Is Hunter Foster Nice?

StrStruckDreamr9 Profile Photo
#0Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 12:05am

I was reading some old postings about the nicest actors on Broadway and which actors write back to fanmail. Some said that Hunter was sweet, others the opposite. It's a given that sometimes people are just in a bad mood (it's human nature!), but I was wondering, generally, what people thought of Hunter when they met him. Is there a general consensus? Updated On: 6/11/04 at 12:05 AM

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#1re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 12:07am

Hunter is quiet but if you talk to him he'll talk to you and keep a conversation going thats up to 20 minutes if no one else is hounding him. Great guy.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

VaudevilleVixen Profile Photo
#2re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 12:30am

Yeah Hunter is quiet, but once you get talking to him he holds some funny conversations... in a mature way though. He's a really sweet guy re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#3re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 12:35am

Ohh yes he is really sweet! I was unable to go out and meet him the night I saw LSOH and so when my friend went to see it she asked him if he would talk to me on the phone. He was soo great about it. I'm told that there were a lot more people out there and yet he just stood there and talked to me for a while. It wasn't even as if he was just doing it because he had to or like he was itching to get off the phone. He kept asking me questions and we were having an actual conversation. He was really great about it all! And he also just stood around talking with my friend and a few others for a while that night.

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y

VaudevilleVixen Profile Photo
#4re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 12:44am

haha That's awesome he did that!

#5re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 1:07am

I thought he was incredibly nice the few times I've been around him. As others have said - he's very quiet and seems shy - and could it be some might mistake that for rudeness if they didn't know that? Who knows. I found him to be very friendly.

StrStruckDreamr9 Profile Photo
#6re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 1:34am

Thanks for your postings, guys! I was just curious because I am determined that I am going to marry him! Lol. Just one problem: Jennifer Cody.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#7re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 1:35am

She, too, is an absolute doll---so, it's gonna have to stay a dream. He is awfully cute, huh?

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#8re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 1:50am

Jen is a sweetheart too but she is kinda tiny...maybe you could take her on lol.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

sopranostar Profile Photo
#9re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 2:00am

Trust me, I've thought of everything to get rid of Jen Cody (including stepping on her...). She's just too damn nice to get rid of!

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#10re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 2:07am

She's right you know, she's come up with many, many ways.

Damn nice people! :-p

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

sopranostar Profile Photo
#11re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 2:10am

I was going to woo him with my feminine ways... but alas, he was out the night I went to see Urinetown.

shira467 Profile Photo
#12re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 3:01am

Isn't Jen Cody adorable? You can't help but love her!

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#13re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 3:12am

Is it true that I look like Jen Cody in my icon?
MatthewAddison and son_of_a_gunn_25 think so.

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

ckeaton Profile Photo
#14re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 9:04am

Yes. ~F~ darling...
It is true.

Hamlet's father.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#15re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 3:13pm

YES! Hunter is nothing but nice. He is quiet at first, but he's really sweet.

*EDIT* Scroll up and read Wicked_Elphie's post for the story!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/11/04 at 03:13 PM

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#16re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 3:18pm

I already told the story...did you not read my post Luv?

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#17re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 3:20pm

oy, sorry. I scrolled down kind of quickly and I'm not yet used to your new icon! Nice though... Vaudeville Vixen, is that J Tags in yours? Very cute!! Anyway, sorry Wicked_Elphie, you know it's been a long day.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#18re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 3:23pm

I know it has...I guess I can forgive you after the day you've had! I'll call you later....oh and back to the thread...I love Hunter! :)

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#19re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 3:58pm

He didn't talk to me. He talked to my sister but was kind fo rushed since he had a matinee right after the rehearsal.

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#20re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 6:11pm

The 3 times I've met him he has never been anything but gracious and kind. And Jen Cody is an absolute doll! I ruv dem both re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#21re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 6:15pm

Jen's really sweet.

StrStruckDreamr9 Profile Photo
#22re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 8:05pm

Darn, looks like I'll have to put aside my evil ploys to get rid of Jen...for now, at least. Sopranostar, we should brainstorm together sometime lol. Surely we can come up with a decent plan! re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?

Amneris Profile Photo
#23re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/12/04 at 12:12am

should jen cody be scared of your evil plans to get rid of her?

Someone i know who knows someone else who has a cousin and uncle told me Hunter is nice on tuesdays,fridays and every other monday to people who wear green. People who wear stripes on Tuesdays and wednesdays at 5 he takes to dinner and if you wear orange on Saturdays he will give you a lap dance.

OF COURSE hunter is nice... hes a foster. DUH... they are like Mary Poppins the 2 of them..Practically perfect in every way.

StrStruckDreamr9 Profile Photo
#24re: Is Hunter Foster Nice?
Posted: 6/12/04 at 1:47am

Ah...if only there was some truth to your sarcasm the world would be a happier place... seeing as how I DID see LSOH on a Saturday and was wearing an orange sweater. :) Updated On: 6/12/04 at 01:47 AM
