New Pal Joey

ErinDillyFan Profile Photo
#1New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/2/12 at 5:10pm -Book-by-Patrick-Pacheco-to-Open-Rubicon-Season

This article has a typo the barn staging was in 2012, it just finished yesterday.

Anyone else see this?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#2New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/2/12 at 5:19pm

Oy. A gay subplot again? That didn't fix anything the last time.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#2New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/2/12 at 5:21pm

I liked "Are You My Love" and "I Still Believe in You" being added in the last revival, but I don't see how they're going to work in the three songs mentioned in that article. I don't really think they belong in Pal Joey.

And I don't understand why people feel the need to keep rewriting the book. Joey is an antihero! He sort of needs to be for the story to work. No amount of rewrites is really going to help the audience to "like" him any more or less. You just need an unbelievably suave and charismatic actor to pull it off and there should be no problems.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#3New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/2/12 at 5:30pm

"The Lady Is a Tramp" was added to the movie--for Vera. "Sing for Your Supper" is probably done as a song in the club. And "Glad to Be Unhappy" is probably a solo for Linda.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#4New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/2/12 at 5:31pm

The "first anti-hero to propel a musical"?

Gaylord Ravenal isn't exactly Dudley Do Right.

But I agree with CATSNY that "fixing" Joey isn't the answer. The answer is to find the new Gene Kelly. (Yeah, I know he didn't have a hit with the show, but that was 70-some years ago.)

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#5New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/2/12 at 8:10pm

Just Do the damn show, dammit!

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#6New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/2/12 at 10:29pm

My first thought when I saw "New Pal Joey" was our very own BWW's PalJoey. Huh? from RC in Austin, Texas

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

PalJoey Profile Photo
#7New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/2/12 at 11:26pm

Nah. You're stuck with THIS one.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#8New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 12:37am

I know it's old (so is SOUTH PACIFIC) but it won the friggin' Pulitzer! Would you rewrite Tennesee Williams for christ sake?

It's the productions that don't work, not the book.
Difficult, yes, impossible, I don't believe it.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#9New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 12:41am

^I do wish they would have published Richard Greenberg's book. I'd love to read it. I did sort of like it, but I can't say that it really improved on the original in any way. It created just as many problems as it solved.

dented146 Profile Photo
#10New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 1:48am

Probably the greatest work Hart ever did. The subject matter and the forthright portrayal was way ahead of it's time.

Atkenson's "mixed" review was quite harsh and sent Hart into a tailspin from which he never recovered.

ck12 Profile Photo
best12bars Profile Photo
#12New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 4:25am

cK12---that Variety review you posted is not from this recent revised incarnation, which just closed in Michigan for the first time this past weekend.

And CurtainPullDowner---Pal Joey didn't win the Pulitzer.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#13New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 8:54am

ooooops, my bad.

North2009 Profile Photo
#14New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 9:20am

Oddly it is one of the most rewritten shows out there. And I have to agree that no one seems to trust the original libretto and the key is in the casting.
I did a production of it once where the director (SIGH) reset the show in the 1920's, used huge chunks of the screenplay, reassigned songs and generally made a huge mess of the entire thing - complete with the miscasting of Joey and Vera.

ErinDillyFan Profile Photo
#15New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 9:52am

Joseph Anthony Byrd has the charisma to pull off the character. From friends who have seen previous versions they say it needed a new book. This show has some awkward transitions in the 2nd act. Scenes change and the actors just start singing without setup.

Questions for those have seen previous incarnations:
1. Did Ted step out and talk directly to the audience as narractor?
2. This show has "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" reprised as a trio, with the three characters that love Joey (Ted, Vera, Linda). Can I assume there was nothing like this in the original?

Pal Joey: Yes, "Sing For Your Supper" is sung as show number written by Ted for the club.

Updated On: 7/3/12 at 09:52 AM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#16New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 11:59am

They use "Ted" as the name for the gay love interest?

That's the name of Joey's pal in the original stories, the one all the letters are written to. All the stories begin "Dear friend Ted" and they're all signed like my signature below "Yr pal, Joey." But there's no indication in what John O'Hara wrote that Friend Ted is in love with Joey.

I kinda wish Patrick Pacheco had come up with another name.

#17New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 12:10pm

"The new version creates a dynamic between African American crooner Joey and society dame Vera (played by a white actress)"

Sort of like what was done with the musical version of Golden Boy in the 1960s?

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

ErinDillyFan Profile Photo
#18New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 1:25pm

Ted, in this story, is the bar's piano player and composer, who admits to the audience he is gay, homosexual in the venacular of the 40s, and is shown bedding many men, including Joey. Joey sleeps with practically every person in the cast.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#19New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 2:06pm

Yeah. That would be an interesting story...if it weren't called Pal Joey.

And...bars had composers?

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#20New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 2:50pm

I'm not liking the idea of Joey being bisexual. He looses some of his appeal for me if he's suddenly "attainable."

#21New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 2:51pm

Do you guys ever sit and wonder if in 50-60 years they'll be a production of Phantom where Mme Giry is a pimp and Raul is in love with the Phantom? or Sweeney Todd where Johanna is Joey and Mrs Lovett is the real killer (ya know, to make Sweeney more likable and sympathetic!)?

ErinDillyFan Profile Photo
#22New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 2:59pm

Well, incidently, he is a composer and he gets noticed by people in the media for his compositions at the club, which gets him more notoriety than Joey. Joey's jealousy of Ted, starts his downward spiral.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#23New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 3:20pm

Does Joey murder Ted? That would be a good plot twist.

When he is asked by the police if he killed his friend Ted, he could answer, "It Never Entered My Mind."

And when they ask him where he was between the hours during which Ted was killed, he could tell them "I Didn't Know What Time It Was."

PattiLover Profile Photo
#24New Pal Joey
Posted: 7/3/12 at 3:27pm

LOL @ Pal Joey! ^^^

I love the song "Sing for Your Supper" so I'm interested in seeing what they do with it, as long as they keep it a female trio.

The rewrites sound ridiculous though.
