
How to Succeed in business.....Trying

How to Succeed in business.....Trying

#1How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:21pm

Did anybody ever do it in High School? I am a the theatre director and thinking about doing it at my high school. Just trying to get some feedback about peoples experiences with the show. It seems like a lot of fun if you are one of the lead characters, but if not your either a business man or a secretary...... ?

CapnHook Profile Photo
#2How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:34pm

Look, I don't know you -- perhaps you are a well-intentioned, experienced, and possibly talented educator/director -- but I have SO many issues with your post.

For starters, why do you put in the minute effort to type out "in business..... Trying" when you could have taken a split-second longer to type out the entire title fully? OR taken a split-second briefer and cut off at "How To Succeed..."?

Secondly and more importantly, do you know the show? If you are familiar with the show, you would know that the ensemble is a LARGE part of the show. They have a lot to do, and MANY of the dance numbers can be show-stoppers. It's a PERFECT show for an educational/community theatre venue.

If you're not familiar with the show then I hope you have a Netflix account because the film version is available for streaming.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#2How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:37pm

I'm sorry, I didnt see the part in my post where it said "Please, only smart ass condescending replies wanted"


#3How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:40pm

He should have just written H2$ because EVERYBODY on this message board loves it when you refer to the show as "H2$"

CapnHook Profile Photo
#4How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:46pm

haverchuck, the same freedom of speech that allows one to make "smart-ass, condescending" statements also allows one to make lazy, grammatically incorrect statements.


"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#5How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:49pm

If you don't think ensemble members will have fun, don't do it. It's that simple.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#6How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:51pm

I *heart* capn.

#7How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:52pm

OK, thanks for the advice. I was just hoping to hear from someone who actually performed in the show.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#8How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 10:56pm

I hope you don't teach English classes, too.

tazber Profile Photo
#9How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/21/12 at 11:14pm

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 9/21/12 at 11:14 PM

#10How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 12:48am

You should do GUYS AND DOLLS instead. It is easier to stage and has a number of great roles. (Just don't do the Des McAnuff version.)

#11How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 12:51am

What is the point of this. I doubt he is a director because directors use real english. I am not so I don't have to

#12How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 1:39am

You really think Guys and Dolls is easier to stage than How to Succeed?

#13How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 6:59am

I do think if you are an director you should KNOW these things if you don't you should not DIRECT.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#14How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 8:55am

I'll give you a serious answer.

The chorus of nearly any show is as much fun as those in charge allow it to be. It has little to do with the requirements.

It IS hard show for HS in the sense that you need LOTS of men and traditionally, most HS programs have far more girls. I have one of the better male/female ratioed programs that I know of, and there have been few years I would have been ABLE to do this show. (And when I do have my swells in men, I jump at the opportunity and have been able to wonderful productions of West Side Story, Les Mis and Damn Yankees.) When I have my next big swing of men, How to Succeed is at the top of the list.

Because of how I run my program, I have no doubt that they will all have a blast.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#15How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 10:16am

Thank you dramamama611, I am still not sure what was so offensive about my original post. We do have a lot of boys, and have done wonderful, exciting productions in the past. Doing the musical is "very cool" at my school mostly because we have been able to incorporate lots of people into the ensemble roles. I am nervous about it because I have never personally done the show before either as an actor or director, and was hoping it would appeal to HS kids. Thus, wanting replies from people ho were in it in HS or directed it in a HS.

sally1112 Profile Photo
#16How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 10:38am

Is this really who we are? Gez, people.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#17How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 3:48pm

I don't know what was so wrong with it either other than being a bit naive. I've been directing a long time (both HS and MS levels) and as I said, kids will almost always love it because they are theater kids. If its run well, there should never be any issues.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#18How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/22/12 at 4:18pm

Having directed the show once, and working with young actors a lot, I would agree they'd have fun. An issue which MIGHT arise is more connected to the local community, in terms of the show's attitude towards secretaries, mistresses, etc. It is satire, to be sure, but sometimes School Districts and/or Administrators get itchy with this show because of its pre-Feminist attitudes, etc, despite the fact that the show totally rips apart the attitudes of the men as well. You may want to read the script with that thought, in case your locals would come crashing down on your head.

#19How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/23/12 at 5:12am

well yes I think I have a right to question someone who has no idea what they are doing

CONAries Profile Photo
#20How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/23/12 at 5:31am

We recently did this at Uni (in England) and managed to do it with a cast of 11, (5 guys and 6 girls) It is tricky, but aslong as the staging is in keeping, it can work with ANY cast!

booth0882 Profile Photo
#21How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/23/12 at 9:58pm

I actually did do a production of this while I was in high school. Quite enjoyable. By far one of my favorite musicals.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#22How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/23/12 at 10:11pm

I went to a high school that specialized in theatre--we didn't do Succeed, but much of ther same people used to do a 2 week Summer theatre camp where we did do it. At any rate,it was one of the better experiences I had being in the chorus for a show--I think it's a fine choice for school.

mlsheehan Profile Photo
#23How to Succeed in business.....Trying
Posted: 9/24/12 at 9:26am

I did the show in High school (played Bud Frump and Toynbee on opposite nights). We had a lot of fun with the show. However, I remember a lot of the girls only in the chorus felt there wasn't much to do.
