
Review: Joseph... tour, and a question

Review: Joseph... tour, and a question

#0Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 12/20/05 at 9:43pm

I worked the past week for merchandise when the show came through my city, so I saw the performance about seven times in the past five days.

Patrick Cassidy: Personally, at first I was only slightly impressed with his performance. I didn't think he played the part poorly, but it wasn't the best I'd seen either. However, one of the nights Joseph was played by an understudy, and it just wasn't the same. From a theater perspective, the understudy fit the part better as far as looks go, but he just didn't have the stage presence Patrick did. And I'm not talking about the fact that Patrick is ridiculously ripped. He just played the part well, in the performances he was in.

Amy Adams: I thought she was fantastic in this role. It doesn't matter one bit that she's from American Idol -- she nailed it. Perhaps not as well as fans of the original would like, but certainly well enough to satisfy. She had the perfect voice for this role, and I think it was a part well cast.

The Brothers: Hands down, best part of the production. They steal the show completely. Reuben was spot-on with "One More Angel in Heaven" (even though it was played by an understudy for about three or four of the performances), and Simeon brought the house down with his "Those Canaan Days." Judah was also wonderful with "Benjamin Calypso," and I was personally impressed with how well all of them could dance -- especially Benjamin. For anyone who hasn't seen the show yet, when you do, keep your eyes on him. He's the one in the orange hat/turban thing, shorter, long black hair. The actor (Derek Ferguson, who, to put it on record, is a complete sweetheart and I love him dearly) attempts upstaging from time to time during the show, with rather over-the-top background antics, but dear Lord, can that boy dance. If you go to see anything from this production, then go for the brothers.

The Female Ensemble and Jacob/Potiphar: The dancing is wonderful, as well as the singing. Mrs. Potiphar definitely shines in her scene, as well as the waitress in "Those Canaan Days." Jacob/Potiphar plays his roles very well, also. He has the perfect voice, I think, for Potiphar.

The Children's Choir: Actually, the children from my city weren't bad at all. They sat at the sides of the stage for most of the show, and I thought it worked very well when the actors would interact with them during scenes, complaining or asking mimed questions as it might be. Overall, I didn't find them overly distracting or out of place.

The Show: In general, I thought it was very well done, despite a few technical difficulties here and there that brought the energy down some nights. I enjoyed watching it every day, and would very happily tour and sell their merchandise for the rest of the run, until July, without getting sick of it. That's just my opinion, though. The cheerleading scene and the megamix at the end are, in a word, fabulous. I know the modernization doesn't work very well with the story, but the numbers got the crowd into it, and as far as I'm concerned, that's all that counts. As for the other modernizations... clearly just put in for comic affect, which worked well here. The crowd seemed to find them amusing. I actually didn't catch them the first time I saw it, so they weren't too obvious or obnoxious.

All in all, a wonderful and fun production that you should definitely check out, if it comes to your area.

And my question... at the shows, there was a pre-order form people could fill out for a CD of this tour's cast (Patrick Cassidy, Amy Adams, and the rest). The merch guy I worked for said it comes out in about eight weeks, but if anyone happens to know the exact date, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
Updated On: 12/20/05 at 09:43 PM

#1re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 12/21/05 at 1:01am

Really? Jeez, I'm kinda pissed I bought the CD with Donny Osmond on it. I really liked his "Close Every Door" but I don't really like the score at all. I thought I would, but its def. better live. I just dont think i'm the target audience - ha.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#2re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 12/21/05 at 1:04am

oooh cant wait for this!

MLE Profile Photo
#3re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 12/21/05 at 1:06am

Odd for a tour cast to make a CD recording. I'm sure it has a lot to do with Amy Adams. But hey, it's fine by me, I'll probably end up buying a copy myself, she was amazing! :)

#4re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 12/21/05 at 10:52am

A CD of this cast? That makes my day. I loved Amy!

I don't think the world needs another Joseph recording, but that's ok, I'll still buy it.

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#5re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 12/21/05 at 12:23pm

I saw this tour in Chicago, the night Patrick Cassidy was out and Timothy Fitz-gerald was on as Joseph. I thought it was cute, but I thought Amy was really phoning in her performance. Maybe it was just that night, but she looked really bored. The highlight for me was "Those Caanan Days" and the brother who played Simeon. Ran away with it. But it could have just been a weird night...

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

#6re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 4/28/06 at 2:31am

I just saw the show in Indy (last night) & enjoyed it very much! Does anyone know when and why Amy Adams left the cast? I was disappointed not to see her. (I'd also read Marque Lynch - a past Idol semifinalist - was one of the brothers but he wasn't there either.)

I agree with realhorrorshow about Derek Ferguson - love him!! Can't find much about him on the web though, except that he did WWRY Vegas. I'd love to know more about him & follow his future work; if you have any additional info (or photos!) please let me know!

#7re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 4/28/06 at 11:51am

Apparently, the tour CD was recorded using the same backing tracks as all the other recent "Joseph..." recordings, which made it much easier to do.

I saw the production last November in Richmond VA and I didn't think it could hold a candle to the post-Broadway tour about a decade ago (Sam Harris was the lead I saw). This new one was really cheesy.

#8re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 4/28/06 at 2:32pm

Ms. Adams has been out of the show since Salt Lake City (End of March) because of a vocal hemorrage. It is hoped that she will be back by the time the show rolls into Norfolk, Va. on May 9th. I got that info from a tour cast member a few weeks ago.
Updated On: 4/28/06 at 02:32 PM

EVIE Profile Photo
#9re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 4/28/06 at 2:57pm

The CD has been available for sometime now thru footlight records.

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#10re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 4/28/06 at 5:08pm

I saw the tour closing night in Boston. I really enjoyed it, especially since I had never see a live production. (I've done the show and I've had the OCR for as long as I can remember.) My one problem is that there were never 12 brothers. The most that were on stage at once (not counting Joseph) was 9.

Whatever happened to class?

#11re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 4/28/06 at 5:12pm

I heard that the tour is coming to Birmingham, Alabama or some sort of it. I am excited.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#12re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 4/28/06 at 5:19pm

Fabrizio2 ...these are the dates left annouced on this website:

Indianapolis, IN
Murat Theatre

Columbus, OH
Palace Theatre

Norfolk, VA
Chrysler Hall

East Lansing, MI
Wharton Center for the Performing Arts

Denver, CO
Buell Theatre, Denver Center for the Performing Arts

Tempe, AZ
Gammage Auditorium

San Diego, CA
Civic Theatre

Los Angeles, CA
Pantages Theatre


Costa Mesa, CA
Segerstrom Hall, Orange County Performing Arts Center

Omaha, NE
Orpheum Theatre

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#13re: Review: Joseph... tour, and a question
Posted: 4/29/06 at 11:46pm

I would die if the tour came to Birmingham!!!!!!! I would love to see ths show! I was going to travel to New Orleans but since everything there has been canceled I don't have another oppurtunity to see it! Everywhere else is to far away. I hope everything is ok with Amy's voice and she rejoins the cast!! She was the main reson I was going to see it.
