Kelli O'Hara's official website

zepka102 Profile Photo
#0Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/17/06 at 11:50pm

hey guys, check it out! Kelli's official site is up and it looks GREAT!

::bust a move::

#1re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 12:13am

That site has two things I hate: Flash and frames.

#2re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 12:18am

YAY! I've been waiting for this! I wish she had a little place where we could email her...

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

#3re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 12:44am

I think it's Beautiful, thanks!

Norbert Leo Butz quotes about John Lithgow: "He's really clumsy. One of the joys in life is to watch a great big huge man totally wipe out backstage. It takes John about three minutes to hit the floor. It's like watching a Great Sequoia falling gracelessly."

FrancisGumm Profile Photo
#4re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 12:45am

some of the captionings for her pictures are adorable! her note is nice too! not many people do that! and im sure the fans on that site must be excited! thanks for the link!

"Beating AIDS and extreme, stupid poverty, this is our moon shot. This is our civil rights struggle, our anti-apartheid movement. This is what the history books will remember our generation for--or blame us for, if we fail."-Bono
Updated On: 2/18/06 at 12:45 AM

Composer9 Profile Photo
#5re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 12:46am

Wow, nice work! It's come a long way. It looks great!

The key to the mystery of a great artist is that for reasons unknown, he will give away his energies and his life just to make sure that one note follows another... and leaves us with the feeling that something is right in the world. ~Leonard Bernstein~

zoran912 Profile Photo
#6re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 4:28am

I'm in the fan photos! YAY!

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#7re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 12:26pm


That made my night!

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

#8re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 12:54pm

I love it! I think it's a beautiful site. She deserves something like this as she is just phenomenal!

only question is, how do we submit fan photos? I don't see any sort of contact info for the site.

What is your dream role?
My dream role would be to be myself. To be performing at the Hollywood Bowl and to have an audience there just to see me, as Stephanie. They are there because they like what I do as a singer, an artist and a person (the last being the most important). I enjoy escaping and portraying other characters, but to be accepted and wanted as yourself... that's amazing! --Stephanie J. Block Just one of the many reasons I admire and respect Stephanie!!

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#9re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 2:17pm

It looks beautiful. Kelli is fantastic. I can't wait to see The Pajama Game!

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#10re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 2:44pm

Haha, I just realized Kelli had one of my recent acting teachers. I wonder what she thought of her. *snicker*

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#11re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 3:15pm

The fan photos are from those that people sent me for the forum back when...

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

#12re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 7:47pm

Sory, musicalsFan, but Flash is here to stay. It can be a wonderful tool when used properly. I've worked on sites where nothing BUT Flash would have suited.

Frames, however, are soooo 90s. There are better, more streamlined ways of dividing up your pages.

ShuQ Profile Photo
#13re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/18/06 at 7:57pm

I don't give a damn about flash or frames...the site looks great. I'm glad we've got one to look @ her beautiful face at all!

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#14re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/19/06 at 6:36pm

I think that the frames work very well - especially since Kelli wanted to incorportae my forum into the rest of the site.

Glad you all enjoy it!

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

kasim Profile Photo
#15re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/19/06 at 9:33pm

werd on the flash and frames .... blah.

the flash on the front is fine, but doesnt really add anything on the inside. If anything use some regular pages with some tiling components, and use AJAX to change hte interdata.


But other than that, very nice. The graphics are cool, and i lvoe the pic. and hte mirroring is nice.

i really wish i could have gotten a pic with her when i saw light in the piazza.

#16re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/19/06 at 9:40pm

"Special skills: sing very high" lol

#17re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/21/06 at 10:23am

Did anyone else notice on Kelli's resume that she appeared on Queer Eye? Has that episode aired yet? If so, when?

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#18re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/21/06 at 11:02am

Great site....and I was pleasantly surprised to see my picture on there lol.

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS.

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#19re: Kelli O'Hara's official website
Posted: 2/21/06 at 11:47am

kasim - I don't know why you are talking as if the person who made the site is reading the boards...

It is what it is. And now she has a great site!

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.
