Who's filling in for Hank?

#0Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:07pm

Listening to John on XM's "On Broadway" this morning in my car talking about how Hank Azaria is leaving SPAMALOT at beginning of July to go to LA to do his TV show.

I almost hit a tree. Of course, my tickets are for the July 4th weekend.

Damn, I understand Hank has other committments, but why do they put someone in a show that was marketed heavily before it's opening on it's all star cast, only to have one of the major stars leave early in the run?

I understand since it's opening that the show is just fantastic, but seeing Hank was a major draw for me.

Who could possibly replace him? ANyone hear any rumors?

Hey Mr. or Mrs. Producer... Let's Keep LIVE Musicians in the PIT!

#1re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:09pm

I read a rumor that a one Robin Williams was a consideration (I will go research a link for where I read this and I will post it here). If that's true, you're in luck!


Here is the link (I read it here on BWW)
https://www.broadwayworld.com/viewcolumn.cfm?colid=3027 Updated On: 5/12/05 at 12:09 PM

Feathah Profile Photo
#2re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:11pm

Also read somewhere that Chris Sieber will step into that role and someone will then replace him. We'll see! It's all just rumors at this point.

"The theater is my life. I live it. I breathe it. I fondle it till it falls asleep." Jack (Will And Grace) http://feathah.blogspot.com

kitkatgirl54 Profile Photo
#3re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:12pm

how could it be anyone but robin williams. honestly if they are going to find a successful repacement, he's going to have to have a big name and a huge range of voices and characters.

i heard azaria was coming back though ... right?

#4re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:14pm

I think Azaria's set to come back in November.

Whenever I finally get to see this show - I'll take Robin or Hank. They are both brilliant comedians. Actually, I think I might like to see Robin....

IF Robin is in it though. We'll see who it is when the announcement is made - should be soon, I'd think.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#5re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:15pm

Something tells me they're going to try and find a big name replacement. This show is still new on Broadway and ticket holders bought their tickets expecting to see the three male leads. Since Azaria's leave was not publicized at the beginning, people figured that they were safe in buying these tickets. And, if they find out that there's no Hank...they are entitled to refunds. It's almost like if you had tickets to THE PRODUCERS when it started out and, suddenly, Nathan Lane left for six months when the show was only three months old. People will get mad, so I think the producers are going to try and find a big name replacement to keep ticket holders from getting angry.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

kitkatgirl54 Profile Photo
#6re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:16pm

thank goodness :) my parents are both huge azaria fans and if i don't drag them out of suburbia to see the show, i don't think i'll ever be able to convince them that some broadway musicals are worth seeing.

JaiRoAngel Profile Photo
#7re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:23pm

I dunno if the Robin Williams thing will work because I hear he's filming a movie this summer. Ahh rumors rumors rumors, I just wish they'd go ahead and say who is the replacement.

CaTheatreGirl Profile Photo
#8re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:34pm

Foa, Nathan didn't leave The Producers three months into the run, but he did have to cut down his schedule because of a throat problem. That gave a wonderful understudy, Brad Oscar, a chance to show his stuff. People were disappointed to not see Nathan, but many were content with Brad.

When I saw Spamalot, Tim Curry was out. The show went on without him and was wonderful. So was his standby. I was pleased and look forward to seeing it again, maybe the next time with Tim in the show.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#9re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:39pm

CaTheatreGirl - I know Nathan didn't leave THE PRODUCERS three months into the run, I was using it as a hypothetical situation. IF Nathan had left for six months while the show was only three months old. Also, Tim Curry being out for one performance is something that no one can control. That's a little different than a performer leaving a hit show for six months when the show is only three months old. Which is why I think they will hire a high profile replacement.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#10re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:44pm

Actually...they have to be ABOVE the title to get your money back if a "star" isn't in the show...and since ALL of the Spamalot cast is BELOW the title, you can't get a refund if any of them are out like you could in, for example, The Producers or Wicked.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#11re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:48pm

I called Telecharge...they are making an exception for SPAMALOT.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#12re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:49pm

Somehow I don't see that happening - I went to the BO...no such thing was true.

#13re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:51pm

Assuming Robin Williams:

Is there not a risk that Spamalot will turn into "the Robin Williams Show"? Every late night host there is as well as James Lipton has commented on his inability to sit still and lead a calm conversation when he's "on". The schtick is what people love about people like Robin Williams and Jim Carrey...but I just wonder if he wouldn't inadvertently completely take over when he really gets going. I haven't seen Spam, so I'm just shooting in the dark here...

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#14re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:54pm

Well...being in a show is different than doing a talkshow. I think Robin Williams is very professional and would do a fine job in the role. Even if he took some liberties, with SPAMALOT's script, it would look as if it were written that way.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#15re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:58pm

I think he could handle it...I admit I haven't seen Spam yet either, so I don't know how much improv it affords him (which is when he's likely to go on a tangent), but Robin Williams is certainly capable of discipline.

Just look at his dramatic movie performances - Patch Adams, Dead Poets, Awakenings, Insomnia (was that the name of the one he played the bad guy in? I may have it wrong), even The BirdCage to some degree had a subdued "stick to the script" Robin Williams performance (Hank, on the other hand, stole the show in that movie as Agrador/Spartacus. He was a hoot!).

At any rate, I'd go see Robin - or Hank. They're both good funnymen!
Updated On: 5/12/05 at 12:58 PM

kitkatgirl54 Profile Photo
#16re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:58pm

ha i was thinking about that too.. the great thing about azaria is that half the time it would take me a second before i realized it was him inside the costume (besides the fact that he was always unexplainably absent from scenes) ... i feel that if it were robin williams, audience members would be able to immediately tell it was him .. he lacks the ability to be a believeable chameleon, like azaria does. williams can do the voices, but they still always sound a bit like him.

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#17re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 1:02pm

At this point, the janitor of the Shubert could fill in for Hamk Azaria and they'd still sell out every performance.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#18re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 1:04pm

Not likely.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#19re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:10pm

I saw Spamalot on Sunday, and the entire cast was incredible. However, my partner and I were both in agreement that Azaria is definitely the standout male performance in that show -- he makes the most impact in my book. He even stumbled on one of his lines and made it work into the show so well. I'm sure, no matter who takes over, it's going to be a loss to the chemistry and overall impact of the show.

". . . POP . . ."

Thenardier Profile Photo
#20re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:15pm

I agree music.

If Williams took over it would turn into the Robin Williams show - whether he wanted it to or not. He's just too great of an actor/comedian for that not to happen.

This isn't a good or bad thing, mind you.

bunchamuncha Profile Photo
#21re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:39pm

Robin Williams is filming a movie (the one Chenoweth had to cancel her concerts to do)
I don't see Williams being a "team" player, he's very funny but I don't think very "giving" to the other actors he works with. He ends up running away with scenes.

If you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience..... Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash... Tallulah Bankhead

Ladyofthe Lake Profile Photo
Ladyofthe Lake
#22re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 7:19pm

"People will get mad, so I think the producers are going to try and find a big name replacement to keep ticket holders from getting angry."

I don't know about that, really. This isn't like Nathan Lane and "The Producers"...the star of "Spamalot" is "Spamalot". Not Hank Azaria, not Tim Curry, not David Hyde Pierce. For every person who'd want a refund because of Hank's absence (and yes, I'm sure there would be some), there would be five people who'd be more than happy to buy the ticket. The decision was made before the show opened to *not* concentrate that much on promoting the three leads. Why would they want to start now, when the show is such an overwhelming success?

In my opinion, "Spamalot" does not need a Robin Williams-level replacement. A "name" might be nice, but it doesn't have to be a huge name. Whoever it turns out to be just needs to be a talented performer who knows how to handle the material.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#23re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 7:29pm

I know people say the only star of SPAMALOT is SPAMALOT, and in many ways it is, but you can't say that the statement is 100% true. I'm sorry, but if you were trying to sell SPAMALOT or THE PRODUCERS without any big name stars, it would be A LOT easier to get tickets for it. Part of the reason people are flying into NYC to see the show is because there are three HUGE stars in it. Yes, there is a big Python fanbase out there, but you can't expect them and only them to fund the show. There are musical theatre fans who come to see the show, who know nothing of Monty Python, because they want to see these celebrities in the show. Without those three actors, I can guarantee you people who don't know Python are more likely to wait for the show to tour and come to their city. So SPAMALOT is the big star, but without the three big actors the show would not be as big of a draw.

People WILL be upset to miss Azaria for a whole six months. They may not need a HUGE star to replace him, but they'll still need some sort of a name. Chris Sieber or Hank's understudy won't cut it. I love Sieber A LOT...but im also realistic. If the producers are smart, they'll try to find a comparable name replacement for Azaria.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#24re: Who's filling in for Hank?
Posted: 5/12/05 at 7:36pm

Well said, FOA. I agree.
