
Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...

Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...

ljay889 Profile Photo
#0Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 6:54pm

This case, it's CABARET. The movie.

Have you guys seen this? It's so hilarious. The poster is ridiculously stupid. And people who know sh*t about musicals are posting "ugh cabaret n chicago r da worst musicals."

If you really need a good laugh.. check out..


So amusing. I love stupidity of children of today.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#1re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 6:57pm

If I rant, I'll have a stroke.

His stupidity shines in his second post though.

But I think the movie wasn't as good as the show.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:01pm

Well I rarely think the movies are better than the stage version. I think the Chicago revival is miles and miles better than the movie.
Updated On: 8/26/05 at 07:01 PM

*ClassicVintage* Profile Photo
#3re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:07pm

Suprisingly, I higly disagree with you ljay889, I just saw Chicago in NY, and was very disappointed with casting, the actor's enthusiasm, and several other things-- I prefer the movie any day.

Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck- most of all endurance.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#4re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:07pm

CV - did you see Charlotte and Luba?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#5re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:10pm

I can go on and on why the CHICAGO revival is better than the movie.

But I will save that for another day. You guys don't need to be tortured like that.

Anyway Vintange, can you honestly say the choreography is better in the movie? NOTHING beats Ann Reinking's choreo.

6 Tonys, 5 Drama Desk Awards, 5 Outer Critics Circle Awards, 2 Oliver Awards. re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...

#6re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:13pm

Okay, everyone is entitled to their opinions but... this kid's spelling and grammar ALONE leave him/her open for mockery.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#7re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:15pm

That aggravated and amused me!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

ConvinceMe2 Profile Photo
#8re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:25pm

Are we not allowed to hate CABARET? Just checking.

ConvinceMe2 is dead. Long live BrendanStryker!

#9re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:25pm

GOD! Those ppl are worse than the ppl on here!

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

*ClassicVintage* Profile Photo
#10re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:31pm

ljay889, I fully agree that choreography was originally better, but the performance that I saw was full of no energy, thus making the movie cast (no matter how much easier their choreography) seem like Gods.

And Thenardier, whomever is the cast right now I saw, there was no one absent from the cast that night.

Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck- most of all endurance.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#11re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:41pm

ConvinceMe. Did you not read the poor grammar and spelling by that person?

I made this thread for anyone to have a good laugh from someone who knew nothing about a musical, and TRIED to share their opinion using very poor grammar, spelling, and lack of research.

*Classic - I haven't seen CHICAGO in several months, so I can't say how the ensemble is, because usually when I go I find the ensemble incredible. I will return next month for Brooke Shields.

And you honestly didn't like Charlotte as Roxie? She is considered an amazing Roxie. She's been playing it since 1997, and she usually keeps it very fresh.
I can understand not liking PJ as Amos. He's been playing it, way too long. And is very boring and lifeless in the role. The other Chicago fanatics will also agree with that.
Updated On: 8/26/05 at 07:41 PM

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#12re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:41pm

yes, you're allowed to dislike whatever you want...god knows i didn't enjoy the movie version of cabaret...but there's SUCH a difference between being like yeah, i watched it, and didn't enjoy it, and here's why, and going online and being like d00d this movie ttlly sux dude, and if u like it ur borin and a nazi. what is that? lol.


*ClassicVintage* Profile Photo
#13re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 7:46pm

She was the best person in the whole cast- I thought she was good but not amazing.

I hade threadjack, so I think that the person who posted on IMDB was absolutely ridiculous and gave me a headache.

Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck- most of all endurance.

BroadwayNick Profile Photo
#14re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 8:23pm

I hate the message boards on that site...people who have no idea what they're talking about.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic. --Dave Berry

#15re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 9:50pm

"Are you implaying i am stupid?"

*ulcer attack*

"The cynicism you refer to, I acquired the day I discovered I was different from little boys!~All About Eve

ShuQ Profile Photo
#16re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 9:52pm

Seriously, who wastes their time on those message boards? Is it just a bunch of 13 year olds?

Phantomerik15 Profile Photo
#17re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 9:58pm

go to IMDB's Phantom of the Opera (2004) message board. it's great over there (well, used to be, most of it is dying but there are sometimes during the day where many are spending time there.) go play that, "Ask a stupid Question, Get a stupid Answer" game...some of the answers are pretty funny. also try the "Phantom of the Opera character's answering messages" thread, that's funny.

Back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky. With the white road smoking behind him and his rapier brandished high! Blood-red were the spurs i' the golden noon; wine-red was his velvet coat, when they shot him down on the highway, down like a dog on the highway, and he lay in his blood on the highway, with the bunch of lace at his throat... (The Highwayman. Sung by: Loreena McKennitt)

#18re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/26/05 at 10:09pm

I post on the boards sometimes and it's not just a bunch of 13 year olds posting there, although on occasion there are people who can only "express" their opinion by saying "...sucked...the end". And it did really bother me when someone posted about a certain performer (whose name I won't mention) and said they do not like this performer based on a short audio clip he/she heard of her.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#19re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/27/05 at 8:44am

"1) I didn't TRY to watch it, maybe u should go back to first grade and learn some basic reading.

2) unless ur saying that my whole class and the person that said it was "a huge disappointment" boring, maybe u should take a long look in the mirror and think "am i the boring 1?" because srry u are.
and srry for not finding a whole bunch of men pransing around in womens underwear doing a musical amuzing.

3) Barbie and the nutcracker would be better then this trash.

4)and whats with the "You weren't meant to be on this board anyway." well tell me if im wrong isn't this board ment to be for expressing what u thought about the movie, unless ur some dictator who will have a sissy fit when any1 says something bad about the movie.
maybe u should have a look at ur "great movie" and see how the nazi's were in it because in my opinion u are acting just like 1.

I am intitled to my opinion on this movie and if u dont like it fair enough just dont attack me while doing it!!!!!!! "

Maybe you should go back to first grade and learn how to spell.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#20re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/27/05 at 10:16am

Millie_Dillmount, I hadn't even read the post before you posted those excerpts, but WOW, that's really sad. I don't know how old this poster is, but I probably had better grammar and spelling than that when I was 8.

#21re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/27/05 at 10:38am

The Rent movie board at IMDB has it's ups and downs. Some days there are great topics that are very interesting. But most days, the topics are repeatitive, and everyone gets mad that soemone repeated themselves, the post gets deleted, and three people in one day are accused of being trolls. And if you saw what these trolls wrote...wow. Very, well, I can't describe them. Anyway, like I said, it has it's ups and downs. I like to try the board on a good day.

Edit: Very disturbing message, the one for Cabaret. I don't really know what to say about it. Updated On: 8/27/05 at 10:38 AM

Kimmygonbefamous Profile Photo
#22re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/27/05 at 12:09pm

I found that thread quite "amuzing".

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you." - Maya Angelou

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#23re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/27/05 at 10:57pm

Me tew.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

jasonf Profile Photo
#24re: Funniest IMDB Thread About A Movie Musical...
Posted: 8/28/05 at 12:12am

As an English teacher, I almost had a stroke reading that.

I have to say though, I've never been particularly fond of the movie version of Cabaret. The musical numbers are fantastic, but the rest of the movie actually moves too slowly for my tastes.

I do like the Chicago movie, though.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.
