Frenchie Davis?

#0Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 2:33am

I just watched Frenchie Davis's performance at Stars in the Alley and i found it completely amazing! she has done the most original version of Seasons of love i have heard. i mean she brought me chills. what a great smooth beautiful belt voice she has. its honestly refreshing! is she moving on from Rent soon? what is she doing? whats the next project?

#1re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 2:34am

I was there.

I hated it.

A wretched actress. I expected more power.

She should stick to what she was doing pre-AI re: Frenchie Davis? Updated On: 12/12/05 at 02:34 AM

#2re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 2:47am

thank you for your negativity. sleep well!

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#3re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 2:47am

that was harsh!!! ouch...i love Frenchie.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#4re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 2:49am

she is very talented. ive been neglecting her too long.

pab Profile Photo
#5re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 2:53am

I think that she has a pretty good voice but I have to agree that she is not a very good actress.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

#6re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 3:00am

yeah i know what you mean. i am basically talking about her voice which is stellar. i mean if we want to be honest about it, there are several bad actresses in bigger roles on broadway. no offense, but since when did so many people become the experts on acting? maybe its just a like and dislike thing.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#7re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 3:04am

The only thing I've ever seen her act in is RENT as Joanne, and I thought she was more than excellent.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#8re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 3:06am

agreed...she is more than excellent...and i think her acting was good.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#9re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 3:23am

I've heard many people say that she's much better off in the SOL soloist role than as Joanne, because she's definitely more of a singer than an actress.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

jimmirae Profile Photo
#10re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 3:54am

She was this hefty woman in the "adult" idiom who auditioned for a TV show and got removed for her sordid past, then she pops up as a "Theater Diva" everywhere? I still got problems with this one. If that be the needs of a Star I can take you to about 200 Church Revivals and show you some real TALENT. She can sing - nothing new, she cannot act - so why should she be so stellar? I see more talent than her every week and the difference is they didn't air their knickers on public telly.

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

#11re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 4:07am

So what are you saying? Bring on the church ladies!

#12re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 6:55am

Her SOL was AMAZING! When I saw RENT she completely stopped the show. She does it completely different than any other vocalist I've heard has.

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#13re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 8:45am

jimmirae, way to rock the boat! Well said!

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
Updated On: 12/12/05 at 08:45 AM

#14re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 10:56am

jimmirae, she didn't 'pop up as a Theatre Diva'. Frenchie was a MT student in college prior to AI. Auditioning for Rent was not something that was out of the blue. She's done a good job as soloist and many people enjoy her Joanne. She also did a very good job with Dreamgirls in L.A. As far as your 'air her knickers on public telly' comment, it helps to be factual, difficult as that may be for you. Ultimately, what is most important is that TPTB at Rent love her.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#15re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 11:25am

I personally do not care for her. I used to be a fan. She did an interview once with after the first time she joined the cast of Rent and before she was going to do Dreamgirls in LA. She made a comment in this interview that made her seem ungracious and arrogant. The comment was regarding American Idol. Word for word, she said, "Anyone with half a brain knows who would have won if I had stayed."

I just didn't understand how she could say that when better vocalists than her have been voted off. If she had remained on AI and she had displayed that kind of arrogance she would have been voted off for sure.

#16re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 11:54am

I'm pretty sure she said that tongue in cheek.

I remember when Ryan interviewed her before her audition ("And I am Telling You") amd she made a comment that she's cute so of course she'll make it...and she can sing. It did not come off as arogant as all.

She is also very nice in person.

She just did not wow me at all.

Rebecca Profile Photo
#17re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 12:15pm

I kinda didn't like her all through American Idol and then I saw Rent and she was the soloist in Seasons and the whole audience about died. She was really really good!

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#18re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 12:23pm

"I'm pretty sure she said that tongue in cheek."

I would hope so but it just doesn't read that way.

#19re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 12:33pm

I've seen/heard her in Rent numerous times. I honestly dont know what the big deal is about her. She is a good soloist, but not amazing. She can belt it out one day and then the next it could be the worst solo ever. People recognize this solo because its the only song from Rent that everyone and their dog knows

She seems bitchy to many who wait for the cast before and after the show. she may come off as that for she is in a rush and doesnt' want to be bombarded by people


#20re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 12:59pm

I think she is "off" more than she is "on." There is only one time I saw her in RENT where she actually nailed the SOL solo. The other three times I've seen her do it it was rather uninspiring. I mean she was fine and everything, just nothing special.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#21re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 1:11pm

Frenchie is very humble in person. And when i saw the Rent movie i wished they had cast Frenchie instead of Tracy.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#22re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 1:36pm

i am not a huge Frenchie fan (and it extends past the "OMG I hate her because she wouldn't sign my Playbill...) I'm pretty sure she's planning to go back to school after Rent...or so says a cast member.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#23re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 1:44pm

Frenchie better than Tracie? To each their own, but in my opinion, Frenchie as Joanne's acting would make Adam look Oscar-worthy in comparison.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#24re: Frenchie Davis?
Posted: 12/12/05 at 1:45pm

Fosse - I agree completely.
