
Pop stars turned broadway singers.

Pop stars turned broadway singers.

StarL925 Profile Photo
#0Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 11:19am

There's pribably a million threads about this but I just have to know is Scary Spice still in Rent? And did anyone see her? What was your opinion? I've never seen the show, but I've heard mized reviews on her performance. And same with Drew Lachey...when did he join the cast? And how has he been doing? What's with pop stars starring on broadway? Toni Braxton as Aida...she's another one I've heard mixed feelings about.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#1re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 11:25am

Personally, I'd love to see Lisa Stansfield do a musical, but that's just me...

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

jmaclover Profile Photo
#2re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 11:30am

First: This thread is gonna get trashed.

Yes, Melanie B and Drew ::shivers:: are still in the cast. I haven't seen them but Melanie B - from the radio - sounds horrible - she wasn;t howling Out Tonight!

Drew was pretty bad on Bway on Bway special.

I saw Deborah Cox as Aida and was PLEASANTLY suprised. She's not as strong as, say, Simone but she was very good nonetheless!

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#3re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 11:32am

Personally I'd like to see Bonnie Raitt as Glinda.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

StarL925 Profile Photo
#4re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 11:33am

Why is this going to get trashed?

jmaclover Profile Photo
#5re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 11:34am

I's personally like to see Kristin Chenoweth do another role on Bway as long as it's not Elle in Legally Blonde: The Musical!!!!

Oh, wait, now I get the game....

Joey Mac is good in Wicked (he's an ex-ex-ex-pop star)

Anyone wanna see Eminem as Angel in Rent?

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.

StarL925 Profile Photo
#6re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 11:38am

I wouldn't be surprised if Jessica Simpson is on broadway soon. She has a really powerful voice...I'm not saying I'd go see her though. Ever since her MTV show...I get real annoyed with her stupid comments, whether they are for real or scripted.

pab Profile Photo
#7re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 11:50am

"I's personally like to see Kristin Chenoweth do another role on Bway as long as it's not Elle in Legally Blonde: The Musical!!!!"

She's already played the role of Elle . . . . . . oh, wait, that was Glinda in "Wicked". Same Character.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#8re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 12:00pm

Daphne Rubin-Vega and Orfeh both had successful,(Orfeh more so), recording careers in the 90's before ever getting on the boards. Deborah Cox and Taylor Dayne started their recording careers around the same time, if not earlier. This is by no means a recent phenomenon, the talent pool has simply waned dramatically in this day and age of disposable, flavor of the minute, American Idol/boy band/girl band trash. There was a time, believe it or not, that you actually had to have a modicum of discernable talent to get a recording contract. Back when I was an intern at Arista, it was very different.

Kris2 Profile Photo
#9re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 12:00pm

jmaclover: Yes, Melanie B and Drew ::shivers:: are still in the cast. I haven't seen them but Melanie B - from the radio - sounds horrible - she wasn;t howling Out Tonight!

Actually, Krystal Washington resumed playing Mimi a month or two ago. Scary Spice is no longer with the cast. I didn't hear great things about Mel B's performance, but I heard she was a nice person at least. I tried to catch her as Mimi 3 or 4 times, but she called out of most matinees so I never got to see her.

I liked Drew ::shrug:: I think Matt Caplan's last show was September 10th, so Drew started a day or two after that. Drew was very stiff vocally and physically, but I just got a nice vibe from him. His Tango: Maureen was solid and was the strongest part of his performance. So he was okay. Room for improvement though? Yes. He's there through March, so he'll be around for a while. Nice guy too. Updated On: 10/19/04 at 12:00 PM

#10re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 12:14pm

Jon Secada in Cabaret...ew! Scarred me for life...

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#11re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 12:29pm

Melanie B's singing in Rent was not bad, but her acting was horrendous. But everyone knows you don't have to be an actor to star in a Broadway musical. It's no longer required.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

showinoff Profile Photo
#12re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 12:32pm

yeah I think that Brandy is going to be playing Nillie in the revival. lol See how stupid it all sounds. Producers should just skim the message board to see if these people are a good idea. :)

<< Gavin Creel and Kate Baldwin making vocal love... I adore these two.

showinoff Profile Photo
#13re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 12:33pm

Millie, not Nillie my bad

<< Gavin Creel and Kate Baldwin making vocal love... I adore these two.

DaysOfWine&Roses Profile Photo
#14re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 1:23pm

You know, I think Broadway is going through an identity crisis right now and that's why we're seeing so many pop/music stars. I think the powers that be know they have to start bringing in the younger crowd if they want to survive.

Broadway never quite "fit into" the entertainment world to begin with. And the older crowd that (for the most part) supports it is not going to be around forever....So they do what (they think) they gotta do. And P. Diddy ::shivers:: on Broadway is the result.

It used to bother me that people like Joey Fatone was doing Broadway. But, ::shrugs:: if a person is genuinely (sp?) good in a role, who am I to say they should'nt be there because they've worn sequined matching outfits and kissed MTV's butt in the past....

I think what we're seeing is all experimentation. Some worked out well, (Deborah Cox was very good as Aida) and some were BAD ideas from the get-go (the above mentioned P. ::shiversagain:: Diddy)

Anyway, my 2¢

::waves:: Hi, I'm new, by the way.

#15re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 5:05pm

Lisa Stansfield would be interesting...where is she anyway?

Aguillera's got pipes

pab Profile Photo
#16re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 5:08pm

"Melanie B's singing in Rent was not bad, but her acting was horrendous."

Say what?

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

#17re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 5:12pm

Debbie, I mean Deborah Gibson...

Marquise Profile Photo
#18re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 5:19pm

seriously you guys really need to chill on this subject. it's not that big of a deal.

take daphne rubin vega for example. she was part of a Latin Freestyle group called Pajama Party. They had a big club hit with the song "Yo No Se". No one in a million years thought she was even capable of being, much less getting a Tony nomination back then. But she did it! and she kicked major @ss doing it. It CAN be done. and she's only ONE of many examples.

this subject is tired, give it a rest.

B.B. Wolf
#19re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 5:22pm

actually, showinoff, producers DO skim these boards. A lot of important people lurk on these boards daily. Trust me.

Word. Word, indeed.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#20re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 5:54pm

I've seen some of these so called popstars on Broadway and I believe people want them to be bad and immediately dismiss their performance without giving them a chance.

I hate stunt casting and have seen terrible celeb casting but most of them were in London (I just say, Dannii Minoque in Notre Dame De Paris or Caprice in Rent, both of them could not hit ONE note).

I usually prepare myself to see terrible performances and so far I have mostly been pleasantly surprised:

I thought Joey Fatone was excellent in LSOH and shoot me but I thought he was better than Hunter!
Joey McIntyre is doing a good job as Fiyero. Yes, he is no Norbert but is giving overall a solid performance... I was suprised to see how natural he comes across as an actor.
I really enjoyed Deborah Gibson in Cabaret and although she chose to play Sally in a sweet, naive way (instead of the usual annoying, naive way) it worked for me.

The only popstar I've seen on Broadway who didn't do it for me was Mel B as Mimi, although I don't think she was as horrendous as some people say she was (believe me, I have seen worse Mimis in the UK).


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#21re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 5:56pm

I'm glad that ONE other person knows and realizes that there were B'way bound pop-stars long before this recent surge.(Marquise).

B.B. Wolf, if any Broadway producers worth a da*m sat around and read this board, there would never be another female part given to anyone else besides Cheno/Menzel/Espinosa and no male part given to anyone other than Creel/Von Essen/Hill. So I would beg to differ with your statement.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#22re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 5:56pm

Oh and BARE would be the #1 show on this or any other planet.

Twilight Profile Photo
#23re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 6:21pm

Well, I read somewhere that the role of Glinda was offered to Mandy Moore... But she turned it down. All I can say is THANK GOD!!!

I can't control my destiny. I trust my soul my only goal is just to be

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#24re: Pop stars turned broadway singers.
Posted: 10/19/04 at 6:25pm

Like I said earlier, the pop star crossover talent pool used to have more...talent.
