
Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!

Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!

NightLaughs Profile Photo
#0Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:06pm

Before I begin my short review, may I just say if this isn't an example of the disgusting state of theater manners in this day and age, I don't know what is.

My friend and I bought tickets to wicked back in August, and have been looking forward to the show for a while. We get to the theater, our seats were in the 2nd back half of the orchestra. I was surrounded by children which made me a little nervous (only because I had a sing-along incident with a little boy last time I saw the show) but today it was the women in the row behind me who were doing the misbehaving. They came in late (about 10 minutes), loud, and drunk as my uncle on New Years day. I am talking WASTED. Making innapropriate comments, laughing during silences, the whole deal. And intermission just gave them a chance to get more boozed up for Round- ahem I mean Act 2. They came in late again, spilled their drinks all over the ground, left trash, proceeded to call Elphaba and Galinda "bitches", or I assume thats what they meant to say for their words were slurred. Luckily I had seen the show before and wasn't so anal about a perfect audience but what about all those kids? Respect the other people around you, respect the actors, the theater. Don't pay 100 dollars to get smashed and assult everyone else's good time.

And it made me wonder how people in their right minds can behave this way. Complete lack of respect for anything or anyone. And I'm sorry if you feel you need to be drunk to endure Wicked, just don't bother seeing it if it isn't your thing. It was just disgusting. Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!

Now that my rant is complete, I have a few things to say about the show.

I wasn't as into it as the last time I had seen it. I suppose it's one of those shows that blows you away the first time and settles the second? I almost wished I had picked something I hadn't seen yet, but still enjoyed it. Seriously, the number of youngins in the audience had doubled since I went last. I felt old, and I'm merely in my late teens.

Idina- I am a huge fan (haters, step off :p) and was excited to see one of her last performances. I felt she was holding back in the first act, I can't say I blame her, nor can I imagine the strain her voice must be under day in and day out. But she was lovely and charming, funny. Her voice was not as strong as I remembered it but hey, it happens. Oh, and for "I'm Not That Girl" she pronounced girl as "Goiyl". She did it twice, and it left my friend and I quite confused. My friend had never seen it before and didn't understand what she was saying. Strange. Act 2 was much more there. "No Good Deed" completely blew me away, she was tearing it up. I'm glad I got to catch one of her last performances, she'll always be a favorite of mine. Farewell Idina. You shall be missed in that green paint. (By me at least) But I think it's time for her to move along. I can't wait to see what she'll be doing next.

Megan- She was a very good Glinda. Dare I say I liked her more than JLT? I can't decide but the girl definitely held her own, and I loved her voice. She was very funny as well, had me in stiches. And the jokes were all quite familiar to me so that's saying alot. I enjoyed her performance very much.

Michelle Federer and Christopher Fitzgerald- Do these two ever have off days? They were so incredibly solid, I was almost expecting a bit of slip after all this time but they were golden. Michelle's voice is pure heaven, I'd like to see what she does in the future as well.

And I am stopping myself from saying anymore. I'm tired and icky. This is not a very decent review but we all know Wicked well enough. And watch out for those drunken women, their next stop may be at a theater near you. Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz
Updated On: 12/29/04 at 11:06 PM

#1re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:09pm

nice review

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#2re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:10pm

Glad you liked the show again re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Thats horrible about those women!

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#3re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:13pm

No, NightLaughs....you dare not say it!

JK, glad you liked the show, sorry those women were jerks, and very happy hear that Megan was good!

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#4re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:14pm

URGH! If I were you I would have set them straight...

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

kim1061 Profile Photo
#5re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:14pm

yea nice review. sorry it was ruined by those people! ill be on the lookout for little kids..i hope they arent everywhere! lol

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#6re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:15pm

Those ladies need to be slapped.

I saw a show back in October, and the lady behind me was fiddling around with a plastic bag, which was very distracting.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#7re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:18pm

I've said something to people before while at the theatre. Sometimes, they just have no clue they are idiots. Fortunately for me, God gave me a small, high pitched voice, and people rarely catch my sarcasm or meanness.

#8re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:20pm

Sorry about those women. When I went to see the show last week, the women sitting next to me were clutching eachother crying watching the show. They werent crying at the show, I think they were crying just to be there because they were doing it during popular...lol it doesnt relate to those women but i felt like sharing re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!

Grace: I just gave a quarter to a homeless man. I think it was Johnny Depp.

NightLaughs Profile Photo
#9re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:22pm

Lol if only I were big and brave enough to set those women straight. I was nudging my friend to do something and she asked, "What am I supposed to tell them? Stop being drunk?" Hey, it's a start. re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people! People these days!

And yes, be sure to look out for those kiddies. They're cute and all but I had to put myself in edit mode as not to offend any small ears. :)

I wonder when JLT is coming back?

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#10re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:23pm

if that ever happens again, throw stuff at them

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

NightLaughs Profile Photo
#11re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:26pm

2 women clutching and crying to see Wicked, eh? That's an interesting sight. Its amazing the way theater effects people.

-And I will so get my throw on next time. I'll go through my purse and find something. Stale gum might do the trick-

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz
Updated On: 12/29/04 at 11:26 PM

WickedGrl2006 Profile Photo
#12re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:32pm

good review nightlaughs...sry about those people tho

i was at the 12/29 matinee also. It was my first time in NYC, my first time seeing a broadway show, and my first time seeing Wicked...

i have nothing to compare it too other than the soundtrack, which is obviously amazing! but everything was phenomenal, i thought!

idina who is like AMAZING and is like one of my faves, was awesome! sounded a little different (like she was being mroe careful about busting out those notes! haha), but i can understand with all the singing she has been doing in the past year? haha she was still fabulous. i was mesmorized at least... :) i mainly went to see her cause she is leaving... re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people! oh well i got to see her

MEGAN HILTY! - never saw kristin chenoweth do it, but i absolutely loved megan! a new girl right out of college, i thought she did a pretty good job, you know? she was hilarious, she did a wonderful job with her singing, i really enjoyed he ALOT!! after the show, i like booked it out of the theatre and ran to the stage door...and only like 30 minutes later she was one of first out...she gladly came out, took pictures, signed autographs...she is so sweet! one of the nicest people i have ever met in my entire life! i got a pic with her and she signed my playbill! and you know she went off to get her food i guess...then she came back like a half hour later with like a bag of food and there were some new fans there and she like immediately put her stuff down and signed autographs and i got another pic with her cause i think someone's shoulder was kinda in the pic and i was telling her how it was my first time in NYC and seeing Wicked for the time and how she was amazing! and she goes "awww omg thank you so much!" ...but yea definintely in the runnings for a permanent spot maybe? if JLT leaves permanently? who knows...

Michelle Federer and Christopher Fitzgerald - awesome! Michelle is amazing and Chris is just GREAT! loved both of them!

everything was just amazing! i know i use the word amazing alot, but there are no words to describe it i guess haha...

i had really awesome seats (for me and my mom) -- E Orchestra Partial View on the left if u were looking out into the crowd from the stage...idina and megan were like 30 ft away from me... it was cool!

kim1061 Profile Photo
#13re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:43pm

oooo nice seats!

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

WickedGrl2006 Profile Photo
#14re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:44pm

thank ya very much! they were awesome seats!

#15re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:47pm

My oh my. Drunk people at a live stage show!

Did you notice if any of the drunks were from Philadelphia?
Any from Baltimore?

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#16re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:50pm

btw WickedGrl..thank you for your emphisism (sp?) on Chris

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

WickedGrl2006 Profile Photo
#17re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:52pm

oh ur welcome Sally Brown for the emphasism on Chris, truly i did think he was pretty awesome

#18re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:53pm

i'm so glad that you liked the show!!!!

Grace: I just gave a quarter to a homeless man. I think it was Johnny Depp.

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#19re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:54pm

hmmmmm I'm gonna pull you to our thread for Chris..bwaha

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#20re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/29/04 at 11:55pm

The Gershwin Ushering Staff should have taken care of it promptly.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#21re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/30/04 at 12:29am

1) Your uncle sounds really fun and I hope you're spending New Year's with him.

2) "Making innapropriate comments, laughing during silences, the whole deal." My friend and I did exactly the same thing when we saw Wicked and we were both sober as judges. I think it's the show and not the booze.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

NightLaughs Profile Photo
#22re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/30/04 at 12:41pm

I believe I know a drunk person when I see one. Thanks.

Sorry you didn't like the show.

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz
Updated On: 12/30/04 at 12:41 PM

AugustBurns2 Profile Photo
#23re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/30/04 at 12:59pm

Hey NightLaughs!

I wasn't drunk! I was high! There is a difference, you know!

I wasn't saying they were bitches...they were witches. Get it right!

Maybe you're the one who was drunk! In fact...you weren't even sitting in that section!

Just kidding. I am sorry this happened to you. What next-people talking on cell phones during a live show...it's bad enough at the movies, but I think I would kill someone at the theater.


#24re: Wicked 12/29 Matinee - Oh look mommy, drunk people!
Posted: 12/30/04 at 1:02pm

Haha... this just reminds me... when I saw GOOD VIBRATIONS earlier this week, I was taking a picture with David Larsen, and a bum came up and goes "Where do you want me??!!". David said, "Anywhere you want, buddy." lol.

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...
