
America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

#1America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:01pm


Just watch her... She's so at a loss for words and positive things to say, it's sad. She can't look at the camera, she's maneuvering around the truth, and flat out fabricating things to the interviewer to leave the show in a good light.

It's like watching a scared animal trying to convince her predator's that she's fine.
Updated On: 2/10/11 at 03:01 PM

PeterJamesZielinski Profile Photo
#2America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:17pm

The cruelty of some of you fans is jarring. I sincerely hope you never have it returned to you.

#2America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:23pm

It's big of you to assume that someone is a fan of her or the show.

She shouldn't have been interviewed. She obviously was not ready to cover up her fear or unhappiness for the show. It is really uncomfortable to watch her.

The fault is not anyone for calling her out on this, the fault is hers for going public about something she wasn't ready to do.

uncageg Profile Photo
#3America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:24pm

I really don't get that she was "maneuvering around the truth". If she was doing that I doubt she would have discussed that she got no rehearsal when the other actress did. She sounded pretty honest to me. Just seems like you are trying to stir something up that isn't really there. JMO

Just give the world Love.

#4America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:33pm

"Just watch her... She's so at a loss for words and positive things to say, it's sad. She can't look at the camera, she's maneuvering around the truth, and flat out fabricating things to the interviewer to leave the show in a good light."

*LOL* I'm not certain whether you're being serious or sarcastic. You do realize, of course, that she's giving the interview on a webcam, right? When speaking to a webcam people inevitably look at their computer screens and not the camera.

You see what you want to see. I see an actor speaking in glowing terms of her show and her fellow cast members.

My God, the irrational hostility directed at this show by some of you is at a nearly comical level.

Updated On: 2/10/11 at 03:33 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
uncageg Profile Photo
#6America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:41pm

"The fault is not anyone for calling her out on this, the fault is hers for going public about something she wasn't ready to do."

I don't mean to be mean, but I think the fault here is that you went public with your thoughts on this interview without realizing what Bardolph pointed out above. JMO

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 2/10/11 at 03:41 PM

#7America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:41pm

Does anyone know if she was good in the role?
It seems funny they would go out and get someone
if she were?

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#8America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:42pm

Yeah I didn't see any of that either.

tazber Profile Photo
#9America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:45pm

She was very honest. And I rally do get the impression that she's not enjoying the experience.

Clearly not getting Arachne after understudying the role has upset her(I mean she flat out says it).

I guess given the tenor of dialogue on here regarding this show I should clarify and say that my assessment of her interview has nothing to do with whether the show sucks or is brilliant.

I do appreciate that she didn't feel the need to be a cheerleader in her responses. She answered from her heart and you've got to repsect that.

....but the world goes 'round

uncageg Profile Photo
#10America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:53pm

...and what taz said.

Just give the world Love.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#11America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced B
Posted: 2/10/11 at 3:55pm

"America Olivio let us on..."

"...convince her predator is that she's fine."

PeterJamesZielinski Profile Photo
#12America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 4:02pm

You're on a fan site. Taking time out of your day to post about the show in a fan forum.

Good or bad....You're a fan :)

If I'm wrong? I do apologize. But then you'd be a random person, who doesn't care about an actor or her show, just being a dick about it.

I agree with the person above...the random hostility from people who do not contribute or create for the very medium that they just can't stop talking about is comical.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#13America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 4:04pm

finishmyhat - Apostrophes hate you. Stop the abuse.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

tazber Profile Photo
#14America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 4:09pm

It must be pointed out that you are also rather hostile PeterJamesZielinski.

And I don't think this is a fan site at all. It's a discussion board. Both positive and negative exchanges are allowed here.

....but the world goes 'round

PeterJamesZielinski Profile Photo
#15America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 4:33pm

Taz, Peter, is fine. Thanks for being civil :)

And yes, good point. I admit I am a little hostile towards the trend of negativity on this board.

It breaks my heart to see so much negativity pointed at artists that are trying to bring people entertainment. I mean, sure, it's what we do, we love to tear things apart. But the whole band wagon on this show, in particular, just seems nuts.

Julie Taymor, the cast, crew etc. are all a bunch of talented folks and whether or not the show works out as planned...they tried and created something new. Lil' appreciation maybe? Without people constantly trying to do this, there wouldn't be this website.

Hit or miss I just can't justify the onslaught against this show.

And yes, I'm the asshole for taking the bait and replying on a message board full of anonymous people. I'm either going to get barked at or chided for bad grammar or poor sentence structure. Regardless of us now being off topic, I appreciate you being the devil's advocate and being polite about it.

For the record, while I do work as a freelance photographer for BroadwayWorld.com, these are my opinions, not theirs.

FlyingMonkey1223 Profile Photo
#16America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 4:45pm

Peter--give it a rest. The show sucks. Everyone involved in creating it should be ashamed that THAT is the best they could come up with after so much planning. Pathetic.

tazber Profile Photo
#17America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 4:48pm

You're not an "asshole for taking the bait" Peter. I just think that you allowed yourself to get a little over worked up over what you yourself said are anonymous posters.

I mean this in total sincerity, it's not worth it. The discussions are spirited and often sarcastic to be sure. And yes, there are those posts that are absurdly over the top. Those are the ones to ignore.

If you can filter out the nonsense and not let them bother you there are actually some really interesting opinions about the show.

....but the world goes 'round

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#18America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 6:26pm

She's very pretty, Ah-mere-Rica, pretty name too.

uncageg Profile Photo
#19America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 6:46pm

Nice portfolio Peter. And I do pretty much agree with Peter. I really don't see where he got "worked up". (Sorry taz. Does this mean we are over?)

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 2/11/11 at 06:46 PM

tazber Profile Photo
#20America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 8:33pm

You know I can't quit you uncageg.

....but the world goes 'round

adamgreer Profile Photo
#21America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 10:54pm

She was clearly given no direction by Queen Julie about what to say for this interview.

backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#22America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/10/11 at 11:56pm

I just had a vision of Julie as a puppeteer controlling all of the producers, actors, and creative team with strings...


B3TA07 Profile Photo
#23America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/11/11 at 12:28am

I loved her joke about studying her Green Goblin slides. The interviewer didn't even blind at it, hahaha.


ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#24America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Posted: 2/11/11 at 7:48am

"It breaks my heart to see so much negativity pointed at artists that are trying to bring people entertainment. I mean, sure, it's what we do, we love to tear things apart. But the whole band wagon on this show, in particular, just seems nuts"

It breaks my heart to see people pay $300 dollars for a show that the ending hadn't even been written for yet.

And you're comment that people shouldn't be critical of an art form they don't create for is assanine and pretentious.
