A Chorus line

lilstardrop Profile Photo
#0A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 9:02am

Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me find out more information about Connie. Is it an ok role? does she sing any solos

magruder Profile Photo
#1re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 9:07am

She has some solo parts to sing in "And..." (not on the recording), and has the "Four Foot Ten" section of the Montage.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

lilstardrop Profile Photo
#2re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 9:14am

I have just been cast as connie but i know nothing really about the musical. Is connie in the show much or is she cut at the beginning. Is this a good show to do?

Justice Profile Photo
#3re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 9:17am

No one is cut til the end

"Do you know what pledge time is, Andrew"? said the PBS Executive. "Yes", Lloyd Webber replied. "My 50th birthday special must be one program that gets done a lot." "No", mused the man from PBS heedlessy. "Not so much. Our Stephen Sondheim Carnegie Hall concert. That's a big one." Spoons, forks and knives seemed suddenly to suspend their motion in horror, all around the table.

lilstardrop Profile Photo
#4re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 9:25am

is there many whole cast numbers or is it just a series of solos? Does connie dance anytime apart from the opening number

magruder Profile Photo
#5re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 10:44am

There are a lot of group songs ("I Hope I Get It," "Sing," the Montage, "What I Did For Love" and "One"). At least as staged by Michael Bennett, the entire show was choreographed within an inch of its life, so the performers are constantly moving and reconfiguring. But the numbers with the most dancing for Connie will be the Opening, the Montage and "One," both versions of it.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#6re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 12:03pm

Connie's a good part.....however in the Movie they have a like where they she say's "Connie Wong...always wong, never right"....it's pretty fun, but isn't in the original script. She also has some good lines toward the end of the play. BTW, are you asian....if your icon is you, you didn't look that way(but looked very pretty, none-the-less). The 4'10" part is totally "do-able"....you'll have a lot of fun with Connie. Congratulations!!!!!!! I'm having an audition for A Chorus Line this Sunday and Monday......I Hope I Get it!!!!!!!!

#7re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 1:42pm

Connie is of Asian descent and sings about being in THE KING AND I and about her "shortness." The part was originated by the precious Baayork Lee, the only female performer in A CHORUS LINE whom Michael Bennett allowed to wear pants. You can see Baayork in pants in the original A CHORUS LINE poster. After Baayork, anyone who played Connie in ACL did NOT wear pants. Michael didn't like his female dancers in pants, but it made Baayork more comfortable, so he allowed it as a special favor to her. They had already known each other and worked together a number of times(most notably perhaps when Michael Bennett choreographed her literally alongside Tommy Tune in the Its Not Where You Start Its Where You Finish Number in SEESAW.)
Tune's and Lee's difference in heights was a delightful part of that great production number. Ms. Lee continues to supervise productions of A CHORUS LINE around the world. Connie is a good part, but it is not one of the larger or showier parts in A CHORUS LINE.

"Blow out the candles Robert and make a wish. Want something, want SOMETHING."

magruder Profile Photo
#8re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 1:57pm

Tommy Tune has gone on record as saying that "It's Not Where You Start" was his own work, with Bennett overseeing it.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#9re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 5:46pm

MTV, don't get me started on the movie. It's so awful. I watched it last night and almost puked.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

karlean7 Profile Photo
#10re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 6:00pm

TONY, I've seen a production of A Chorus Line where Connie wore pants, and I don't think it was Baayork Lee, so I don't know what to say about that story. It may have been true for a while, but I think at some point the rules regarding Connie in pants were relaxed a little.

And I'd just like to add that Connie is usually, but not always of asian descent. And I'm quoting Ken Mandelbaum's "A Chorus Line And The Musicals Of Michael Bennett" on that one. I don't really know how they deal with a lot of things like "Year Of The Chicken", though.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#11re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 7:31pm

Ahhhh, the movie wasn't that bad......The good thing about A Chorus Line being done in my area, is that even if I don't get cast, I can see it as it was intended to be.......

One thing I did like about the Movie vs. Original Musical(and I've read the script and own the recording) was that song that Cassie sang "Let me Dance for You". I'm guessing it replace "The Music and the Mirror." In the revival on broadway, I think they should include that song in the production....kinda like how Cabaret include songs from the movie version in its latest revival......

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#12re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 7:43pm

There are two versions of Connie offered in the script from Tams Witmark -- One is Connie Wong, as presented in the original script -- the other is if a non Asian actress is cast in the role. Connie then becomes Connie Edna Sue McKenzie -- a southerner.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#13re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 7:48pm

That is funny about the two different Connie's......though I hope our version gets an asian actress!!!!!!

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#14re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 7:52pm

No no no. The movie version of A Chorus Line has to be one of the worst stage to screen adaptations ever. None of the original choreography was used, but instead they brought in the guy from Flashdance to do moves that mimicked the original. All of the music is horribly dated and synthesized. Even the standard musical theatre songs like "Tits and Ass" are synthesized. Awful. Not to mention that all the added songs are horrible. "Let Me Dance For You" is a horrible replacement for "Music and the Mirror." It is the exact same song rewritten to a lower standard. And "Montage" was replaced by Richie's stupid song about sex. The show is about these dancers, and the movie was made about Cassie and Zach, with the dancers as a sidenote. In the movie, because they're not the center of attention, it's totally weird when they sing their songs because we don't care about them, we care about Cassie. And don't get me started on Cassie's crazy afro/friz/perm hair in the "Let Me Dance For You" dream sequence. Gross. The dancing in the movie is fierce, though.

Maybe if the revival's a big hit we'll get a decent translation to the screen, using original choreography.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#15re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/7/05 at 8:03pm

Cassie's Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I remember that!!!!!! That was awful!!!!!! Your right about the musical losing it's magic during its transition from stage to screen. I mean I saw it(for the first time last May)and liked it, however, I was kinda thinking "What's the big deal with A Chorus Line" As for the music, I'm going to have to re-watch it. I thought that the girl that was Diana was great and her song Nothing" sound really good......

lilstardrop Profile Photo
#16re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 3:40am

hi my icon is me so unfortunately I am not asian. I think I am playing the part like an american ( I am Australian btw) I hope I am as I cant see myself passing off as asian. I know we had noone of asian origins audition.
Goodluck with you audition on Sunday and let me know how you go. I am new to this message board and I love the way I am meeting ppl with similar interests

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#17re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 3:43am

In the movie Diana is fine. She has some pop inflections that are stupid, but she's good.

StarDrop, where are you from?

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

lilstardrop Profile Photo
#18re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 3:46am

hi my icon is me so unfortunately I am not asian. I think I am playing the part like an american ( I am Australian btw) I hope I am as I cant see myself passing off as asian. I know we had noone of asian origins audition.
Goodluck with you audition on Sunday and let me know how you go. I am new to this message board and I love the way I am meeting ppl with similar interests

lilstardrop Profile Photo
#19re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 3:49am

btw how do you edit your profile... is it possible?

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#20re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 3:54am

On the left in the navigation bar there's a section that says "SITE." Go to "your settings" in that section and you can edit your profile.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

lilstardrop Profile Photo
#21re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 3:58am

What is the best dance number in chorus line?

Updated On: 4/8/05 at 03:58 AM

SeeIreallycouldn'tSING!! Profile Photo
#22re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 12:39pm

You guys are all 100% right about the movie...
I don't thinK i've ever seen a worse movie then the Chorus Line Movie. Connie is a fun part to play, in the oringal cast Bayork Lee was the dance captin. She also runs a site called www.aChorusline.org (i think, if not just search under yahoo). There is an angel fire website that is AMAZING it has character guides of everyone in the show.. it helped me sooo much when I played Kristine. I'm not home right now, but its bookmarked on my computer send me a message, and I'll post it.

The best number in my opinon is Hello Twelve cause its the most fun... and energetic

ElTico68 Profile Photo
#23re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 12:39pm

Hi stardrop... You're going to love this show. It's been my favorite show for a long time, and I've performed it twice... once as Paul and most recently as Bobby.

"Best Dance Number" is relative... MY favorite is the "Montage", it's so ingenious the way he brings people to focus and fades others... (he used cinematographic effects on stage! go figure)

You should visit http://www.achorusline.org/ and http://www.musicals101.com/chorus.htm to get more background information on the show.

Happy, smile! Sad, frown! Use the corresponding face with the corresponding emotion! - Kate (Meg Ryan), French Kiss

SeeIreallycouldn'tSING!! Profile Photo
#24re: A Chorus line
Posted: 4/8/05 at 12:43pm

but there is another one!! I got my picture icon from it...
Its my favorite show of all time, really nothing comes close... if you really want more info you should read her book On The Line, its been long outta print, but if you go to the library they might have it.
