Question about Ana Gasteyer....

PerforMeg Profile Photo
#0Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:25am

I am prepared for the avalanche of hatred I may recieve for writing this. I am going to try to be as diplomatic as possible because I understand that theatre is entirely subjective.

Do you think, perhaps, that some theatre goers, consciously or unconsciously, hold Ana to a different standard because of where she got her start? In other words do you think people are going into it with low expecations and that is why so many people are so floored by her performance?

I have seen her twice now. I went back today hoping that the last performance I saw had just been an off day for her. I went into it with very high expectations both times. I could elaborate on what I didn't like, but I won't, because I will say it is very clear her heart and soul is invested and that is truly important. And I do believe she gets much stronger as she turns "wicked".

But anyway if she were someone else and hadn't been doing something so radically different with her career in the past, do you all think she would be recieving such accolades?

Given the scathing reviews from the New York Times lately I would be a little scared for her to go to Broadway. I think she should stay in Chicago where she has a good reputation and a nice fan base.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#1re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:27am

She is AMAZING, Mr. Emmy-Rossum-as-Cosette...

#2re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:30am

I agree, she is amazing! First act is a little weak, but definatly is solid all throuhg the scond act. You have never heard No Good Deed as good as how she sings it.

(Martha Graham from a letter to Agnes de Mille) "There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening That is translated through you into action, And because there is only one of you in all time, This expression is unique. If you block it, It will never exist through any other medium And be lost. The world will never have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, Nor how valuable it is, Nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, To keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware Directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, A blessed unrest that keeps us marching And makes us more alive than others."

#3re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:33am

Well, I don't think that "where she got her start" is something to sneeze at. I assume you are referring to her years on Saturday Night Live, where she was consistantly one of the strongest performers on that show, even when the material wasn't up to par.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

PerforMeg Profile Photo
#4re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:45am

I'm not saying where she got her start is not reputable. I said "different" standard, not "lower". We as actors/theatre fans know that it is a very prestigious place to start(or end or be at any point in your career) But Joe Public may not understand that kind of versatility, therefore they do not expect her to hold up in a musical.
Updated On: 8/22/05 at 12:45 AM

#5re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:50am

I dunno, I think "we" theatre people tend to underestimate "Joe Public."

I guess I don't quite understand what you're asking anymore.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

TheBoyfromChi Profile Photo
#6re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:50am

I honestly don't see how people could only enjoy her performance in Wicked because it is a big change from SNL. She's receiving praise and winning fans over because of strong performances. ( I have seen her more times than I'll admit on here)
I guess my point is that people, bigger stars than Ana, have made the switch from tv/movies to theatre many times and haven't always received the best reviews or won audiences over.
Which New York Times article are you talking about? Did they review the Chicago production? I read the last review they did after Rue, Ben and Megan joined, but I haven't read anything else.

"I hope you're all happy, keeping Alan off the team. Couldn't you, for once, open your minds and hearts and hear something that he couldn't see? I, for one, am glad that Alan is blind, so he can't see what, I am so sad to say, you can't hear." -Jerri Blank

PerforMeg Profile Photo
#7re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:54am

I meant reviews in general, for many things, have seemed very harsh in the past couple of seasons-but maybe that is a reflection of the material.

You raise a good point about actors in the past. Let me say this. I do not think Ana is "Bad". I don't love her in the role but I can definitely see why others do. I was just wondering what people thought about the idea of expectations. It is all a matter of opinion in the end.

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#8re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 2:03am

I agree with you, theatre reviews lately have been especially (and sometimes needlessly) scathing, over-ciritcal, and just plain mean.

Pinguin Profile Photo
#9re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 2:12am

I see what you're trying to get at with Ana, but I think the most you could gain merely from doing something "different" is a vague sense of respect and I'm sure that fact will impress people a little bit, but Ana has major fans because she is very talented and has an amazing voice.

At least that's what I think :0)

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

QueenAnne82 Profile Photo
#10re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 9:51am

I think that sometimes it's harder for Ana to prove herself. I read an interview where she said "sometimes I look out and I see 3,000 skeptical people with thier arms across thier chest waiting for me to pull it off". I think because of SNL, she has had work harder to prove herself both as a theater actress and vocalist. And she's amazing- incredible. True talent. And her SNL skills only strenghten her Elphie performance.

Yes. She certainly is different than the other Elphabas. She plays the young one very very akward, scared and unsure. But then we see her morph into a powerhouse in presence and vocally. And the emotions she brings to things like "No Good deed" and "for Good" keep the show real and honest... when it could very easily go cheesy.

She has worked hard to win Chicago, and we love her. If NY gives her a chance, we will miss her, but I know they will love her as well.

Everything in this room is *eat*able. Even I'm *eat*able. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies. ~Willy Wonka

It's TRUE! GET A FREE IPOD!!! It's really easy Ask me any questions about it.

I love Ana Gasteyer and Chicago Theater!!!

TheHumanTorch Profile Photo
#11re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 10:50am

yeah i do kind of agree with your point...

Ana is a very very talented person, but as a woman who hasn't come from a theatrical background, she is given certain allowances with it being her first major appearance on stage. I haven't seen her performance so I'm not able to comment further though.

I'm not that GURL Profile Photo
I'm not that GURL
#12re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 11:18am

I have to admit the first time I saw her I was one of those skeptical people with their arms across their chest waiting for her to pull it off but I was overwhelmed by her. Having seen 4 different Elphies before I was prepared to be underwhelmed. But her vulnerability as a young and insecure girl in the first act tugged at my heart strings more so then I dare say - Idina - and her burgeoning into a strong powerful woman in act II is unmatched. And don't get my started on those vocals -- amazing. I am a lucky girl to live in the Windy City.

"My father warned me about men and booze, but he never mentioned a word about women and cocaine" - Tallulah Bankhead

TheHumanTorch Profile Photo
#13re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 11:51am

i think that would be part of the issue, that people come in with lowered expectations and then are wowed, with a performer like Idina Menzel (whose performance is still controversial in its level of greatness) you come in with high expectations and then she either wows you (like she did for me) or lets you down

#14re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:17pm

My cousin and I got to see Ana this past Sunday(8/21) because we won the ticket lottery and I have to say that I really like Ana's performance. I do agree with theatreboi11 however, the first have was a little weak, Wizard and I needs some stregthening. No Good Deed, just blew me away it was so well done. She also has the Wicked Witch cackle down pat!

On a side note, she was also super friendly at the stagedoor which is always a bonus :) Yeah Ana, hope to see you on Broadway soon!

#15re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 2:29pm

"She has worked hard to win Chicago, and we love her. If NY gives her a chance, we will miss her, but I know they will love her as well."

Chicago is a very tough theatre town, and most theatre-goers are generally skeptical of "name" performers starring in musicals. For example, when Donny Osmond was starring in Joseph, it was very easy to get tickets...then the reviews came out and word-of-mouth spread and the show ran for three years. Big stars on stage never equals a sell-out, as Lorraine Bracco and the producers of "The Graduate" learned. Denis O'Hare isn't a big name actor (one who would be advertised to the gen. public, anyway) but he received thunderous entrance applause during his run in "Sweet Charity", which if I recall was bigger than what Christina Applegate received.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#16re: Question about Ana Gasteyer....
Posted: 8/22/05 at 2:40pm

Yeah, I saw Anna in July and I wish I could see her again because I was more in "aw" when I saw the show because it was my first time. I thought she did great and the fact that the begining songs (I.E. The Wizard & I) are weaker might be a character choice, considering the fact that she's suppose to be vulnerable.
