I saw All Shook Up!

Born2cthelightsofbway Profile Photo
#0I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 6:41pm

Wow, it was definitley worth my $19.55! I have to admit, before stepping into the theatre, I was worried I was going to experience another "Good Vibrations", but I am very pleased to say that I did not! I thought that Cheyenne Jackson was really great, and I loved his acting! I thought he was so funny, and he had a very nice, strong voice. I thought that Jenn Gambatese was adorable! She has such a nice, pretty voice. I thought that the supporting cast was also very strong. I especially liked Sharon Wilkins, I thought that she had an amazing voice!!!! I thought that ensemble was very strong. Sometimes I notice with other shows that the ensemble is weak, but this cast sounded amazing in every note that they sang, and the dancing was great!!

I wasn't sure how they were going to make Elvis's music work to a story but I was very suprised! I thought it was really a good, even moving story. The twist at the end with Chad really moved me and I think it was trying to send a message, it did to me atleast. I thought it was very interesting. I really had such a good time and I will definitley go back to see it again. I hope that they come out with a program soon!

After the show, I went to the stagedoor and I had such a nice experience! All of the ensemble members were so sweet and they were taking there time! They really seemed to be listening to you, something that a lot of people don't do. Then Jenn Gambatese came out and she was such a sweetheart! No one could have been nicer! Nikki James was next, and once again, what a nice, sweet person! Sharon Wilkins was also very nice, as was John Jellison, Jonathan Hadary, Curtis Holbrook, and Mark Prince. Then Cheyenne Jackson came out!!! He was so nice, and sweet, and adorable. Once again I am in love!!!! And as always, it will turn out the same way! But he was such a sweetie!!!! I got everyone to sign my playbill and it looks so great. I was so excited last night after the show, I will definitley go back for more!!!

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now, the Music of the Night!!!!!"

kim1061 Profile Photo
#1re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 6:48pm

Glad you had a great time! keep on going and take a lot of people with you. The ensemble is soo strong. Perfect example is the finale from the first act, very powerful. I love that i can go home with my playbill filled with signatures..that rarely happens.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

#2re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 6:49pm

yay! I'm so glad that you had a great time!

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

#3re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 6:59pm

Very nice company. All very sweet.

CCM '10!

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#4re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 7:02pm

It's a great show, more people should learn that, even the cast recording is fun!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#5re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 7:31pm

i wish i could see all shook up- but i have to see SOOOOO many other shows first!

My Name in Lights
#6re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 7:58pm

I totally agree this is a fantastic show. It is very underrated. A lot of people jump on the bandwagon to pan it without ever seeing it. I've seen it seven times, and I'm anxious to go again. It's one of those shows that you absolutely know you are going to enjoy no matter how many times you see it; and you still get excited when those first and last notes play at each performance.

The cast is top of the line both on and off the stage. This is the kind of show that should run forever, because you leave the theatre thoroughly entertained and in a better mood than when you entered.

To those people who pan it because of the "book;" PLEASE! What's wrong with a simple story about love...different kinds of love...set around a score of good music...with a very talented cast?

I've seen a lot of the shows currently running on Broadway, and ALL SHOOK UP is one of the best.

#7re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 8:11pm

I'm so glad you enjoyed the show! I saw it in the previews of the pre-Broadway run in Chicago, and I know a few changes have occurred since then, but I absolutely loved it! I thought it would be cute, and went because I got a great deal on tickets, and I ended up smiling hard the entire time!! I think it's a strong cast, and it's great to see the actors just having a good time. I listen to the CD now, and I smile just thinking about the show! I have a feeling it will end up sticking around for a while (at least I hope it does)!

Born2cthelightsofbway Profile Photo
#8re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 8:20pm

I loved it so much. And kim1061, I forgot to write, but I completely agree with you. The finale to act 1 is amazing, its so powerful and they sound amazing! As for the book, I thought it was really just a lot of fun! I didn't expect the book to be amazing, but I thought the lines were really cute and funny!

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now, the Music of the Night!!!!!"

Feathah Profile Photo
#9re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 8:22pm

Saw it last week not expecting a lot and ended up loving it!

"The theater is my life. I live it. I breathe it. I fondle it till it falls asleep." Jack (Will And Grace) http://feathah.blogspot.com

little_sally Profile Photo
#10re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 8:23pm

I'm going to see ASU in two weeks and I can't wait.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

BroadwayBaby6 Profile Photo
#11re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 8:25pm

It's a highly enjoyable show with an A+ cast. Definitely the best triple-threat ensemble I've seen in a show in months.

"It does what a musical is supposed to do; it takes you to another world. And it gives you a little tune to carry in your head. Something to take you away from the dreary horrors of the real world. A little something for when you're feeling blue. You know?"

Thenardier Profile Photo
#13re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 9:20pm

Born2...You didn't mention Alix Korey in your comments.

broadway betty Profile Photo
broadway betty
#14re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/3/05 at 9:22pm

Glad you had fun! Cheyenne is perfection and Jenn is absolutely precious! After seeing ASU, I actually referred to Cheyenne as Mr. Jiggly Wiggly for more than one reason, lol.

"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check

Born2cthelightsofbway Profile Photo
#15re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/4/05 at 10:58am

Oh god, I didn't even realize that I didn't mention Alex Korey. She was hilarious!!! The way that she delivered her lines was just perfect. She really had that "mayor of a small town, thinks shes a big shot attitude." It was a perfect performance!

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now, the Music of the Night!!!!!"

#16re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/4/05 at 11:11am

I think the ensemble may have been the strongest part of the whole show

#17re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/4/05 at 12:49pm

"I've seen a lot of the shows currently running on Broadway, and ALL SHOOK UP is one of the best. "

Wow- you really need to get out more. I can't understand the need to praise this slight entertaiment to the sky!

My Name in Lights
#18re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/5/05 at 2:32am

First off, I actually go to the theatre quite often; and I definitely don't like to be disappointed with any show. On occasion, however, it does happen.

Second, it really doesn't matter if you see the need to praise ALL SHOOK UP or any other play. We are all entitled to our own opinions; therefore, I stand by my comments about ALL SHOOK UP being one of the best currently on Broadway. I haven't seen them all because I don't care to, but I have seen about 75% or more of those currently running (some multiple times) and I still think ASU is highly entertaining and one of the best.

If we all liked and praised all of the same things, it would not only be a dull Broadway, dull world; but a very dull message board.

BluCat500 Profile Photo
#19re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/5/05 at 2:41am

Was the show enjoyable from the $20 balcony seats?...I've been pondering them...

So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.~Office Space

My Name in Lights
#20re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/5/05 at 3:59am

I originally saw the show from the front mezzanine seats. They are perfect in my opinion. However, there haven't been any discounts run lately for them. I have since seen the show four more times from the balcony. As long as you are not in the 1st or second row of the balcony, near the center, you can see fine. The center of the balcony juts out a bit and causes a slight obstruction. However, the last time I went to see the show, the front rows of the balcony were no longer $19.55 anyway. They are now $39.00 each (still a bargain by Broadway price standards). The only seats that are still $19.55 are the last two rows of the balcony. I suppose this is an indication that ticket sales are up. Last time I checked, I think attendance was at about 82-83%. The only problem with sitting upstairs and off to the side too much is that you can see some of the mechanics/hydraulics used to elevate the scenery and the motorcycle in order to look as though it is moving over roads. From the front mezz. these mechanics are not visible.

However, the scenery is great, and so is the play; for the cheaper price, I still think it is worth it to see it from the balcony. Of course, if you can sit in the front mezz, do it; but you can't beat the balcony prices, especially since you don't have to stand on a "rush" line to get them.

liotte Profile Photo
#21re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/5/05 at 10:48am

I'm seeing ASU tomorrow!

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#22re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/5/05 at 10:54am

Glad you liked it, Born2cthelightsofbway! I agree about the power of the ensemble. They are all so fantastic! And everyone is always so sweet at the stage door.

Have a good time tomorrow, liotte!

Born2cthelightsofbway Profile Photo
#23re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/5/05 at 11:29am

I sat in the fourth row of the balcony, and to be honest, in my opinion it was fine! I actually liked being higher up becasuse I could really see all of the ensemble and look down at them! It was such a great show!

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now, the Music of the Night!!!!!"

#24re: I saw All Shook Up!
Posted: 8/5/05 at 11:56am

I've seen it twice. The first time, my mom won tickets to it, the second was to celebrate me getting my license, both time everyone was there. My dad wants All Shook Up to be the next show that we see as a family, he really wants to see it, he loves the cd.

The only thing that I think is weird, both time either I didn't have time to wait to get autographs or only a few came out to sign. The first time I went it was at night and it was a wednesday( me and my mom student id the matinee for The Producers and met Alan Ruck, he signed my Ferris Bueller dvd), but we didn't wait afterwards like we would cause we would've gotten in late, then the second time we had enough time to stagedoor(since it was the matinee), but it rained. Nevertheless, Jenn came out and signed in the rain, she really is sweet.
"If we don't have it, then it can't malfunction. And if doesn't malfunction, it means everything's working. And if everything's working, it gets a check."
-The Real Ghostbusters
