Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork

philly03 Profile Photo
#1Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/25/10 at 1:35am

I remember they did this for Ragtime, too. Not sure if it's an every show thing, but this the evolution of the current WONDERLAND Art campaign:

dventures in Communicating a New Alice

Anakela Profile Photo
#2Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/27/10 at 11:41pm

I like the "storybook" one, with the writing on the apple. But I still want a windowcard of the old school Wonderland artwork, with the heart hanging off of the title.

Kad Profile Photo
#2Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 12:07am

Too bad the new poster doesn't reflect the Mad Hatter as seen in the show... a woman.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

philly03 Profile Photo
#3Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 12:44am

I agree Anakela... The original artwork was really neat looking, but I don't think it really reflected the show besides the NY aspect, and the extra tagline "Follow Your Heart" didn't even fit in the show!

#4Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 4:40am

I don't think any of those posters caught my eye in any way. The whole table setting is really awkward to me, I feel like I'd remember that awkward poster in my head but not what it was about.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#5Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 4:50am

Too bad the artwork doesn't reflect the score is a turd.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

#6Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 8:39am

Well Mildred if they put Wildhorn's name anywhere on the poster it's a fair indication the score is turd-ish at best.

#7Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 9:02am

Well Mildred if they put Wildhorn's name anywhere on the poster it's a fair indication the score is turd-ish at best.

What I want to know is who keeps giving him money to put up these turds. He's had 3 absolute bombs on Broadway since Jekyll and Hyde 13 years ago, and I think it's pretty well-known that THAT didn't even recoup. The Scarlet Pimpernel was closed, revised, and reopened THREE TIMES and still sucked.

Wonderland doesn't look too promising either, artistically or financially. People aren't going to snap tickets to it just because it's vaguely associated with the original Alice in Wonderland. (Most) people aren't that dumb.

But of course, if in the time before its Broadway bow it is so dramatically revised that it becomes an artistic masterpiece, wins the Tony, and runs longer than Phantom, then I'll eat my hat. Until then, I'm not expecting much.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#8Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 9:26am

Someone up here somewhere likes his music.

My guess is that someone is deaf.

philly03 Profile Photo
#9Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 11:26am

Y'all be haters....

Frank has plenty of producers and plenty of people who ask him to write shows. He was asked by producers in South Korea to write a show called "Tears of Heaven" which will debut early in 2011.

The fact that SP had the opportunity to be revised 3 times should show everyone that he has dedicated producers... not to mention that and Jekyll & HYDE had tons and widely notorious fans.

PiraguaGuy2, after seeing it in Tampa last year, plenty of people were disappointed. I'm sure plenty of people are going in thinking it's the Burton film ("New Alice") or a twist of the original story.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#10Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 11:38am

From a purely aesthetic standpoint, I like the cards the best.

I have no idea how well that represents the current incarnation of the show, though.
Updated On: 11/28/10 at 11:38 AM

#11Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 11:38am

Either way if it's new Tim Burton Alice or this Alice, it's still awful. I'm sorry, philly. You're not gonna win this.

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

#12Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 11:39am

People are absolutely going to think this is more or less a "rip off" of the Burton ALICE film... if only because it is the exact same idea. Just a "stigma" (dunno if that's the best word choice, but whatever) that the show is going to have to get over.

On topic... I love these 'evolution of artwork' things the Times does. I'd actually venture to say I love all of the pictured ones for Wonderland.

#13Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 12:04pm

The apple and the cards are the two best there. I don't know why they went with the reflection as the final artwork, considering the Mad Hatter is a woman in the show and a man on the poster. Weird.

philly03 Profile Photo
#14Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 1:51pm

The cards were my favourite of the new art.

I imagine they picked the one they did for a few reasons: The old logo was the NYC/rabbit silhoutte, and IF (which I'm in no way even suggesting) this becomes an international hit they'll pull a Les Mis and do the different city skylines.

Also, if the Hatter was a woman in the poster, I doubt people would understand - it's an adult Alice versus .. who? Another woman??

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#15Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 1:59pm

I like the deck of cards the best by far.

#16Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 2:24pm

Well that's my point exactly, philly... it doesn't make sense to show the Hatter on the poster at all if it's either 1) anachronistic or 2) confusing to the viewer. They should have chosen one of the other (better) options.

gvanover Profile Photo
#17Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 2:33pm

I agree that the majority of his works should be tossed in the "Why even bother?" category, but CAMILLE CLAUDEL is a real beauty. I think what has helped him (and even Lloyd Webber) are EXCELLENT orchestrators.

"She couldn't act scared on a New York City subway at three in the morning."- A review of Sarah Brightman for "The Phantom of the Opera"

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#18Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 2:34pm

The "Down the Rabbit Hole" artwork reminds me of the recent Ragtime revival poster.

philly03 Profile Photo
#19Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 3:07pm

While I agree orchestrators like Jonathan Tunick made something like "Napoleon"'s music atleast some what interesting, and Lloyd Webber's extra full sound helps his music, Frank has had the opposite:

Kim Scharnberg (or Jeremy Roberts) do the majority of orchestrating, but look at the disaster that DRACULA, the musical was with a 6 piece band that used over half of synthesizers... I don't think orchestrators necessarily help Frank's shows.

Ironically, Jonathan Tunick did the orchestrations for the simplestic Camille Claudel..!

#20Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 3:32pm


I know you are doing your best to get people into this show, but sadly I feel it is going to bomb, big time.

The cast is very talented, but I just think critics are going to slam it. I don't think people are going to want to see it. The last thing I want to see is another Bway show fail, but this one just sounds awful. The artwork, costums, clips, songs, nothing really works.

While I love Janet Dacal, she just doesn't fit the role people know and love, Alice.

I don't even know how this got to Broadway.

#21Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 3:35pm


Before you say that we just haven't seen the show yet, it looks to me like a lot of people on this board don't WANT to see it. Not just on this thread, but almost everyone mentioning this show.

Sadly, shows fail because people don't want to see them, not really because people see them and don't like them. Unless the critics love it, I would be very worried.

Updated On: 11/28/10 at 03:35 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#22Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
Posted: 11/28/10 at 5:58pm

I agree with you on Dacal. The people expecting the movies will be confused. I've always been in support of ax-ing her, i'm hoping her time in In the Heights as the leading role gave her some ability to have some star power. She was totally overshadowed by Darren Ritchie and Nikki Snelson.

The critics will most likely slam it, if not for Wildhorn alone. First time producers always tend to push ahead despite the reviews (many suspected Tale of Two Cities to fold over night, if not a week given the economic climate to boot!).

Artwork of a show has nothing to do with it besides selling value when you look at the posters. People raved about "The Addams Family" art, and look how great that show was. Plenty have had bad art work and been good - people were split on the Ragtime revival art, that got Time #1 Musical of the Year.

Costumes, etc tend to change after a world premiere. The musical went from a $3-5 Mil budget (including the move from Tampa to Houston) to now a $13 MIL production with script rewrites (Projections won't be used as much). Do I think the book will be any better? Probably not, but I'm wiling to give it a shot.

I'm fine if people don't want to see a show - I don't need to convince them, but pre-judging something like dance sequences you think look corny... because they're SUPPOSED to be corny but you don't understand because you don't know the show makes no sense.

People did this to Tale of Two Cities as well - people on this board didn't just not want to see it, they had to make sure it would fail all together. Again - you don't want to see it, then don't... but there's no need to trash something based on a world premiere that didn't have an endless budget, and was intended to be changed after! But again.. I'm not expecting this to be some mega-hit. I've said it before, the show had major potential and last year's presentation showed it no longer has all of that going for it anymore.
