shows on today?

#0shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 8:56am

are shows on today despite weather conditions?


Corine2 Profile Photo
#1re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 9:02am

I hope so. I have a ticket to Doubt.

#2re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 10:29am

All performances will go on as scheduled, according to Mayor Bloomberg.

#3re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 11:00am

As the saying goes: "The show must go on!"

Has anyone ever heard of cancelations due to snow storms?
I can't remember any.

While I'm posting this, and looking out my window, it's scary!

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#4re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 11:19am

It's crazy here in New York!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#5re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 11:20am

It really is crazy here...I'm glad I don't have any show tickets for today.

jv92 Profile Photo
#6re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 2:40pm

2:40 and it's still coming down. Almost 4 hours past the time they said it would stop.

InTheRed Profile Photo
#7re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 5:56pm

For us out-of-towners...

Describe! Describe!
How crazy is it??


BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#8re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 6:02pm

It's not so bad right now, but at its peak, it was huge gusts of wind carrying snow. The whole streets are covered in snow. It was a huge struggle just to get anywhere, cause the snow's so deep and thick. And plenty of delays in all mass transportation.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#9re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 6:10pm

For us out-of-towners...

Describe! Describe!
How crazy is it??

I looked out my window earlier and all I saw was white.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

emo_geek Profile Photo
#10re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 6:12pm

It's Currently: 82° in Cali....though snow sounds fun!!

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

Horton Profile Photo
#11re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 6:29pm

If it is 82° for you SHUT UP, we are freezing our asses off here in NY

emo_geek Profile Photo
#12re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 6:32pm

I would switch!

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

#13re: shows on today?
Posted: 2/12/06 at 9:38pm

Those of us who live in New York, but are originally form Chicago (the city, not the suburbs), don't quite get the big deal. This snow is nothing! Babies!
