
If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musical) What Would It Be About?

If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musical) What Would It Be About?

~*Triple Star On Broadway*~ Profile Photo
~*Triple Star On Broadway*~
#0If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musical) What Would It Be About?
Posted: 2/9/04 at 12:39pm

What kind of original ideas can we think up of? There has been every kind of musical written to this day, but if you have an idea or ideas, lets hear them!

You've gotta have heart AND music

Theatreboy33 Profile Photo
#1re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musical) What Would It Be About?
Posted: 2/9/04 at 12:47pm

My favorite book is Roberton Davies' Fifth Business. Its a wonderful story that I always envisioned would make a great stage play or musical.

#2re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musical) What Would It Be About?
Posted: 2/9/04 at 12:48pm

My friend and I are writing a musical based on our lives and the lives of our friends at the all girls boarding school where we go. So much great material to write about!! A bunch of teenage girls living together for four years.... let me tell you!


say the word...and i just might listen...

#3re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musical) What Would It Be About?
Posted: 2/9/04 at 1:21pm

I would write Pleasantville as a musical. It is just screaming, yelling, DYING to be made into a Broadway show.

racerchiquita76m Profile Photo
#4re: re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musical) What Would It Be About?
Posted: 2/9/04 at 3:33pm

I began a musical about my relationships with two of my ex-boyfriends. It's kind of complicated, but the two stories intertwine with each other. It covers things like knowing one person is better, but not being in love with that person, and being separated when one joins the military. It's just for fun.

#5If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 3:44pm

Kate, is the title THE FACT OF LIFE: The Musical?

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

JoizeyActor Profile Photo
Gatesy2 Profile Photo
#7re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 3:52pm

If I were to write a musical, I would write a musical version of "Revenge of the Nerds". This would probably be done in the same fashion as "Hairspray". I think it would be a hilarious adaptation.

#8re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 3:55pm

I am writing one and it's about the ethics of compassion.

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#9re: re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 4:03pm

Creature From the Black Lagoon.

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
#10re: re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 4:25pm

a comedy about a small town where everyone is related and has to leave town and go to the big city to get a woman to marry. A bunch of wrenches thrown in a bit of pandemonium and everything works out but not quite the way one might expect it to work out.

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...
Updated On: 2/9/04 at 04:25 PM

King Stevos
#11re: re: re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 5:05pm

one that I am currently writing deals with a complicated love quartet, and I was working on a musicalization of BUT IM A CHEERLEADER hoping I could win the rights after the material was done...well, that didn't work out, I kinda wish I could send the writers my material and tell them to use it.



MariantheLibrarian Profile Photo
#12re: re: re: re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 5:08pm

I was up one evening at 2 a.m., convinced that making Picture of Dorian Grey into a musical was one of the best ideas ever. After writing some truly trite and horrendous music, I fell asleep and discovered Rupert Holmes has already done it. Hurray!

Qfan Profile Photo
#13re: re: re: re: re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 5:20pm

Youth in Revolt the musical.
The book is about a kid whose 14 going through the crap 14 years deal with and its really funny

"Look on the Bright Side Not on the Blackside get off your backside shine those shoes! This is your golden opportunity: Your the lightning and the news!" -Assassins

Elphie Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: re: re: re: re: If You Had To Write A Musical (Or If You ARE Writing A Musi
Posted: 2/9/04 at 5:33pm

My friends and I are writing a musical based off of our beloved band hallway in our high school. The Band Hallway is basically in a world of its own, so we figure why not create characters based off of the theatre people that dwell there and write lyrics for hysterical songs that deal with the problems of high school and our personalities. We've only jotted some ideas down, but its still really fun!

"They hear drums. We hear music."
