
Buffy "Once More, With Feeling" musical?

Buffy "Once More, With Feeling" musical?

MissElphie Profile Photo
#0Buffy "Once More, With Feeling" musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 4:38pm

Ok, so this was in my tv guide this weekend:

"Need one more reason to wish you lived in California? How about a live production of 'Once More, With Feeling', the Emmy nominated episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that had the entire cast singing and dancing their way through the Hellmouth"

So, does anyone know anything about this? Is there actually a live production of the show in Cali right now?

Patronus Profile Photo
#1re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 4:41pm

I hadn't heard of it, but a quick google search produced this:

#2re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 4:45pm

*kicks NY*

that was my favorite episode of Buffy in Season 6.

I hope it comes out here, offbway or something.


Jimmcf Profile Photo
#3re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 4:52pm

I believe I read somewhere that they were given a cease and desist letter from 20th Century Fox...

My mother always used to say, "The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana." - Rose Nyland

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#4re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:07pm

I'm a huge BtVS fanatic. I would kill to see this!

Be the change you want in the world....

Patronus Profile Photo
#5re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:09pm

Yeah, legal action is a given on this.

The rights have never been released so it's illegal to perform the material.

If done right though, it could be fun. We should cast the BWW Once More With Feeling. re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#6re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:11pm

I cast Patronus as Spike!

Be the change you want in the world....

Patronus Profile Photo
#7re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:19pm

Thanks! I love Giles songs in the episode, but Spike is such a sexier choice.

I'll cast you as Tara, Hairspraydoll. Mainly because she has the best song for the girls and I want you to show off that voice of yours. re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#8re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:24pm

I wanna be Willow! I can sing somewhat, but MAN Alyson Hannigan can't!

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Patronus Profile Photo
#9re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:25pm

Sorry, JerseyGirl, but if you can sing at all, you don't qualify for Willow. :)

#10re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:27pm

I love Once More With Feeling! Buffy rocks. If I was a girl, I would SO want to be Anya.

"BUNNIES, the're not cut like everybody supposes. They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses! And what with all those carrots? What do they need so good eyesight for anywaaaaay! Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be BUNNEEEEEIS!---or maybe midgets?"

Thats my favorite part. lol
Updated On: 11/6/05 at 05:27 PM

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#11re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:32pm

Damn, a girl can dream. Can't be Buffy, she sleeps with too many boys.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Patronus Profile Photo
#12re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 5:34pm

Okay, you can be Willow - but I warn you, if you sing well you are FIRED. re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#13re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 6:34pm

Oh, Buffy. I want to be cast!

#14re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 7:58pm

That was my favorite epsiode. You're right, Alyson cannot sing. Spike was pretty sexy in that one :)

Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

MissElphie Profile Photo
#15re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 8:05pm

Awww....too bad it was stopped. I'd have loved to see this staged. I've watched the episode about a billion times. To be fair to poor Alyson, she knew she couldn't sing and begged Joss to not make her sing at all, but she still got a couple lines. I love Amber and Anthony in it, though. They are both amazing.

#16re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 8:20pm

Uhhhh, did anyone else see this when they did it at Emerson?

They did it two years ago, it obviously wasn't mainstage, but they still did it.

I just remembered seeing it when I was reading this thread.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#17re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 8:25pm

Well if I'm Tara and Jersey girl is Willow....then we sleep together.

Well PAtronus and Spike are sexy so it fits!

Be the change you want in the world....

#18re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 8:55pm

As much as I love this, the problem with it is the episode is just a vital link in the middle of a long arc. Actually that is one of the reasons the episode was so good and powerful, in that it wasn't a stand alone, but in fact part of a greater picture. But still, unless you are a Buffy fan, the episode is pretty difficult to understand.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#19re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 8:57pm

In a way I think you're kind of right, Urban, although I think it'd still be somewhat enjoyable. Maybe there could be some kind of recap added before the beggining of it.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

#20re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 8:57pm

I love this episode.

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#21re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 9:47pm

Urban you are so right. It really was a fun episode to clear some things up and a huge link in the story forthat season.

Joss Whedon is a genius and it would be fun to have a Buffy Musical.

Be the change you want in the world....

newsieboy23 Profile Photo
#22re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 9:53pm

How funny that i JUST bought this CD about 4 hours ago at Best Buy.

Broadway Bob* Profile Photo
Broadway Bob*
#23re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 11/6/05 at 10:25pm

At a BUFFY convention in Houston TX last April someone asked James Marsters (Spike) if he thought OMWF should go to Broadway. He said if it was expanded, with more back story and a secondary plot thread added, it would be great. He even said he'd love to play Spike in it. I say, DO IT NOW!!!!!!!! Joss could totally expand it into a 2 1/2 hour evening and it would be amazing! Can you imagine - BUFFY ON BROADWAY!!!!! (a slight tear of joy rolls down my cheek at the thought.)

<-- Tevye, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, March 2018

Renthead#1 Profile Photo
#24re: Buffy 'Once More, With Feeling' musical?
Posted: 4/13/06 at 8:17pm

That episode was awesome I love that song walk through the fire I would like to be Xander.

Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall
