, on other hand, have posted a whopping 11 times. You joined the board on 1/9/10 and proceeded to post your original rant which received a number of negative replies (none from me, I would note). You then followed that up with a second post responding to the criticism. My first written word to you was on 1/12/10 and it was sympathetic to your feelings but took issue on two points. You replied in an attempt to dismiss one of my arguments and I replied in kind with facts to make my case.

I believe that was the sum total of our correspondence until you decided to use three of your remaining eight posts to initiate a crusade against me as a persecutor of anyone who thinks ill of "The Addams Family". And your insistence on doing so has brought out the name-caller in me. Again, not for any opinion you hold about the show, but solely for your persistence in painting me as something I am not and for inventing facts to justify your actions.

Quite simply, if you're not prepared to have people disagree with you, politely or otherwise, then I would suggest not posting. That's not intimidation or an attack on you -- that's simply a helpful piece of advice. But if you ARE going to post, be prepared to hear from those who agree AND disagree with you. And if you're going to call someone an "intimidator" and "attacker" and "disrespector" without justification for doing so (and especially when you are guilty of the latter two offenses yourself), you can expect a bit of name-calling right back at you as well.

"No matter how much you want the part, never let 'em see you sweat." -- Old Dry Idea commercial
Updated On: 4/11/10 at 02:54 PM

Weez Profile Photo
#7Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 3:04pm

Some people are just catty and spiteful. You can get worked up about it, or you can laugh at your monitor and go on with your life. Trust me, they're NEVER worth getting worked up about. :3

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#8Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 5:46pm

Weez is 100% right! Don't let it affect you. You don't know these people and they don't know you. Personal attacks should slide right off your back. I know that's hard to do, but these attacks really don't mean anything.

#9Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 8:29pm

How Many people on these boards have lives outside of BWW?

No offense TheatreNut, but you actually took the time to go into the history of everyones bitching and moaning, quoting specific threads, dates, etc?

Helene2- I suggest you just be the bigger man(woman?) and NOT reply.

Its that easy... lets not pick fights with random men and women voicing their own options on the internet.

Lets go outside and make real friends.
Kick a soccer ball... go to the park.... just grow up.

Now... CAN I GET AN AMEN? haha
Updated On: 4/11/10 at 08:29 PM

After Eight
#10Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 8:39pm


I agree with your post.

"Now... CAN I GET AN AMEN? haha"


#11Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 1:25am

thanks aftereight!

Also glad to hear (or not hear for that matter) that the bickering has stopped.... FOR NOW.


Piper3500 Profile Photo
#12Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 8:47am

"There are certain people here who can say whatever they like to anyone they want and never have their posts deleted or be told they can not harass, "bully", etc here. It's just how it's always been. Some people are just exempt from it."

Being here for a short time I can see this and can name a couple. It is a forum and I agree with those who say just let it go.

"it's a dirty little war"

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#13Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 11:13am

Shame on the people who run and monitor this site.

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#14Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 11:46am

it's judgements when they are wrong that seem catty and spiteful. i have not seen it anywhere but OFF TOPIC for me and it is either people not reading or reading a sentence and then going off.

it is all opinion at the end of the day

"it's a dirty little war"

tazber Profile Photo
#15Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 11:52am

This is an old issue that been discussed to death.

Some people get a pass and others don't. The mods make the decisions and don't owe anyone (and certainly never give) an explanation.

If you're that pissed off about the favoritism you can show your displeasure by simply not logging on to the site and helping to increase ad revenues.

Plus, fairness is totally subjective depending on what side of an argument you are on.

....but the world goes 'round

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#16Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 12:11pm

Wow, no defensive replies from Craig? Is he on vacation?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

PalJoey Profile Photo
#17Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 1:18pm

Bite me, Tazber.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#18Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 2:55pm

Yeah, some people get suspended or banned for certain behavior, while others don't even get a slap on the wrist for doing exactly the same thing. And what may be deemed highly offensive behavior by heterosexuals, could be described as "innocuous" if you're gay.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#19Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 3:10pm

Taz and Matt are wise beyond their years.


tazber Profile Photo
#20Message Board Abuse Criteria?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 3:56pm

Blow it out your ass, PJ.

Message Board Abuse Criteria?

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 4/12/10 at 03:56 PM
